Not even once I become a member? By the way, sorry, I must go. i got a beta to do :D Later man! :D
Who? Dead Pool? Or the one requesting the job?
lol Sorry about that XD That metaphorical stab was out of arrogance XD She was my next choice lol.
lol Rienzel? That I didn't see coming lol. But hey, at least I am on the list XD
lol Phyco profiling is a wonderful thing XD lol Can I take a metaphorical stab at it and say it was me till I brought up the finer points? XD
Well, I have come up with a few people it may be. Ventus PSP Aqua, Pipe Down and Listen, Rienzel, and me Just a few posts you said you wouldn't...
I see. May I ask who that one person is?
I am up to negotiation. Just making sure. There are a few people I will not kill. Everybody else if fine, they can kiss their arse goodbye XD
*cracks knuckles* Glad to join bro. As a part of the D.O.O.D.S., do we have the right to reject a job?
Kay, joined XD Or applied I should say. Now I wait lol.
You know what? I will join, for the fun of it. :)
Oh really? How do I join?
lol I know, just sayin' XD
I see. Why did you join the assassin group anyways? lol You don't seem like the type to just go out and kill people lol. I would think religion...
And what if I don't wanna? XD
Brb .
What is it with the repeated "LOL"? XD Running out of things to say?
I see. I am starting to look for clips in kh1 then I will work my way through 2 lol.
I love how Phill cant count XD I am up to Olimpis in kh1.
Not too long, these are just bits and pieces. If anything the main time eater of the transfer will be the number of files lol.