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  1. Misty
    I am (finally) current on Doctor Who, aside from a few Christmas Specials I skipped along the way. :v spoiler courtesy text spoiler courtesy text spoiler courtesy text

    I love her so much I can't omg

    I mean my love for Rose Tyler was also intense and Doomsday pretty much ruined my emotions but Amy Pond is starting to rival Rose Tyler ;~;

    I have honestly been considering watching through the series again while waiting for the show to start again, might skip an episode here and there (read: anything with Martha >:L) but jldsfbksdfhsdahfgewe how can this show play with its viewers emotions like this
    Thread by: Misty, May 31, 2012, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Misty
    It is not even ****ing summer yet.
    Thread by: Misty, May 29, 2012, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Misty
    Or, by its title, Let's Kill Hitler. courtesy text to hide spoilers hahaha. because when you hover over the thread the spoilers are still visible and all ok

    Ohhhhhhhhhhh my god I can't even
    I mean the last episode with the whole RIVER SONG IS YOUR DAUGHTER THING was just like
    (even though I slightly saw it coming)
    but now sodfhjsanfkndbafbkabiwuaerhjfds
    I mean
    why is river in prison if the doctor didn't die? did she kill someone else??

    and if river and the doctor's timelines are in opposite sync, wouldn't that mean this is the last time the doctor sees River, because this is the first time she sees him?

    (should probably just watch the next episode)

    also omg is the doctor still going to die in utah?? and doesn't this mean that the little astronaut girl IS River? dkjsfsdbfksbdakfabsds
    Thread by: Misty, May 24, 2012, 40 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Misty
    it is your birthday in the superior time zone now (gmt -5)


    (ignore the weird video and the lesbian undertones, this is the only birthday song I have)

    <3 Happy birthday baby.
    your package better arrive today or i will burn down the post office
    Thread by: Misty, May 19, 2012, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Misty
    In a recent issue of Famitsu, they outlined whose idea it was to implement various new elements of Dream Drop Distance's gameplay (three guesses who!), and how these changes were received and implemented by the development team. Nothing really groundbreaking, but still worth a read! Gives you an idea of what we'll see when the game releases (July 20th for EU, 26th for AU, and the 31st for NA). Take a look of a summary below.
    Sources: Famitsu, Andriasang
    Thread by: Misty, May 15, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Misty
    For my English class (and as a graduation requirement), I have to write a research paper. It’s nothing heavy or formal, but my chosen topic is modern-day feminism. To collect some data, I thought I would ask you lovely people some questions!

    Now, because of the nature of the assignment and all the questions are slightly different from males to females. Please be honest and answer preferably without looking at others’ responses! You’re free to leave anything blank.

    Thanks a lot to those who take the time to fill it out!
    Country of Residence:
    How would you define feminism?
    How would you describe a modern-day feminist?
    How do you think society views feminists?
    Would you consider yourself a feminist?
    Do you think there is still a need for feminism in today’s day and age, or do you feel women are treated equally?
    [B]Gender: [/B]
    [B]Country of Residence:[/B]
    [B]How would you define feminism?[/B]
    [B]How would you describe a modern-day feminist?[/B]
    [B]How do you think society views feminists?[/B]
    [B]Would you consider yourself a feminist?[/B]
    [B]Do you think there is still a need for feminism in today’s day and age, or do you feel women are treated equally?[/B][/noparse]

    Country of Residence:
    How would you define feminism?
    How would you describe a modern-day feminist?
    How do you think society views feminists?
    Do you think there is still a need for feminism in today’s day and age, or do you feel women are treated equally?
    [B]Gender: [/B]
    [B]Country of Residence:[/B]
    [B]How would you define feminism?[/B]
    [B]How would you describe a modern-day feminist?[/B]
    [B]How do you think society views feminists?[/B]
    [B]Do you think there is still a need for feminism in today’s day and age, or do you feel women are treated equally?[/B][/noparse]
    Thread by: Misty, May 14, 2012, 17 replies, in forum: Discussion
  7. Misty
    And apparently it's this weekend.

    Funny considering I did not audition and got my lines on Friday. :l I hate doing things for friends.
    Thread by: Misty, May 14, 2012, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Misty
    1. Why do they move so slowly omg
    2. Who are all these characters
    3. Right now I'm playing with Dante/Iron Man/Hawkeye
    4. Assists are cool
    5. How do I do really excellent specials
    6. I can't beat Arcade on Very Easy
    7. How do I stop button mashing
    Thread by: Misty, May 12, 2012, 72 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Misty
    Are you guys ready to ROCK THIS BITCH
    Thread by: Misty, May 9, 2012, 37 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Misty
    To be considered "feminine" or "masculine" by the test (according to society's definitions, of course), you have to score above a 5.0 or above. My masculinity score was a 2.8, so we're all good there, but my femininity score was 4.9.

    so... what does that make me. :v To be undifferentiated/in the middle, your scores are supposed to be about equal, lol.
    Thread by: Misty, May 7, 2012, 85 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Misty

    As some of you may have noticed already, we have a new mobile style for the site! The feature came along with our recent upgrade to vBulletin 4.1.11, I spent a little time testing it out and making it look a little less generic, but it's now available for selection. Visiting the site with a mobile browser will likely default you to the mobile style; if not, you can reach it through the dropdown at the bottom of the site. It features a much more touch-friendly interface, less images for faster loading, magnified fonts, and so on.

    Don't like the mobile style? No worries--there's a View Full Site at the very bottom that allows you to browse using whatever style you choose.

    We hope this opens up the site and makes it a little more accessible for those of you not using a standard computer. :] Not all features may be available to those using the mobile style (though a great deal are), so again, it's your choice to use it or not. I should note that the homepage looks a little wonky when using the mobile style, but when our homepage modification updates, that'll hopefully be sorted out.
    Thread by: Misty, May 7, 2012, 19 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  12. Misty


    control yrself, take only what you neeeeeed from it

    Alright KHV, let's talk about children. Some things to consider answering: how do you feel about children folk? Do you find them annoying? Adorable? Would you ever consider having any of your own? How do you feel about adopting?

    I await your responses with bated breath.
    Thread by: Misty, May 6, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: Discussion
  13. Misty

    I need games.

    Okay guys, my friend gave me a $30 Gamestop gift card and since it's not technically my money, I can feel a lot better about spending it! So, I would like to buy a game or two, and I am turning to y'all for a recommendation.

    What I want is something I'll be able to play online with you guys because right now all I play online is SoulCalibur IV, which apparently no one but libre has. :C

    For the record, I have a PS3 (and a headset, if that's relevant). I do like SoulCalibur so a fighting game might be nice, I've honestly never felt the temptation to play a FPS and don't think I ever will so I would stray away from those, unless playing them online is exceptionally fun. Otherwise I tend to favor RPGs. I'm awful at video games as well, so something idiot friendly would be nice.

    thnx bbys.
    Thread by: Misty, May 6, 2012, 62 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Misty
    First of all that is MEGA-DISORGANIZED, every major OS sets up folders for you. use them.
    and it looks ugly

    Secondly, I agreed to try and get the files from my friend's fried laptop (like that alliteration?). I went through a bit of a headache with file permissions and actually accessing the hard drive (had to hook it up to my computer using a SATA to USB device, and then go in with elevated permissions in Ubuntu to copy the files to my hard drive. still have to take ownership of them though). Once I got over that I was copying the files over and everything was good. I thought I was done and decided to just make sure there was nothing saved to the Desktop.

    There was.


    disfafhsiadbfdhbfsa kjsbvasietuhwaeerio why
    Thread by: Misty, May 3, 2012, 60 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Misty
    When you've entered something in the reply box is making me realize how often I type out a post and choose not to submit it. :v
    Thread by: Misty, May 1, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Misty
    Hey everyone! As you may have noticed, we closed down the site today, lasting from around 1:15PM to 6:30PM (EST). This was to update our vBulletin software from version 4.1.3 to 4.1.11. The upgrade seems to have gone smoothly, and we're now back!

    In terms of what was changed, it's nothing that you all will really notice, with the exception of the new CKEditor. It has a much more expanded functionality than what we were previously using. It may take some time for us all to get accustomed to it and to really learn all of the new features, but we hope you guys will embrace the change. Also, the Arcade is back.

    As with all upgrades, there may be some bugs or issues that we've not yet found or ironed out. Please report any that you find within this thread. When reporting a bug, it would be helpful to include what browser and operating system you are using, a detailed description, and, if necessary, screenshots.
    For any issues related to specific themes/styles, you are free to report them, but please remember that anything other than the KH-Vids 5.0 styles is considered legacy and, therefore, is not priority. That isn't to say that they won't be fixed, especially if they greatly impact usability. If you are experiencing major troubles with older styles, the 5.0 ones are likely much more stable and will be updated first.

    We're sorry we were out for so long and thank you guys for your patience!

    Known Bugs/Issues:
    • Bug #1: Reputation gems are all smushed together.
      • Fixed On: KH-Vids 5.0 Lite, Lite (Fluid), Dark, Dark (Fluid)
    • Bug #2: Reputation gems are offset two pixels to the right.
      • Fixed On: KH-Vids 5.0 Lite, Lite (Fluid), Dark, Dark (Fluid)
    • Bug #3: Post templates are... weird. Happening on Safari only.
      • Fixed On: KH-Vids 5.0 Dark, Dark (Fluid), Lite, Lite (Fluid), KHV4.0 Final Mix, khv4.0v2, Nobodies Reprieve, Isn't it Pretty? for DESKTOP ONLY, no fix yet for iOS.
    • Bug #4: The CKEditor is blinding me (dark styles only).
    • Bug #5: Search results have a white background (dark styles only).
      • Fixed On: KH-Vids 5.0 Dark, Dark (Fluid)
    • Bug #6: When you try to log in, an error message appears saying 'Invalid Redirect URL'.
      • Fixed On: Non-style related, fixed globally.
    • Bug #7: KHV4.0 Final Mix has some serious overlap issues.
      • Not priority right now, for the time being please switch to one of the KH-Vids 5.0 styles.
    • Bug #8: When hovering on a popup cell, the text color is off.
      • Fixed On: KH-Vids 5.0 Dark, Dark (Fluid), Lite, Lite (Fluid)
    • Bug #9: Excessive margin on notification dropdown.
      • Fixed On: KH-Vids 5.0 Dark, Dark (Fluid), Lite, Lite (Fluid)
    • Bug #10: Big space above 'New Reply' button.
      • Fixed On: KH-Vids 5.0 Dark, Dark (Fluid), Lite, Lite (Fluid)
    • Bug #11: View conversation page is borked.
      • Fixed On: KH-Vids 5.0 Dark, Dark (Fluid), Lite, Lite (Fluid)
    • Bug #12: Quoted posts have font issues.
    • Bug #13: Pagination on user profiles overlaps with VM headers.
      • Fixed On: KH-Vids 5.0 Dark, Dark (Fluid), Lite, Lite (Fluid)
    • Bug #14: Additional padding needed on VM headers.
      • Fixed On: KH-Vids 5.0 Dark, Dark (Fluid), Lite, Lite (Fluid)
    • Bug #15: Comma separated lists overlap on IE.
    • Bug #16: Rep gems are smushed on the homepage.
      • Fixed On: KH-Vids 5.0 Dark, Dark (Fluid), Lite, Lite (Fluid)
    • Bug #17: Reputation given table is offset to the right by a few pixels.
      • Fixed On: KH-Vids 5.0 Dark, Dark (Fluid), Lite, Lite (Fluid)
    • Bug #18: VM header padding is off.
      • Fixed On: KH-Vids 5.0 Dark, Dark (Fluid), Lite, Lite (Fluid)
    • Bug #19: Notifications dropdown looks a little dodgy.
      • Fixed On: KH-Vids 5.0 Dark, Dark (Fluid), Lite, Lite (Fluid)
    • Bug #20: Mark Forums Read option displays no text.
      • Fixed On: KH-Vids 5.0 Dark, Dark (Fluid), Lite, Lite (Fluid)
    • Bug #21: View Original Post button is placed weirdly.
      • Fixed On: KH-Vids 5.0 Dark, Dark (Fluid), Lite, Lite (Fluid)
    • Bug #22: Dropdown buttons are off (dark only).
    • Bug #23: Footer links aren't colored properly.
    Thread by: Misty, Apr 29, 2012, 98 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  17. Misty
    For those who don't know, we're running an outdated version of vBulletin, the software that powers our forums and, ultimately, our site. We're currently on version 4.1.3--the most recently released is 4.1.12. While no extremely major features or changes have been made in those releases, it's always best to keep up to date! So, we will be upgrading on Sunday, April 29th. We will have to take down the site during this time, which is why we're letting you know in advance. Because it's a rather minor update (nothing on the scale of our upgrade in the summer of 2010, for those who were with us), we are confident that the upgrade will not take too much time.

    Following the upgrade we will have to update some of our modifications to be compatible, as well as iron out any bugs we may encounter, but this should not take too much time either. On this note, we will only be going to 4.1.11 at this time due to modification compatibility, but once fixes and updates are released for them we would like to get 100% current on our version (i.e. go to 4.1.12, or whatever is the newest release at that time). Once we are confident everything is up to snuff, the site will be re-opened. If you encounter any problems or bugs at that time, a thread will be made for you to notify us.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and hope that announcing it in advance will mitigate that.

    Thanks a lot and have a great weekend,
    The KH-Vids.Net Staff
    Thread by: Misty, Apr 27, 2012, 37 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  18. Misty

    Today G4TV posted the very first look at the English release of Dream Drop Distance! They don't really reveal anything (they all take place in battle), but it's a nice reminder that the Europe & NA releases are fast approaching. You can take a look below, or just head over to our gallery. They've also provided a nice summary of the battle system, for those who may not have followed the Japanese release:
    [thumb=125px][/thumb] [thumb=125px][/thumb] [thumb=125px][/thumb]
    [thumb=125px][/thumb] [thumb=125px][/thumb] [thumb=125px][/thumb]
    [thumb=125px][/thumb] [thumb=125px][/thumb] [thumb=125px][/thumb]
    (click any image to enlarge)

    Thread by: Misty, Apr 26, 2012, 24 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Misty
    no. 82
    [voting thread; votes due May 2, 2012]

    For this week, your signature must have something to do with space--some suggestions include using fictional characters that travel through space, space stocks, whatever! If you're unsure of what to use, try posting in our discussion thread. :)

    Happy sigging!


    If you are unsure of how to vote then check out this thread here, anyone is welcome to vote but entrants MUST vote.


    Midnight Star





    Thread by: Misty, Apr 25, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: Competitions
  20. Misty
    poll poll poll
    Thread by: Misty, Apr 24, 2012, 28 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone