I will sign up. You know me, but for those of you who dont, here it goes: Name: Adam Appearence: I am very tall, roughly 6ft 5in. I have braud shoulders, and am strong. Ususlly I just wear jeans and a T-shirt, I dont normally dress to impress unless I am going out. Bed head is normal, my hair is long enough that it gets in my eyes, and I dont have any hats. I have size 15 feet, and because of my size, shoe size, ect, some people actually call me Big Foot. Personality: Very friendly, I tend to be arrogent. I normally speak when spoken to, I think alot, and if I have something on my mind I will most likely rambel on for awhile XD. When angry I get REALLY angry, most likely beacuse I have a verly long fuse. Edit: Oh, and love technology and computers. That should suffice, so RP on?
lol Okay, a torrent is basicly a ziped file, just put into over drive XD it is used for transfereing large amounts of data. Torrents have a bit of...
lol That is fine. I will give you a download link later. You know what a Ziped file is, correct?
lol Sure, later is fine. Just tell me if you have a torrent program lol. This is so I know if I need to add a download to a torrent program lol.
G=#wl#kjxrukw#xr|#nodz#oolz#L#gqd#vnqlo#gdroqzrg#hprv#xr|#hylj#oolz#L#G=#5[VFS#wd#qzrg#vnori#gqln#hkw#rw#vnqdkW#$ood#wd#wvrf#rQ#$hsrQ PCSX2...
lol Yea, it sucks. I suppose we can talk when you have the weekend to stay up lol. Night my good man! :D
lol Yea, when something is a free for all, you can do just about anything XD And Health is about various things. It depends on what year you take...
lol School can be epic, you just have to make it epic! Today I had two substitute teachers. So for my first period class it was a free for all,...
Okay, muchos thankyouis :) I will have to try it in a few days, by reguest of Sora's apprentice I must clear out 25 GB of my hard drive XD Me...
I am wonderful :D Glad you got some sleep :D I was able to rip from my kh2 disc with your video method, and I want to rip from final mix. The...