"ONEE-SAMA!!" Kokoa tightly squeezed Moka. Hearing that she got one wish, Kokoa almost instantly thought of one. "Wait here..." Kokoa walked up to Dearche and gave a slight bow with her head. "I wish for for Moka's rosario to disappear." Kokoa then pointed towards Moka.
Wait! I just got back. Let me Kokoa post.
Oh my. You sure did a lot. c:
Hey! Long time no see. who are you?
Awesome, let's do it. So Kokoa will just "wish" away Moka's Rosario. Also: ---------- Somewhere in 17 is an important Lily part that we'll be...
Seeing that no one would respond to me, I put my earphones back into my ears and turned on my iPod, once more. So... tired... And after that thought I finally fell asleep, hoping that I would not be bothered again.
I know what Kokoa wants her "wish" for. But it would mean no more Outer Moka. I was thinking for her to wish that Moka's Rosario was gone. Then...
Doors use Kitty.
I have yet to play this game. So this seems like a perfect opportunity. c:
Aw... I hope everything gets better for you. Take care~ <3
She can still get through the doggy door. if you have one
I got up instantly; it almost seemed that I was a light sleeper. I pulled out my earphones and rubbed my eyes. "Geez... what was that for?" I sighed, I wanted to be sleeping. OOC: Ohai.
OOC: God: Apollo Sorry, for taking so long. I walked into my room, to see my new roommates and go to bed. "Hey guys, I am Krown. I apologize that I can not stay up and chat, I had a long day, today." And with that I plopped onto my bed. I reached for my iPod and earphones and started to play music, to make me sleep. I was quite comfy.
Do eet .
I have the same birthday as Queen Elizabeth II.
Okay. I am on chapter 14, at the moment. So I am almost there.
On it. Up to which chapter?
Krown Inner Moka AkashiyaOuter Moka AkashiyaKokoa ShuzenL Lawliet Tomoki SakuraiTsukune AonoYoda Reserved Characters Ikaros - Sora no Otoshimono Lily - Mahou Senki Lyrical Nanoha Force
Seems legit. Spoiler
It looks good in high quality. Thanks Mike~