a fancy one lol
Aqua-why do you hate kids? Rain-*kicks mx leg*
Maybe if its a keyblade that looks like an ordinary key . I doubt grabing your house keys will look like a kingdom key lol
Aqua-*hugs back* Rain- oh god old guy again..
Been thought of already XD
Aqua- sucks to be you then *smiles at beuce*
Aqua- where was your darkness huh? *hugs beuce* there's my little guy
Aqua- they're alright like that *to mx* what's the difference?
Aqua-*walks over to her* sure that would be nice
Aqua-*smells the bacon* *mouth starts to water* Mmm is that bacon?
Aqua- ***** please I was stuck in a dark place for more than 10 years that ain't nothin
Its Rainviii
Choose siel as the server and well were the people on the left/demons so I guess you gotta be the same
Aqua- mustve forgot to get you out. My bad
Well you ruined that for me xD is it now done? Lol Feel safe now lol
Lol..****! Yay!*hugs tight*
Aqua- you bearly do anything anyways
Now I'll think lol means that XD Idk about the videos but some pics look real
they always are. I like the "ding" that SE does lol
Lol its initials Yep