No idea. I know there' s been an insane melodrama about Konami reusing the voices for free while the original contracts said nothing about any hypothetical reuse (because traditionally in Japan, in the case of video games, they don' t have to mention anything specific in the contract to be allowed to reuse the voices as they wish). That melodrama mostly involved Guy Cihi (aka James Sunderland), rousing up fan approbation over Facebook for months, and it ended up with him convincing the whole cast to drop any financial expectations "for the sake of fans". This total mess was the reason Konami decided early on to re-dub the whole thing. Maybe Konami is afraid the families of the deceased SH3 voice actors might pick up Guy Cihi' s idea and try to exploit the contracts vagueness to claim financial rights ? Dunno ... *shrugs* I do know however that whoever dubs Angela in SH2 will also dub Claudia Wolf in SH3 (in the original dubs those two were voiced by the same actress).
??? I meant it was canceled in the HD collection, I' m aware SH4 was released worldwide on PS2. As I said in my second post it turns out they decided to scrap SH4 from the Japanese collection too.
That' s what was anounced at first, but it seems it got canceled everywhere after all. Personally I enjoyed SH4 immensely. I didn' t mind the inventory system because RE got me used to it (I usually play with speed runs in mind from starters anyway), and once you know how to deal with her Eileen isn' t nearly as annoying as she seems to be at first (it took me less than a week to complete the game with a ten stars ranking). The story' s awesome, and the great half-abstract level-design is cleverly used to tell the story, as in the three previous games, so I was very surprised when I found out that many fans hate SH4 with a passion.
I completed SH2 so many times I pretty much know it by heart. The PC version is just as pretty as the HD version so ... thanks but no thanks. However my PC doesn' t want to run SH3, and the PS2 version I finally found after searching one for years is buggy, there' s this one room that crashes my PS2 at a 99% rate, and the game requires the player to enter it twice. Long story short, I only competed it once so I may end up buying the collection, but not at full-retail price. Too bad they didn' t also include SH4 as in Japan, what, do we westerners stink or something ? Oh well, I know that one inside and out too ...
Yes there are towns and sidequests, and yes there are only 2 characters and a bunch of pets. You should download the free demo and see all of that yourself.
The only reason my avy and sig are all shroomy is that Super Mario Bros is the first video game I ever played. I don' t care if the hero is fugly, not badass in the slightest, plain lame, or doesn' t have any decent story as long as the gameplay is rock-solid. I don' t really play Mario games anymore though, I grew tired of them. I' ve gotta admit, even though graphics are not that important to me Mario does raise a red flag in that area : Yoshi' s Island was incredibly pretty for a Snes game, with a really thought-out and neat visual style, then came Super Mario 64 and its bland, generic design. That was understandable, the N64 didn' t exactly have killer 3D capacities, but what' s harder to understand is why Sunchine and Galaxy look just as generic. It' s like they aren' t even trying anymore.
Weird. Have you tried to reach him the other way around (taking the rainbow road from its north entry, near the shop) ? You have to beat the local Dark Aeons first : Spoiler [video=youtube;-SMm-fC7r9E][/video] [video=youtube;JUySwNPbIyQ][/video] [video=youtube;F9FrLniaNVI][/video] [video=youtube;E8TUY7Pm9so][/video] If for some reason your game doesn' t unfold as in those videos and you can' t fight the Dark Aeons then that means you have the normal version of the game, not the international version. If that' s the case then yes, you may very well be screwed, I wouldn' t know. Try finding a normal version walkthrough.
The mother should be telling you her husband is missing or something. Exit the forest (right path), get to the four-way crossroads, follow the upper way. Talk to the husband here and pick the "tell him where his wife is" option. Get back to the mother, talk to her and to her husband. Now her son is missing. Take the rainbow track that starts just above the save point and follow it going north, it should lead to the kid. The only temple that is forever unaccessible at that point is Bevelle (Bahamut), but fortunately you couldn' t possibly miss its sphere (you had to take it to exit the temple, there was no way around it). The others temples are "merely" protected by Dark Aeons (Besaid and Macalania). If those Dark Aeons are way too tough for you, and that for some reason you don' t mind cheating your way through the only tough bosses of that game, then just know that you can summon Yojimbo and give him a million gils, for so much money he' ll one-shot anything.
Fenrir. no combo abilities. and negative combo ability. I think this video is self-explanatory : [video=youtube;JeNBaSzlyV8][/video]
Did they mention Jihl' s job ? Tactician maybe ? Tactic #1 : Code Green. Tactic #2 : Code Blue. No wait, Code Yellow ? If it was Orange that would mean ... *brick' ed*
This might qualify as agoraphobia. I' m nowhere near being a psychotherapist, nor is a short post in a forum nearly enough to make a diagnosis, but this definitely looks like some sort of phobia. The one method that I know is efficient in treating phobias in general (which is mentioned in the wikipedia page that I linked) is actually what you' re doing right know : exposure. That means confronting your fear in increasing small steps. If you find it easier to try to make a friend on the web, or at least to have conversations, then do just that. Once chatting on the web becomes part of your comfort zone that will mean you' re ready for the next step, which is doing the same in real life. You mentioned everyone thinking you' re "a freak and a horrible person", do you actually believe yourself that this is sufficient to wholly describe you accurately ? I suppose not. If you have an awkward history to carry around try to connect with complete strangers, it would be easier. Just so you know, not everyone is out there to hurt you, some people might even surprise you, and you are not defined only by your past, even less by your relatives, people can change. By the way, everyone is a freak, especially on this forum. ^^
I would actually pay to see you trying to pull it off without burning yourself. ^^
To show that teachers (and by extension our parents and us) are not as enslaved to government-approved measures as you make them sound to be. A point I already discussed with you before. I think it' s thanks to the fact that our free speech wasn' t stolen from us. Precisely. What you' re describing here is a cycle. My intention was not to say that compulsory school is not a part of the problem, I wanted to underline that : - Entertainment and advertisement are fundamentally linked to state-approved education. I doubt changing one without changing the other would do us much good. - Leaving education orientation decisions to already molded parents would be exactly the same as leaving the decisions to molded state employees. - Teachers, even if they didn' t have state-approved directions to follow, would still be a product of this cycle and remain a cog in the consumption machine. I don' t see why removing state-approved guidelines would suddenly make their lessons more objective than they already partially are. What to do then ? I wouldn' t blame technology itself, but rather the emergence of planned obsolescence (which left most engineers at the time utterly nauseous). I blame the economists who enforced this aberration. [video=youtube;0bxzU1HFC7Q][/video]
Define higher quality education. Is it an education that will make you wiser ? Or wealthier ? Lessons are only as good as their teacher, whatever program was or wasn' t thrown at them. My parents knew which public schools had the best word-of-mouth success rate (i.e. the best teachers), what ropes to pull to get me there, what options I should pick to land in the "right" classroom, where the best private teachers were if I seemed to need a little extra etc ... Schools, may they be private or public, are industrialized. If we were to remove compulsory school rich parents would just be using their position in the social ladder to school their kids more than they already do. The best teachers would obviously be the priciest, how do I know that, overall, they won' t ask for more than what the state gave them before ? As for the poor parents, well, sucks to be you. No money, no school. What I' m saying here is : wouldn' t a school freed from state-approved programs remain industrialized anyway ? Worse, become even more industrialized ? I barely had any economy lessons in my life (I picked the science road) so I may be missing something or spouting pure idiocy here, but surely compulsory school can' t be the only factor (if it is indeed a factor) to explain the fact that the inequality gap gets broader and broader each passing year, right ? Isn' t it, like, capitalism in a nutshell for you ? Finally, the speech you posted above was uttered by a teacher, I don' t know what he was teaching exactly, but there' s a good chance that his diagnosis of the education system (and he' s far from being the only teacher to make such a diagnosis) was reflected in the lessons he gave. I also hold this to be true, which is why compulsory school is not at the top spot in my "things to blame for our collective sheepishness" list. Kids spend a third of their time sleeping, another third at school ... but what' s the last third ? Entertainment. The thing is, arts are now just as industrialized as any other aspect of our society. That teacher in the video you linked is right, corporations do want us to believe that Coke Vs Pepsi is a subject worth debating. But who' s to blame for us biting ? Compulsory school ? Really ? Isn' t the the omnipresent advertising, and consumer society as a whole, a more obvious target ? That being said, even if I was to remove every form of advertising from public schools, kids would still spend a third of their life right in the middle of a consumption-fest. Fortunately, as the teacher mentioned in the video you linked, we have the immense luck to live in countries where we can say whatever the hell we want to say without fear of being beaten to a bloody pulp for saying it. [video=youtube;-njxKF8CkoU][/video] I don' t believe that art and entertainment are mutually exclusive. Neither are critical thinking and industrialized education. Granted, the two rarely overlay. For instance I consider "The Matrix" to be as much pure entertainment as it is an art piece. Likewise, just take a look at this very forum, there' s a debate corner, and at the same time there are IGN Vs Fanboy, Sony Vs Nintendo spam battles. I hope the internet will remain as untamed as it is right now as long as possible, because although industrialized art won' t do us much good to escape the consumerism society (I agree with Adorno on this) the internet, being less tied to money earning imperatives, can truly be used in a more mind-broadening fashion.
Celtic. There' s also a bit of langue d' oc, langue d' oïl, Franco-Provençal and Frankish (old Germanic) so it' s quite messy.
I can speak French. Regular, slang and drunk. Oh yeah, I' ll go places !
I thought the DS version was easier overall. They did increase the difficulty of a few boss battles, true, but they also decreased the amount of random battles and increased the amount of exp they net. In the Snes version I had a hard time completing some dungeons without using my whole potion and ether stock.
I usually walk as fast as I can. Typing at the same time would force me to walk and type slowly, in the end I would be wasting my time rather than saving it so no, I never do both at the same time. True, and like Noroz said the word is only as derogatory as you make it to be anyway. [video=youtube;LOQTyKlVHQo][/video] *gasping at my monocle* Oh my gosh ! She' s totally disrespecting visually impaired people ! Burn the witch ! Burn it alive !
Yes. That scene he mentions with Sora, Riku, Mickey, Goofy, Donald, Roxas, Aqua, Terra and Ven combining an attack at the Keyblade Graveyard can be glimpsed at the end of the video (at 03:18). It' s pretty quick and blurry though, as much as I peel my eyes I just can' t pinpoint Aqua, Terra nor Ven anywhere. Oh wait, I think I found Aqua : Spoiler