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  1. Firekeyblade
    As soon as the last person had landed onto the palm of the great hand, the thing began to plummet at high speeds and all the arch angels morphed into swans and were somehow keeping up with the falling hand. At first June was startled, but amazingly, the descent didn't feel like the worst roller coaster ride she'd ever been on. It actually felt more like an elevator. And just as she was calmly at ease and watching the clouds whoosh by them, Lucifel suddenly appeared and began explaining a few things. A sword had materialized in her hand, her fingers already wrapped around the hilt. It was a surprisingly simple looking sword. No fancy decorations or ornamentations of any kind. Just a plain metal hilt and blade. Switching her gaze from the blade of the sword, June looked slightly up at the ring around the finger where she was standing by. It did look sort of like a lock. A ring shaped like a lock? she tried not to dwell too long on it and just get to "breaking" it. Drawing her right arm back behind her, June readied herself to swing the sword in an upward slice adding her left hand for more strength and support before impact. A sharp clang was heard as she struck it following after another clang from someone else hitting their own finger-ring-lock-thing.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Jun 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Firekeyblade
    Sammy was still remarking at how gorgeous the interior of the train was and also how fast it was too. She could still hardly believe the events that transpired just a few minutes before. Or, the few minutes before, after time stopped. She had suddenly awoken in the dead of night and couldn't seem to find out why. All she knew was that, she was suddenly wide awake and it would be impossible to go back to sleep. Curious, Sammy drew the curtain back a bit and looked out of the bedroom window and to her amazement, saw a great fantastic train parked right in the middle of her suburban neighborhood on the east coast of the United States. It was resting on train tracks that seemed to have suddenly materialized because Sammy was absolutely positive that the street did not have train tracks on it yesterday.

    Shrinking back from the window, Sammy immediately knew she had to come to a decision. Go and investigate the mysterious train and possibly have an adventure, or stay at home where it was safe. She was worried about getting into trouble with her parents. And worried about this journey. What if it was unsafe? What if it was dangerous? It was now or never. She had to decide. Go or stay?

    Taking a breath, Sammy quietly and slowly got out from under her warm, comfortable blankets on her cushy bed and padded along the floor to grab her jacket resting on her drawers. She then put on some socks and quietly walked over to the door of her bedroom. This was it. She was actually going to do it. I'll just go outside and see what it is. That's all. Then I'll come back inside. Taking another breath, she slowly opened the door, trying not to let it squeal and possibly awake her parents. When it was open wide enough for her to pass through, Sammy tiptoed across the floor trying to avoid the floorboards that squealed the most. Having reached the shoe cupboard, Sammy grabbed her trusty sneakers and slipped them on. It was only going to be a short walk in the snow, so there was no need for her cute snowboots. Well....maybe it would be better... Slipping her sneakers off again, Sammy put on her snow boots. Better to be safe than sorry.

    She was about to open her door when she suddenly remembered something she had forgotten. Taking off the boots again, Sammy quietly, but quicker than before, fast walked around the living room trying to look for that object. Smiling in glee, Sammy took it and pocketed it in her jacket. A flashlight. She also of course had her trusty whistle around her neck just like a certain character in a certain recently released animated movie based on a popular children's tv show about digital monsters. Putting on her boots again, Sammy steeled herself for the cold and the consequences of her decision.

    Opening the door, she made sure it wasn't locked and quickly closed it, leaving her warm abode. She approached the train and just as she was getting close enough to touch the cold steel, someone shouted at her. Surprised by the sudden outburst, she looked to her left wide eyed and suddenly frightened by a man with a bushy moustache and glasses. She hated getting into trouble. The feeling of being scolded was unbearable to her and she couldn't help but frown almost wanting to cry.

    It was then the man approached closer and assured her that she wasn't in trouble and that she was invited on board the train. "But...don't I need...something for that?" Indeed she did, replied the man. A ticket. She needed a ticket. Looking down disappointed because she knew she didn't have any such ticket, Sammy stuck her hands into the pockets of her zipped up jacket. To her surprise, in her left pocket, the one that was supposed to have nothing in it(her right one had the flashlight), she felt a piece of paper. Taking it out slowly, she realized it looked just like a ticket. Nearly snatching it from her hand, the man punched it and led her back to the great train. And now here she was. She was offered hot chocolate and she had said a small shy hello to the other children on board, but for the most part she was quiet as she looked outside the great window by her passenger seat. Wondering who else was going to come aboard the Polar Express.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Jun 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Firekeyblade
    June was looking down into the blank expanse of white, straining to see something other than the whiteness, but failing. Everything about this place confused her. Just as she had finally gotten used to the fact that she had passed the "final test" and yes, she did deserve to be in Heaven, she was suddenly ordered to leave this place. For some sort of important missions that only a select few could do. They didn't go into much detail. And they want me to just...hop out of here? I've never even gone skydiving!

    "It's all right. Remember, I'm here. And your fears are illogical if you're already dead. You really have nothing to fear. Just think of it as something fun," assured Raphael. He tried to calm the girl's nerves as he did sort of understand that the sensation of falling was an ingrained fear in humans. Even if they had already passed on to the next life.

    "Um...right...thanks....Raphael....good to know that you' with me," replied June, unsure of how to take the angel's "advice". But now she was just stalling, and the thought of having people wait for her specifically annoyed and worried her. She would not be the last one to hold everyone up. Whatever this special mission was, she would try her best to fulfill her duty. Here goes. Taking a breath, June steadied herself and leaped into the mist.

    After a few seconds of a screamless freefall, she landed surprisingly on her two feet, crouched close to the palm of the hand that seemed to be the main checkpoint that everyone was to gather at. Taking multiple gulps of air(or lack thereof) she slowly stood back up and walked over to the nearest finger to grab a hold of and steady herself. The floating platform/hand had suddenly appeared out of the fog and surprised her. Having calmed herself down, she looked around herself and saw that there were 4 others with their respective angels and that they seemed to be below the previous layer of mist but above another layer of clouds and more mist. Oh I guess it wasn't that great of a drop either...I was freaking out for no reason.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Jun 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Firekeyblade
    Oh that's too bad, laria. I don't think I've ever seen you RP before and it would've been guess?) to RP with you.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Jun 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Firekeyblade
    Mini Wheats aren't bad. And I can't properly eat cereal without milk.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, May 30, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Firekeyblade


    It was hot as always. Everyday it was hot. To an foreigner not used to the heat, they wouldn't survive past the second day. But for the residents of the City Within the Sands, they were born and raised in the heat. It was as natural to them as gravity. The cold that came at night wasn't all that bad. It was actually quite refreshing and if anything work heavy needed to be done, the people would tend to do them at night preferably with a bright moon lighting the night. During the day, most of the people tended to laze around unless absolutely necessary. It was too hot to do much of anything. Though of course the important things like market shopping still happened. Most times being under so many sheets to make shady places would alleviate much of the heat.

    Here, in the market was where Angel currently was. "'Go and buy some bread, fruit and honey!' she says. 'We're running out! With the leftover money you can get whatever it is you want!' she says," muttered Angel annoyed under her breath. "As if there'd be anything left that I could even spend," she huffed. The prices of food were rising. They were inflating most likely due to the trying times ahead. As isolated as the City was, not even they were exempt from the news of the new Bloodluster ruler. People were getting nervous. Even humans who were good friends with some Bloodlusters were starting to act differently with them. Trying to win favor. Angel sighed in sadness.

    Having arrived at the designated stall with the lowest prices of fruits, she greeted the Bloodluster seller who had become a family friend. "Hey there. So...this is the lowest price possible?" Angel asked questionably. He affirmed. Well great, at this rate I'll barely be able to even buy a snack for myself. she thought depressingly. Still, supplies were supplies, and the family needed them dearly. After buying all that they needed, Angel was left with barely anything left. And I had wanted to get a new weapon too. This stick that I fashioned out of a dead tree is about to break if I get attacked one more time. she sighed and went on her way. As she approached the inner city gates, Angel readied her weapon. She nodded at the guards to open them for her as she stepped out and headed towards the lot in the distance that was their family home. All that lay between her and home was sand.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, May 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Firekeyblade
    Username: Firekeyblade
    Name: Sammy Feng
    Age: 10
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Long black hair. She wears a long sleeved shirt and spandex pants to sleep during the winter. It's comfortable.
    Personality: She is very quiet but also can be very loud and talkative. She would like to believe she is a clever and smart child. She's not that sure about the existence of Santa Claus, but she does agree that it would be pretty cool if he was real.

    Whoops. “Believe” I did read the rules, and planned to put it in there at some point.....but then I forgot. Sorry about that. XD
    Post by: Firekeyblade, May 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Firekeyblade
    Exhaling in relief, Feng slowly put her shirt back on over her head, too worried about being killed by a manic than being embarrassed at having been exposed so much of her skin in public. Of course she was wearing something to cover her lady parts, but regardless, this had to have been a first. After being fully dressed again, she turned back around and tried not to look overly embarrassed by the whole thing. She WAS in immediate danger, and now she was relatively safe. And so was the Princess, her mission. Though from the information she could gleam from the previous conversation between the man and the Princess, it would seem that the Princess had failed in her mission. Feng wondered how she felt. Feng knew that she herself wasn't perfect, but she did tend to complete any assignment given to her. There may be a few mishaps along the way, but she did complete them eventually. If she wasn't close to perfect, she wouldn't be as renowned as she was. Which, when she thought about it, probably wasn't as big of a deal as most made it out to be. She probably wasn't that famous and that was perfectly fine with her.

    Looking back at the man briefly, Feng wondered why he wore that mask. Especially since it was smiling. For the irony maybe? She wasn't sure, and being in the same room as him made her uncomfortable. She also wondered what the Captain of the airship thought of her. After stripping to prove that she wasn't an Earth Kingdom citizen. Pondering more on the matter, it actually surprised Feng that she had even remembered the mark. She had gotten it so long ago and it obviously didn't hurt anymore. It was now just a part of her. She touched where the mark was with her right hand. That day was also a bit of a humiliating day. One morning she was rudely awakened by the male soldiers and dragged half asleep to a holding cell. She kept questioning them as to what was going on, but they merely smirked and laughed at her questions. At one point she was afraid that maybe something wicked was about to happen. Even more so when two grabbed her by the arms and pinned her against a wall so she could not move. After a second, she felt something hot on her left scapular and immediately began to scream and shout in pain. The poker was held for 3 seconds before she was released by them. There were some sleepless nights as that part healed gradually from the burning, but eventually it did and she barely noticed it anymore. After that "initiation" she started to get treated a little better by the men.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, May 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Firekeyblade
    Username: Firekeyblade
    Name: June
    Gender: Female
    Age: [How old your OC looks.] 20 (so close to drinking age. So close.)
    Bio: [Preferably before death.] June was studying to be a something in the medical field in college. She was relatively kind, but also could be cold. She tried to always be the comedian in her circles of friends and she was always willing to help if she was able. Though she wasn't much of a religious person at all, her relatively kind nature managed to let her squeak by into Heaven after she died from a car accident. June isn't completely sure why she managed to enter Heaven as she believes she wasn't necessarily good enough in life, but here she was.
    Personality: She is preferably a pacifist and dislikes fighting. However she is willing to help if she can. Even now, she likes to joke and attempt to make those around her laugh a bit if at nothing else then at her own silliness. Most times though, she can also be very serious and can also seem rather gullible.
    Guardian Angel: Raphael
    Power: Telepathy
    Other: She can be rather forgetful.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, May 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Firekeyblade
    As the man approached closer, Feng backed away slowly, except there was no place to really back away to. She was already at the window so now she had her back completely against the wall. She had to find her proof fast. Her eyes widened and her grin stayed frozen as it was really an excuse to grit her teeth in fright. She did NOT want to be some guy's bloody plaything. Though him wearing the mask did make it a bit easier on her. He may be trying to stare daggers at her, but if she couldn't see them, then that was fine with her. Even as he whipped out the sword and pointed it at her neck, she swallowed and closed her eyes taking a breath before completely ignoring the man as she went about her search.

    First off, there was her sword. She was almost positive that not many other places besides the Fire nation had a sword like this. Though that might not be enough. They thought she was from the Earth Kingdom from her clothes, and unfortunately, her real clothes were with her supplies, which were with her rental mount, which was who knows where now.

    But Feng wasn't dumb enough to just rely on something like that. Oh no. She had kept the king's scroll. To look over multiple times. And she always kept it on her. Though she was trying to remember if she had suddenly decided to put it in one of the bags with her supplies. Searching her pockets desperately and even her shirt, trying to remember if there was a hidden pocket or if she decided to be somewhat sleezy and hide things in there. Oh heavens. Oh heavens I can't find it. I can't find it! There's no way they'd just take my word for it!

    Her search having been ended, Feng's face contorted from a look of focus to horror as her eyes widened to a memory. She HAD put it in one of the bags with her supplies. This thing is so clunky, I'm so tired of carrying it on me.....and then she put it in one of the bags. Inhaling sharply she closed her eyes and looked back at the mask. Its smile helped a little. Clearing her throat she tried to speak as she stumbled to explain the situation. "U-um yes....uh...well...I...know I look like this...but..this...this is..actually a...a...disguise. Yes. was sent by the Fire lord look after the Princess...and....uh...I really am telling the truth! I...I' this sword!" she said smiling suddenly as she took her sword with the sheath still on, displaying it to him. Wait, really? Go back and try again. she thought mentally facepalming at herself.

    There had to be some other proof she had that she was really a Fire nation citizen. An esteemed soldier at that. Wait. Feng's eyes widened again to a realization. She did have proof. Almost every single soldier had to go through the process. She wasn't exactly pleased about it, but thankfully it was over quickly. Undoing her shirt, she lifted it above her head, moving the sword if it was still pointed at her neck and turned around. On her left scapular muscle, there was a branded mark of the Fire nation symbol. A designation that she was a soldier. "See?"
    Post by: Firekeyblade, May 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Firekeyblade
    Feng could hardly believe that they had made it aboard. Safe and sound. Relatively unhurt by flying rock. But before she even had time to breathe or say anything, she was escorted to another place on the airship. She had never been on one before and it amazed her that the Fire nation was this advanced and constantly upgrading things. Though as soon as they had landed, the Princess started shouting at the man that she guessed was the captain of the airship. Feng decided it was best to stay quiet until someone asked her a question. She went over to a window and looked out at it. How high up they were! The mountains and landscape of the Earth Kingdom looked so marvelous from this height. Feng only turned back to the commotion behind her when a new person arrived on the ship.

    Immediately, the man made her nervous. He tossed his swords down and she noticed that they were completely red. Her mouth gaped open at the sight and even more at his tale. He killed the earth king? Easily? For the rest of the conversation, Feng looked at whoever was talking which was mainly the Princess and the masked individual. When she took off his mask, Feng couldn't help but sneak a look before quickly looking away and pretending to be busy with something. Even more so when he looked at her about his identity. Blushing in embarrassment, Feng pretended that she hadn't seen anything and was instead focused on attempting to fix her hair through her reflection on the glass. Soon enough though, the Princess remarked she was tired and demanded to be escorted to a room. As soon as she left, Feng awkwardly turned back around and faced the masked man while the captain was gone.

    Slowly the sides of her mouth curled upward in a nervous grin, not quite matching his mask. When the captain walked back into the room, the grin arched higher as her eyes darted from the man to the captain and back. Here would come the explaining. Feng hoped that she still had her documents and proof with her and that they weren't with the rest of her supplies on her runaway rental ostrich horse. I've got to have them with me. I mean, I kept them with me at all times right?
    Post by: Firekeyblade, May 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Firekeyblade
    Jesus I ramble too much. Anyway here you are Myst. Now stop being so sad.

    Name: Angel
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Appearance: Black hair tied in a low ponytail. She tends to wear a light shawl around her as the beating sun takes a toll on a person. Though because she is more used to the heat, she gets cold fairly easily in less hot environments forcing her to wear a thicker wool cloak. Her trousers are a little torn from some scuffles with creatures from the sands while travelling sometimes, and she has some very sturdy sandles because of all the sand. She also has a pair of goggles on her head at all times in the event of a sandstorm and the need to see. In addition to her shawl, she's got a scarf to protect her face and nose.
    ~Location~ Still in the City of Sands
    Personality: Cautious and observant. She can be kind, but make one wrong move and you're in dire straits. Having been rooted in one place for such a time, she's unsure about the people from other places and whether she should travel and explore the great world. She would like to believe that all the people in the world are good people, but she's not that naiive or optimistic. Can be pretty apathetic most times. She is shy and because of that nature, she is also quiet. Sometimes she may even put her scarf up to cover her face even if there is no sandstorm.
    Birth Place: City of the Sands
    Experience: Since she could hold something in her hand, she has been trained in some basic combat to get around the desert. You can never have enough hands to help around the house. Water is an especially important resource and attacks by the local wildlife are frequent. Everyone goes to the same watering hole. Because of this, it is imperative to be able to fight off attacks while not spilling a single drop. Also scorpion stings are common to the point that complete immunity is built against the toxin, if not by frequent exposure then by genetic inheritance. Angel is skilled with a lance/polearm/long stick-like weapon. Her skin is rough and smooth from the sand.
    Bio: Angel has stayed at home all these years in a small humble village within the city walls but outside of the actual city as her parents were not rich enough to afford an actual place to live in the city. This was no problem as they lived a quaint and relatively peaceful life. Though they were inside the city walls and the river was relatively close by for gathering water for various uses, it did not mean they were free from the pests of wildlife. Since they were so isolated from the rest of the world, news lagged about happenings on the outside. Because of this, relations between bloodlusters and humans are still relatively cordial in the City. Though that may soon change. As of yet, Angel has no need nor want to explore outside of the city walls. She was not a curious child growing up.
    Weapon: Lance her parents gave to her. It's a family heirloom.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, May 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Firekeyblade
    As more and more earth bender soldiers gathered, Feng was forced to do more and more acrobatic stunts to dodge their attacks and remain for the most part unharmed. She was too busy dodging and jumping around that she didn't have much of a chance to even attack anymore. Man..I hope the fire lord doesn't punish me for that rental ostrich horse...for all the use it had. Grah, it also had a great majority of my supplies on it! Trying hard not to get too distracted by that depressing thought of having lost valuable supplies such as her other clothes and food, Feng was surprised by the appearance of a great airship. Clearly it was for the extraction of the princess, though how the army knew that the first wave of soldiers would abandon the princess, Feng was unclear. Unless it was an extraordinary event of luck. Regardless, it seemed the princess would get her escape. Feng took a moment to glance at the princess to see if she had gotten on. To her surprise and bewilderment, she hadn't. "What're you waiting for?!" she shouted slightly annoyed. Then she shifted her gaze to the beast next to the princess. Oh she wants to save her pet too. How nice.

    In a move befitting a warrior princess, Adena had approached Feng and questioned her identity. She was about to respond, but a huge chunk of rock came flying between them. Feng didn't have much of a chance to explain being too busy deflecting attacks with her sword and hopping around dodging rock formations. It was then that a rain of fire from the airship began pouring down. A few of those blasts had hit relatively close to Feng. "Hey! Friendly fire isn't actually friendly!" she shouted as soon as she got a little more room to breathe as the attacks had taken down a few numbers of the soldiers.

    Suddenly a great blast knocked over a tree that also threatened to squash Feng beneath its great weight. Oh heavens! thought Feng as she somersaulted out of the way wide-eyed at her close encounter with death. Catching her breath from that scare, Feng tried not to yelp as she was suddenly grabbed by the princess on her mount heading towards the hovering ship. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Hey!" shouted Feng as during the process of being pulled up by the surprisingly strong Princess, she was being hit by the rhino as it was running. As soon as Feng saw that they were going to run onto a small ramp onto the floating ship, she started to get a bit nervous. "Now, wait a minute...eek!" started Feng as a chunk of earth came whizzing past them. She turned around and saw more soldiers appearing. Raising her sword, she tried to deflect a few attacks, and just before they made it onto the ship, she turned to the side and noticed a dock in the distance. There were a few large boats there but what seemed a bit curious to her was why some animals were being loaded aboard. But she didn't pay this much mind as she was trying hard to protect the princess and survive. I also need to do some explaining.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, May 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Firekeyblade
    "You're really going to start asking questions in an emergency situation like this?" asked Feng with a smile as she briefly glanced in the Princess' direction. Maybe she'd be able to keep her secret for now. After all, it soon became apparent to her that Princess Adena would have to flee. Immediately. Feng's hope that the Princess hadn't attracted a lot of attention soon faded. Who would be dumb enough not to investigate a lightningstrike in broad daylight? More and more soldiers came, at first confused by her green garb and the many fallen soldiers, but connecting the dots wasn't hard and soon Feng was locked in combat once more. It took a lot of skill to dodge earthbending as well. She was aware that at any moment if she wasn't careful, they could trap her into the earth and that was just horrifying. "I hope you're not still standing there!" Feng shouted with more urgency. Sure it was a great workout after just sitting on an unreliable mount for a few days and hours, and it was also a bit fun as she was challenged by combat, but she knew herself and she also knew the soldiers knew, that she couldn't keep this up forever.

    After a time, it got to be a bit much with multiple people using earthbending against her and all Feng could do was dodge around and take out a few along the way. This was starting to become a dangerous game and she hoped the Princess had been smart about it and taken off away from this area. After all, if her mission was now safe away from here, then she could withdraw from battling too.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, May 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Firekeyblade
    I gave up because all I saw was just the two of you. Page. After page. After page. Interspersed with a few others.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, May 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Firekeyblade

    BIC- Feng had been riding on her rental ostrich horse for a couple days now. The fire lord had gratuitously dropped her off relatively close to where the princess was expected to be. Ba Sing Se. Unfortunately, her ostrich horse had turned into more of a burden than she would've believed initially. The animal would become exhausted after a few hours of walking, forcing her to dismount and walk alongside her new companion for extended periods of time. Many sighs were exhaled on the journey. Finally, when she had gotten to the top of a hill overlooking a valley, she saw a tiny, but noticeable gray line stretching up to the heavens. Oh, it must be the attack! I'm getting closer. Hopefully I'm but a few hours away from Ba Sing Se. Throughout her journey, Feng was disguised in common Earth kingdom garb. She wasn't all that particular about the color green, but she did prefer her traditional red and black. Well, maybe just the red. The black made it a bit unbearable on summer days. Regardless, she'd have to get used to various shades of green for a while.

    Attempting to hurry to the capital, Feng spurred her ride. It seemed the animal also understood the urgency of the situation. Their journey would soon come to an end. I know the princess can probably take care of herself, but what if someone ambushes her? I need to find her quickly. Unfortunately, even if her mount tried to hurry faster, it just tired itself out faster as well as it soon tripped on a rock and collapsed onto the ground. "Oh heavens above! Are you serious? By Sozin, you're useless!" she shouted at the miserable beast. Giving up, she dismounted and angrily strode away leaving the poor thing lying alone. Feng soon gave an exasperated sigh and went back to it. It'd be too cruel to abandon it to the wild. It was also carrying most of her supplies, and there was no way she could carry all of that herself.

    Sighing, she sat down beside the ostrich horse, waiting for it recover while keeping her eyes trained on the plume of smoke. It soon turned darker and became a marked black line rather than a gray one. Fantastic! The attack seems to be getting better! Must be quite a lot of damage they're doing. I still have time. Feng thought as she smiled with relief. She then deemed it having been enough time for rest and coaxed the ostrich horse onto its feet and swiftly mounted it. "All right, let's go!" Instead of forcing it to sprint at full speed like before, Feng allowed it to sort of trot on their way to Ba Sing Se. As they approached nearer and nearer, the line became thicker and thicker before suddenly disappearing. What?! No! That's not supposed to happen! That wasn't the plan! thought Feng panicked as her eyes widened in surprise. What does it mean? The attack has failed? There's no way they'd be able to burn down all of Ba Sing Se so quickly right? It is the capital of earth after all. Also, what a great waste of infrastructure and buildings. We could save resources by leaving most of the city intact. Narrowing her eyes at the now gone marker of the end of her journey, Feng continued on regardless. She had to get to Ba Sing Se.

    Soon, she noticed something strange. A whole platoon and more of Earth Kingdom soldiers scouring the area. Oh no! Keep calm. Keep calm. Act natural. Actually...ask one of them about what happened. Suddenly stiffening herself, Feng tentatively asked a nearby soldier, "Um..excuse me officer, but uh...what's going on?" He replied that the Fire Nation had suddenly attacked Ba Sing Se but luckily with some help from outsiders, they had regained the city and even captured the princess. However the princess then subsequently escaped and now they were all looking for her. He warned Feng that it was probably unsafe to continue on to Ba Sing Se and that the city was in a state of being locked down. "Oh wow. Well. That's...quite the tale you tell...but, uh...I've got to get to the city to at least...check on my relatives. Because I'm worried. About them. What with all that's happened today," replied Feng as she nervously tried to make up an excuse to continue on before smiling in a wide nervous grin at the soldier. He commented that she could try and muttered under his breath that she was kind of weird. Phew. That was close. All right so the princess is...relatively safe. But if she escaped then that means...she...would've headed for the sea...

    Coming to a stop, Feng gave an exasperated sigh and facepalmed. I could've passed her at any moment. And she may even be by the sea now. Frustrated that she had journeyed that long only to need to turn back, Feng held her breath and tried not to scream in rage, when suddenly, she noticed a bright flash somewhat near and somewhat far, followed by a low rumble. Was that lightning in broad daylight?! Huzzah! The princess is near! Sort of... Quickly thanking the soldier, she hurried in the direction. She had hoped the soldiers didn't notice, but unless they had no brains, most of them were heading in about the same direction. "Hey, I'm curious as to what that was," she replied in answer to their questionable glances and glares. This time her mount didn't fail her as they reached the edge of the continent at a cliff overlooking the outstretching ocean with the princess at the very edge, looking out at the sailing Fire Nation boats.

    Having finally seen her safe and sound with her own eyes, Feng's face burst into the greatest smile. Though it soon disappeared as she realized the kind of trouble she and the princess were in. Well, I can't hide and help in secret if she sees me right now., that's quite a lot of soldiers. Slowly dismounting, Feng took her jian from her ride and then kicked it to force it to run away from the fight. She could recover her supplies and mount later. Quickly unsheathing it, Feng dispatched two soldiers nearest to her and made her way around trying to take down as many as she could. She hoped that only a small portion of the search party had noticed Princess Adena's signal, but regardless, the two of them would have to leave the area quickly.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, May 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Firekeyblade
    ▦ Username: Firekeyblade
    Cereal: Lucky Charms
    Facts: Uh....I like Lucky Charms? And...I guess...I can do stuff with the charms? Sort of like Lucky....I guess. I've also been here for a while.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, May 25, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Firekeyblade
    I hope your problems get resolved and that you'll be happy. Without forcing yourself. You always cheer me up almost immediately as soon as I talk to you. I know that I'm not that close to you at all, since I don't know any of the issues you're facing, but I am a bit sad that we don't talk as often anymore. And it's mainly my fault. Take care of yourself.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, May 20, 2012 in forum: Departure Hall
  19. Firekeyblade
    Truth or Dare again?
    Post by: Firekeyblade, May 16, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Firekeyblade
    Lols I knew someone would reference the description on the trope. I wonder if Forte's still around.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, May 15, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone