All healed up actually. :) How're you?
Well, I'm gonna go try and get some sleep, night night. :)
wow, how nice XD *claps* (I'mma get offline right now, I'll TTYL)
awh :c That's not good
haha, nice X3 that's a good question.
I know how that feels :c I've got it too, hope you get sleep soon, I know how rough it is to barely go through life.
XD haha, actually, we do have stars, they just didn't show up on camera.
yea, I am. :) I hope you can go to one, they're really great.
and that's all ;.;
really really fun X3
No I don't and ooohhhh~ pwetty :3
Only one other XD I hope I can go
Yea, I'm gonna try to ask around and see if I can do any work for somebody so I can have the money to go to an anime con soon.
she was good XD and cool, I don't have a cam, never been on skype.
Thanks, so do I.
yea, well, Myu was here XD but other than that, nothing.
XD yay, not much, lol, just life.
YES, a hug always helps. XD
I was an idiot and wore my over the knee boots.. they have kitten heels and now I've got blisters on the pads of my feet... >.> and now I can...