Search Results

  1. CaptainMIG
    Gible lvl 45
    Togekiss lvl 45
    Samurott lvl 45
    Typhlosion lvl 45
    Ambipom lvl 45
    Giratina(origin form) lvl 40

    And can you give me a trainer card
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. CaptainMIG
    favorite yuri anime: strawberry panic
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 27, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  3. CaptainMIG
    how can i increase dat i always wonder how get more reputation points
    Thread by: CaptainMIG, Apr 27, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. CaptainMIG
  5. CaptainMIG
    i joined ur group so yea just letting you no
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 26, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  6. CaptainMIG
    my girlfriend texted me and said go on facebook and look up your horoscope. i texted her y but she said just do it. so i went to facebook and look up my horoscope. it said "you will face a powerful enemy". so i pack my orbitars and my two pokemons(swablu and lotad). then i finally meet my very strong enemy, hades. hades kill my swablu but lotad defeated him with a hydro pump. R.I.P swablu, you will be miss.
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 26, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. CaptainMIG
    His father is Ronald McDonald
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 26, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. CaptainMIG
    I wanna be the guy who can have sex with any girl he met up in school. LADIES ;)
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 26, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. CaptainMIG
    just gotten the seven badge and my final rock pokemon getting close to the end.
    pokemon: aggron, nosepass, magcargo, solrock, armaldo, corsola
    HM slave: marshtomp, doduo, makuhita, nincada
    badges: stone, knuckle, dynamo, heat, balance, feather, and mind
    location: Mossdeep city
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. CaptainMIG
    finally gotten all my pokemon to their final form now getting ready to fight two little kid (i mean rape)
    team: aggron, nosepass, magcargo, solrock, armaldo
    HM slave: marshtomp, nincada, makuhita, doduo
    badges: stone, knuckle, dynamo, heat, balance, and feather
    location: lilycove city
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  11. CaptainMIG
    four new pokemons, three new badges my pokemons rock XD
    pokemon: lairon, nosepass, slugma, solrock, anorith
    HM slave: marshtomp, zubat, nincada, makuhita
    badges: stone, knuckle, dynamo, heat, balance, and feather
    location: fortree city
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. CaptainMIG
    so im guessing that pokemon black and white 2 will come to north america in either september through november or next year, and that everyone will get piss that they didn't make a remake of pokemon R/S/E, or at least pokemon gray.
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 20, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  13. CaptainMIG
    Miguel hoping to change the name to mario
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 19, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. CaptainMIG
    at route 117 got a nosepass along with my two new gym badges in my case.
    team: aron, nosepass
    HM slave: marshtomp, makuhita, zubat, nincada
    badges: stone, knuckle, and dynamo
    location: route 117
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 19, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. CaptainMIG
    i'm at dewford town, just catch aron
    team: aron
    HM slave: marshtomp, nincada, makuhita, and zubat
    badges: stone
    location: dewford town
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 18, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. CaptainMIG
    its been 3 days now so just case i have to type it all over again...
    name: Mario
    nickname: The Hard Rock Determinator
    type: rock
    game: pokemon emerald
    team: mudkip
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 17, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. CaptainMIG
    Now let try something different and get me another plate

    name: mario
    nickname: The Hard Rock Determinator
    type: rock
    game: pokemon emerald
    roster: mudkip

    here we go again!!
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. CaptainMIG
    i collected all 8 badges and now im training for the pokemon league.
    team: leavanny, scolipede, crustle, galvantula, larvesta, and durant
    HM slave: dewott, and ducklett
    badges: trio, basic, insect, bolt, quake, jet, freeze, and legend
    location: victory road

    you could of told me before i did all of this but im almost done so please give a day to finish the game so you can update my badge and plate.

    i kill the elite four, N, and ghetsis in a week
    THE END!!!
    now can you please update my badge and plate
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. CaptainMIG
    I just gotten the bolt badge. I am now at the cold storage
    team: swadloon, dwebble, whirlipede, and dewott(HM slave)
    Badges: trio, basic, insect, and bolt
    now let us update

    i got the six badge thanks to my new and evlove pokemons now im in route 7 to fight some trainers
    team: Scolipede, leavanny, crustle, and galvantula
    HM Slave: Dewott
    badges: trio, basic, insect, bolt, quake, and jet
    location: route 7
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 11, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. CaptainMIG
    ok the name is mario

    just gotten the trio badge onward to another gym

    oshawott evolved in dewott

    i got the basic badge and my two bug pokemons. im now in pinwheel forest.
    Team: sewaddle, venipede, and dewott

    got the insect badge. now heading for the desert
    Team: Whirlipede, Swadloon, and Dewoott(HM slave)
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Apr 10, 2012 in forum: The Playground