Hey, Snow. It's great to have you here. I hope I see you around.
How's life?
Haha, exactly. c: Alright, I wish you the best of luck, sir. I will try. :lolface: Have a good one.
Yeah, he's OfficialKHRiku or something like that.
Smart move. That same member posted the exact same thread on KHV. Nah, don't worry about it.
Hey 'sup bro?
Hm, I would most likely let it be. I don't see how it wouldn't be allowed, but if you extra reassurance you can ask Amaury. But to me, I don't...
"Reno? That's a... uh... unique name you got there, pal." Spider-Man rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "I am everyone's favorite wall-crawler, I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man! And I come in peace." He extended his arm out for a handshake. "Sooo, what brings you here? To this arena, I mean. I already know how we all got to this world." ~~~Moka and Friends~~~ "Squall?! Yay! It is you!" (O) Moka ran up to the noticeably taller man, and gave him a hug. "It's been quite sometime, how are you?" She spoke as she backed off from him, while still containing eye contact. Meanwhile, Tsukune stood helplessly by, with his face green with jealousy. But oddly enough, no one took notice.
Yep! Just as long as I'm in one of the teams, I'm happy.
Yeah, I understand. I didn't realize that there would be that many groups, though.
"Don't worry! We're here, and not late at all, whatsoever." Through the doors - that lead into the lobby - bursted out the red-jumpsuited hero, Spider-Man, and his large friend, the Hulk. "So, anything important that we missed?" Spider-Man, as did the Hulk, stopped, looking around the arena's lobby. It had reminded the teenager of his wrestling days... which of course, was before his uncle's death. Silently, Spider-Man held back a tear. ~~Minutes Earlier~~ (O) Moka, Tsukune, and (I) Moka all walked through the arena doors. It was quite obvious that they were tired from the distance they had to travel. The trio stopped, and looked around, while catching their breaths. "I was hoping that we would at least find someone we know here. But by the looks of it, no one we recognize is here..." The usually enthusiastic vampire sighed. Tsukune folded his arms behind his spiky hair. "I'm sure we'll find someone, sooner or later."(O) Moka's face lit up. "Yeah! You are probably right!"
Just wondering, who is all in the group Team America? And are there any teams that are willing to take in anymore members? It's fine if there isn't.
Since I was late, that means that Team Vampire is a no go, right?
Hey. I'm just bored out of my mind. You?
Nice. What games do you want for the 3DS?
I have 6 classes.
What are they?
Like I said to SA; you're lucky. xD Any plans for the summer?
But I believe you guys have more classes during the day, though.
Pretty decent. School is out in about two weeks. Yourself?