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  1. Shikou
    My favorite tracks
    Disc 1
    01. Dearly Beloved
    03.Twister -Kingdom Mix-
    04. Traverse in Trance
    07.Calling -Kingdom Mix-
    09.Someday - Kingdom-

    Basically, all remixes of TWEWY songs in Disc 1 :)

    Disc 3
    07. My Heart's Descent
    08. The Eye of Darkness
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 27, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Shikou
    The Ouija Board~<3
    Oh who am I kidding?! I wont go near that thing even if you paid me a 3DS and KH3D O_O
    I loved Clue as mush as you guys do but as a kid I loved this game due to an obsession to a certain show :)
    Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Game
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 26, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  3. Shikou
    I agree with you on that :D
    Profile Post by Shikou for Hayabusa, Apr 24, 2012
  4. Shikou
  5. Shikou
    Before anyone asks, I live in NA not in EU to clear up some confusion.

    I've noticed people got a negative reaction to the game getting released in EU a day early then NA. Someone here said "Just saw this. Why the heck do the UK and Australia get this one before the US? Every other game, they've gotten it after the US. Just curious." (Im not saying who it was because I know this person). There is another person who said "dammit NoA! when did you get so slow? Edit: its not the wait that bothers me, its that NoA are seeming to getting bad at localizing things recently." from here. It's not really NoA's fault :P
    At least it isn't like in the BCL Forums because the EU version of Spirit Camera is getting a little extra content. Im a Mod there and Im asking people not to start any fights because I could sense a fight is going to heat up over some extra content.

    Would you guys give a crap if the EU versions get extra content? What's so specal about NA? Why do we have to get everything first? I could careless if EU gets the game a month before NA. It's just a 11 day difference. It's no big deal. A friend over there (who lives in EU) at the BCL forums had told me localization is horrible there and they are just lucky to have a game localized there.
    What do you guys think?
    Thread by: Shikou, Apr 24, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  6. Shikou
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 24, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  7. Shikou
  8. Shikou
  9. Shikou
  10. Shikou
  11. Shikou
  12. Shikou
    I personally for some reason go for older guys that are at least a year older then me (I sometimes make exceptions) but recently I've been attracted to guys more then 4 years older then me(without knowing that they are in the first place). My limit would be at least 7-10 years older then me (Im 17). In my opinion I think it's ok just as long as you two love each other and everyone is fine with it and wouldn't get butt hurt about it but if for what ever reason everyone is not ok with it and you two love each other then that is a different story.

    What do you guys think? Does age matter in a relationship? Do you limit yourself when it comes to age?
    (btw Im not a girl x_x)
    Thread by: Shikou, Apr 23, 2012, 19 replies, in forum: Discussion
  13. Shikou
    It's actually very good. The characters are college students (sounds familiar?). I like Arata more then Yuki because Arata isn't annoying and actually has a spine. The live action re-imagined Yuno is good too :D
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 23, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Shikou
    "My sisters and I wear our v****a's proudly."
    That part made my night xD
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 23, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  15. Shikou
    I agree, the price for an updated version of an app that is free is a bit high. Hopefully when it reaches in North America it would be lower then $18 because Yen converted into USD is usually more then what it would cost outside Japan so maybe $9?
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  16. Shikou
    I hated PokeDex 3D since the beginning because it lacked the Pokemon from Gens 1-4 but sense this updated version will have all the Pokemon that was ever made (Gen 1-5) including the new ones that will make an appearance in Black and White 2 I am a happy camper :)
    What do you guys think about this updated version?
    I personally wish there was an updated version to "My Pokemon Ranch" too but oh well :/

    From Siliconera
    Screenshots from Serebii
    Thread by: Shikou, Apr 21, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. Shikou
  18. Shikou
    Hunger Games? more like Battle Royale!!! D<
    Lol, just kidding. I liked the movie when I watched it a few weeks back. I can't wait for the sequel :)
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  19. Shikou
    I hope Fatal Frame 2 Deep Crimson Butterfly gets released in NA so I can have some time of distraction or replay all Fatal Frame games x_x. To be honest, I could really care less if they get it 2 weeks before NA. Let them have this release date. We had it before them with other games for a long time. It's only a day difference, it doesn't bother me :)
    Oh wait, there is still THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY to look forward too before KHDDD! :D
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Shikou
    Does it matter that Douglas's actor looks "young" for the character? Just as long as he can act the part Im fine. Doesn't really matter though because he looks old enough anyway :P

    October 26, why are you so far away? ;_;
    Curse you Halloween weekend! D<
    Still going to see it though :)
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 20, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media