Hm you know I wouldn't rush it if I were you. It's a fantastic game, lots of side-quests and minigames and stuff to do, plus loads of exploring. Why not take it slow and really savour the game? Also is that cheat real?
Sling us a web you're the Spiderman Sling us a web tonight 'Cause we're all in the mood for a hero now And there's evil-doers to fight Poor Peter Parker was pitiful Couldn't have been any shier Mary Jane still wouldn't notice him Even if his hair was on fire But then one day he went to that science lab That mutated spider came down Oh and now Peter crawls over everyone's walls And he's swingin' all over town La la la didy dah La la lily da da dum
Cinderella is my least favourite. She does nothing to help herself or improve her life, she is just a doormat that does anything her abusers want her to. If she hadn't been pretty the prince wouldn't have fallen in love with her and she would have spent forever working for her abusive family. What gets me most is that had Cinderella been ugly she would never been free. Now Pocahontas is and always will be my favourite. Caring, kind, free spirited, morally strong and so brave and courageous that she was willing to give up her own life to bring peace and save the man she loved. A true princess.
Hm I can see most of these but where are Harry Potter and Nausicaa?
Yes, that's the other explanations I was thinking of, however I couldn't find the words/was too lazy to put it as eloquently as you did :) Personally, being a Christian, I do believe in the afterlife. or at least in the immortality of the soul. I do not however, know all the different form or paths this could take. One of the reasons I got to thinking about ghosts so much was that if I believe in going to Heaven after you die, is it such a big leap to think that some souls might be trapped here on Earth?
Hm interesting points. I think one of the things that gets me is that ghosts have been so prevalent in one form or another in so many cultures over so many centuries across the world. Seems far too common to be coincidence, but then there could be another explanation.
Hm first entry, I'm early this time! I have to say I'm kinda proud of this one. Now I'm off school I have the free time to put a lot more work into my entries. This is the first project of mine done completely digitally from the start. I used Pixlr and a mouse to paint it with. Drawing hair with a mouse is not fun o.O Spoiler This is Mal from Inception. I thought she fit the theme really well, a dream within a dream. She is the projection of the main characters subconscious in the film, and being no longer alive as his wife in the real world, lives and breathes elusively and exclusively in his dreams.
I have the same thing. If someone asked me I would say I don't believe in ghosts, but that doesn't stop me being terrified of them, and walking through a creepy old castle at night alone, It would be a lie if I said I wasn't worried about them. Aw and bless my Mom, I asked her what would she do if she saw a ghost. She said 'Well I'd be very worried about the poor thing'. It is kind of sad to think of a soul trapped on Earth, always haunting the same place. I wonder if some of them even realise they are dead?
So I'm working as a young leader at this retreat centre next year. Anyway it's this big old but-not-that-old castle that's built on the remains of an even older castle, that was destroyed during this huge battle in the English Civil War. I've always been a bit sceptical about ghosts. I do believe in an afterlife but for some reason I just thought ghosts were the stuff of kid's stories. Anyway I know there are tons of stories about this place being haunted, and when I was on my interview some of the staff told me about some of there own experiences of hauntings in the castle (If you have been to Alton Towers and have been on the Hex ride you will know one of them already). The team leader said to me that they were probably just trying to creep the newby out but all the same it got me thinking. Does anyone here believe in ghosts or had a paranormal experience?
I remember playing with the Warrior, Thief, Monk and Red Mage. Some advice, don't give the Monk the Nun-chucks, he is waay better barefist. I only found this out right near the end, bad times. Also if you're playing the PSP version, you can play this slider minigame if you hold X and repeatedly tap O while on the ship, you can win loads of money. ah and another little Easter egg, if you go to Elfheim (near the Lv.3 white magic store) and look at the third grave from the right it says "Here Lies Link."
David Bowie owned that film. And Tesla, Yes he is the most awesome, under appreciated genius, crazy-ass mofo who ever lived. And Edison was a right wanker. It's good the world is finally beginning to see this, it's just sad it's so many years after his death.
358 was meh, haven't played coded but all the rest were epic, and I'm eagerly anticipating the new instalment :D
All the aforementioned, especially Birth by Sleep and Dissidia. And then get Loco Roco Do it now!
This is great! I love the foreshortening of the hands, excellently done. When I have the time I'll dig out some of my Old Kingdom Hearts sketches and post them here :)
View attachment 32608 <<<This made me lol I'm going to see this tonight, looking forward to it. Even though I think Andrew is too good looking to be Spiderman, the fact that he is good looking will no doubt will boost my viewing experience :P EDIT: I loved it! So Itt was fantastic. The 3D, the special effect, amazing. Sadly no JJJ, but if they couldn't have JK Simmons better to not have the character at all. He is literally the only person who would be able to play him. Garfield was fantastic. I know I had all these worries about him being too good looking, but he took the part so well, that didn't bother me. In fact he was the epitome of the awkward, gangly, nerdy teen that Peter Parker is supposed to be. But incredibly cute. He was, in a word, Adorkable. I kinda liked how they never outright said the cliche 'With great Power' line', I think the original films overused it so much it would have just been a giant cringe moment. Now the music. It was... good in it's own right. But my gosh, James Horner certainty likes to recycle his themes. He used the Titanic soundtrack, pretty much. Now, fantastic and beautiful as that soundtrack is, it's so iconic to it's own film that hearing it over another is just so jarring, it's downright distracting. I had images of the Titanic pulling away from dock on her Maiden voyage while Spider-Man was supposed to be swinging around, and it was just weird. Overall opinion? Great film all round, I enjoyed it immensly. The 3D was also spectacular, if you have the chance go see it in 3D
Thank's for the links :) Looks like everyone really likes it so far!
Won't be able to join in this one due to lost my voice after prom :) But I just wanted to point out that in the description it first of all says 'MP3's ONLY', and then a line or two later says 'You guys keep ignoring this. NO MP3 FILES. CONVERT YOUR FILES.' Which one is it? Thank you, I thought it was a little confusing is all.
Aside from Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy obviously, I just loved Dark Cloud. Loved it. I didn't just beat it, I smashed it into pieces and ground it into dust. Then burned the dust. I was so addicted to that game. I honestly can't say how many hours I spent on it because the game clock stops after 99 hours.
LoK SPOILERS Or at least my brother did. Either way, what a prediction. Aunt Wu would be so proud.
Put me down for GMT +0 /+1