Updates and stuff: Last night I booked the flight, hotel, and Celebration VI tickets for Fayt and myself, so now the main challenge is to get our stuff done and approved by August 22nd. Turns out another member already has a wolf on his helmet, so I've decided to put it either on the loincloth or one of the shoulder pieces (probably loincloth though). Shins yes, just haven't printed out those templates yet and I do have boots - this isn't the exact pair I'm using, but I think it's similar. But since it has laces I'll have to get some form of boot armor to cover them...quite hard to find inexpensive, sturdy, non-laced boots in women's sizes. Messed with my helmet last night, did a mockup of the "ears" that I'd like to have on it eventually. Very much inspired from the Koing Wolf, if anyone remembers Zoids. Spoiler: helmet Going for a raised edge on the outside of the ears. Trying out for a 3D look - Front Back: Side: And just for the hell of it, the symbol I made for Fayt's armor (his colors are dark grays and blues). Spoiler I'm going home this weekend and right now it looks like I'll be at my clan leader's house on Sunday to get some real armor done. Biggest challenge of this build will probably be the helmet, so if it doesn't look like I can get it done in time, I'll just go with the standard with a rangefinder and after approval will upgrade it later.
It's Steve Blum, just as always.
You can preorder it from Amazon, though it's just called the Collector's Edition there.
god bless
Hey guys, looks like we're seeing a first for the Kingdom Hearts series in North America - a special edition release of Dream Drop Distance, including: KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance] Game, the seventh entry into the series 12 KINGDOM HEARTS 3D Art Cards with chronicled art from the full series 5 Augmented Reality (AR) Cards that unlock rare Dream Eaters 360° display viewer for in-game Dream Eaters Nintendo 3DS Protector Case specially designed for KINGDOM HEARTS 3D Not only that, but it's actually at an affordable price, listed as $54.99. You can read the full article here, including some pictures of the AR Dream Eaters! Update: This can be preordered on Amazon, under the name Collector's Edition.
It's just a paper template for now purely for sizing, easier to trim down paper than Sintra. But yeah, next step is going to try cardboard, and then when I can meet up with other members again it'll be plastic. Had some time between classes to knock this out. Definitely a better guide to fitting compared to the paper, also helps with an idea of what shape the plates should have once it's plastic. This is probably as much progress I can make on my own for a bit (unless I decide to take a shot at the knee and boot armor) since I have no easy access or ways to manipulate the plastic. Trimmed the chest, collar, and ab plates a bit, but I think the chest still needs a little more done. We'll see.
Did you see the test footage about the crossover they're trying to do with Star Wars? Spoiler [video=youtube;m8rzkCkFIus]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8rzkCkFIus[/video]
are you sure
excuse you
Doing some test fitting and sizing with templates tonight, since my evening class was cancelled. Seems to fit okay so far aside from the chest plates - I'm going to have to trip the sides down a bit I think. But that'll be something to decide once I actually get a flak vest (what the plates will be mounted on) and see how everything looks. I'm going to see if I have any cardboard boxes under my bed and try making some solid plates out of cardboard, but ultimately mine will be made of plastic.
AANG I NEED YOUR GUIDANCE should I write a short fic about how Korra and Naga met because supposedly she's the only one that's ever tamed a polar...
as long as i'm a mandalorian
No problem, glad to help. Let me know if you need this reopened, but for now, question answered; +\LOCKED/+
Comparing it to this It looks like a font called Floridian Script. Just hit download, extract it, and copy it to C:/Windows/Fonts and you should be good to go. :]
I'm looking to do a Korra group, if anyone's interested. Since the halfway mark was just hit today with the first season, it'll probably wrap up by the time summer's here. I'm in Eastern Time (NJ), and provided I don't get a job any day and time works for me. Estimated date would be some time after June 16th.
Back when the Hobbies section was still around, waaay back in 2010, I posted a project about building Mandalorian armor. For those unfamiliar with that or Star Wars in general, think Boba Fett. that is one of my favorite Fett images because that actually happened Anyway. Since the original posting my armor concept has gone through several revisions (and still is), and is very much a work in progress. My current goal is to get it done and approved by the Mandalorian Mercs costume club, meaning I have to meet certain standards set by the club in order to qualify, by August of this year. More specifically in time for Celebration VI in Florida. Both Fayt and I are working towards that goal, so hopefully we'll make it in time. My character is a close-range fighter and will use a concussion rifle for range, then use gauntlet-mounted tekkokagi (wrist claws) for finishing the job. The idea for my kit is a bit of a "wild" feel, right now I'm debating on if I want to keep it human species or go with a nonhuman like a Shistavanen to tie in with that though I'm starting to lean more in the nonhuman direction as it's not commonly done and the creativity will help with passing the application process. Armor concept as of May (quick sketch, nothing fancy): Spoiler: concept The symbol on the left would be used in place of the traditional diamond between the chest plates. And as of yesterday, I'm going to have this somewhere on my armor - probably my helmet, right now thinking about removing the center stripe altogether and having this there instead. Either that or on one of my chest plates or shoulder bells. Spoiler: symbol This is what I had to start with. Spoiler: gear And after a bit of sketching and planning and trips to the fabric store, this is currently what my flightsuit and belt look like (picture was taken at like 2am which is why I am so out of it). Spoiler: flightsuit Meanwhile, I had worked on my blaster - concussion rifle with a bayonet. Spoiler: gun Since the default position of the front pump is forward and can't be pushed back unless the ammo is present, I opened it up and took all of this out... Going along with the close-combat idea, I decided to add a bayonet. Cut it out of a piece of scrap wood and sanded it to give it shape and dulled it, then test taped it to the front pump, which I had unscrewed and flipped around for a base. It stays in a locked position in the back, but it can be extended too. For the claws, I know that they'll be detachable and will be stored in the pockets on the pants of my flightsuit. Chances are I'll be using rare earth magnets to keep them on the gaunts. I also went to the nearby Army/Navy surplus store and picked up a few things. Spoiler: stuff Best part of the trip was getting gloves that were the same color as my flightsuit and actually fit me, and I'm thinking of making the twin pouches into stun/EMP/flash-bang grenade holders. The larger pouch is thinner so I'm thinking of leaving it as is or cutting off the flap (or at least part of it) and making it a knife sheath. And that's what I have so far. This will be updated with pictures when more progress is made.
Some of you may remember a REALLY LONG TIME AGO when I was working on Mandalorian armor...and then eventually some stuff in the clan happened and I dropped out for a while. BUT not anymore That being said, I'm finishing up the design of my helmet tonight and have two possible choices to make. V1 using this design and V2 using this one. This is very roughly what it would look like, respectively. Any feedback would be A+ edit: oh yeah the dark gray is going to be black but it looked really ugly to have solid black on there like that
6:02 remaining, all answered i really love disney not as much as star wars though
http://abyssalchronicles.com/?fn_mode=comments&fn_id=890 No official title yet, but it looks really interesting. I would really like to see a more modern setting for a Tales Of, kind of like how Square jumped from the knight-like settings of FFI-VI to the somewhat futuristic VII. It's a completely new world, and as it stands, price, platform, and release date are TBA, but more information will be announced June 2nd at the Tales of Festival. Currently a teaser site is up, but it's password protected, my guess would be until June 2nd.
Bill talked to Bryan and well...looks like I'm making harnesses for Bill, Bryan, and Mike's dogs. skgjk;fdjlfg;k