What did you watch when you were little?
Really? Lol My brother (justa little younger than you) was OBSESSED with scooby doo
Demy- you put da lime in da coconut and shake it all up
But you should know that the ghosts are never real. Its always a guy in a mask.
I find your lack of interest in those incredible characters frustrating and displeasing. Vexen- it didn't work. *sneer* I'm a failure.
They are not! They are awesome! Demy- who dat?
Wait... WHAT?!!! You grew UP in the Scooby Doo era! You are the perfect Scooby Doo age!
Ooc- why don't you just adopt zexion, xemnas, or lexaeus? No one ever rpgs as them. Vexen- I'm going to CO too. I'm going to attempt to point out any flaws in Marluxias Plan.
Zoinks!!! Its a g-g-ghost!!!!!
Vexen- don't do that.
My dogs name was Scooby! :P
Eeeew. Wet dog. :P what's your dogs name?
Vexen- I guess it worked... *evil grin* I'm a genius!
Ha. I had a five day spring break. >:P
*machine begins beeping and suddenly everyone passes out* Vexen- *wakes up first* Demy- *wakes up* did it work?
Ah, but you had a longer spring break!
Vexen- IVE DONE IT!!! *turns on machine* now THIS should set the record straight!
Demy- that really hurt, yo! And did you just mess up my hair?
Hey! Its going good. Only 7 days left of school over here.
Vexen- well, Demyx tried to say something smart, but he lacked basic sentence structure. Demy- but I made a point. Vexen- I suppose you did.