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  1. adamboy7
  2. adamboy7
  3. adamboy7
  4. adamboy7
  5. adamboy7
    Profile Post

    Kay, I'm on :)

    Kay, I'm on :)
    Profile Post by adamboy7 for Sora's Apprentice, Apr 29, 2012
  6. adamboy7
    Hmm.... My first thought would be to give all the money in the world out evenly.... But I am not sure how well that would work out. There are well over 7 billion people on the world, a good portion of them are poor. So I am not sure if it would even out or just screw us all over... Same for if everything in life was free, we would all end up taking more then we need and end up destroying the Earth....

    Oh! Idea. Make everybody on Earth kind, smart, charitable, sensible people. Stop the wars and put things the way they should be. Put selfishness behind us.

    But, since none of this post will ever happen, I would give myself a super computer with infinite storage! :3
    Post by: adamboy7, Apr 29, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. adamboy7
  8. adamboy7
  9. adamboy7
  10. adamboy7
  11. adamboy7
  12. adamboy7
  13. adamboy7
  14. adamboy7
  15. adamboy7
  16. adamboy7
  17. adamboy7
  18. adamboy7
  19. adamboy7
  20. adamboy7