Attention all game staff: We will be having a conference this afternoon. Roughly 4:00pm my time (sending this at roughly 6:30am), 1:00pm Sora's...
lol Kay. Disregard my text XD
Jake wants to talk to you about voice acting and possibly story line. Please talk with him about it. :)
Kay, I'm on :)
Hmm.... My first thought would be to give all the money in the world out evenly.... But I am not sure how well that would work out. There are well over 7 billion people on the world, a good portion of them are poor. So I am not sure if it would even out or just screw us all over... Same for if everything in life was free, we would all end up taking more then we need and end up destroying the Earth.... Oh! Idea. Make everybody on Earth kind, smart, charitable, sensible people. Stop the wars and put things the way they should be. Put selfishness behind us. But, since none of this post will ever happen, I would give myself a super computer with infinite storage! :3
That's alright, it is just a game progress info thingy lol. And in that case catch you later lol :)
You need space in your PM box bro lol. And yay! Your visible! :D
This my good friend, Is why I don't garden XD I don't play with fire... (At least not when I can't control it XD)
lol Out of concern dad called a friend of his from the fire department. He told us to spray it with water and turn the soil XD We did that twice,...
I didn't catch on fire (I have already done that with body spray and a lighter, I went all Axel and wielded blue fire XD) my mother's garden did....
I see. Sorry for late responses, Starseeker is dragging me on Skype XD Since we last spoke I got two parrots, I have been doing video game work,...
Its been worse? That don't sound good. Do you wish to talk about what happened? Or is there a risk flaming others? (Though, I would still talk...
lol for the sake of everybody on the cite I guess I can talk to my big sis XD So, anything good happen since we last spoke? Yaknow, since I told...
Okay, that's fine. :) So, seeing the mood you are in at the moment, do you wish to talk to me?
*cough* To Dylon: [IMG] *cough* I see. What is Dylon doing?
I see. I suppose one can assume your cranky because your tired (or at least partly lol) Why you tired? Had to work? XP
lol perhaps I should just start playing final fantasy XD lol Anywho, how are you? :D
OH MY GOD. I JUST SAW FINAL FANTASY THE MOVIE. IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME! The final fantasy series makes so much more sense now! For the longest...
Hey dude, I figured out all the problems we were having. The reason we couldn't open the emulator or view the movie (which by the way wasn't in 11...