The very same window. Do you see something like: Europe v01.60 (4/10/2001) Console Europe v01.60 (4/10/2001) Console Europe v02.00...
lol Good. Go to the box that says PCSX2 PS2 emulator. Click the Config tab agian, and click on Plugins/Bios selecter. You should have a window...
You are almost to the point of gameplay, so you are doing very well! :D
Quite alright. These settins are for the controlls. You can change these controlls at any time, even in mid gameplay. Do you remember where you...
Tell me when you have the controlls set up or you run into a problem :D
A new window should pop up. On the top there should be three tabs. The second one will say Pad 1. Click Pad 1 and you can set up your controlls....
Wow, you have somehow skiped the setup.... I dunno, default options I guess. Whatever, we will find out in a sec. On the one that says PCSX2 PS2...
Can you take a screen shot for me? If not, thats fine, just tell me what both say. Tell me if one of them has alot of drop boxes.
What does it say? (I already installed it on my computer, so I am doing this from memery, sorry about that)
Mhmmmmmm I assume is a yes lol. Has anything poped up after that? If not, double click the desktop icon the install made.
Indeed it was :D Okay. Have you finished the pcsx2 install? :)
Back, I went out to dinner, aprovimitly five miles away lol. So, did you get anywhere since I left? :D
sorry, got to go, and yes. I will be back :D
yup, the first thing you downloaded :D
Indeed :D Once the installer starts up, click next (it will already have the necesities selected and a desktop shortcut),install, and then a setup...
Fair warning, I am going to have to go soon. So now that you have the installer on your desktop (or whereever you saved it) double click it and...
okay, download this last thing and you have everything you need :D
lol If you speak incryption and you protect all your files, you either have something to hide or are paranoid XD but never mind. Your choice,...
Yes, like that very one. You know what it is, so I assume you are good there aswell! click the first "GET THIS TORRENT" It has a magnet next to...
then you are definitly good. The average playstation ISO takes up about 1.5 GB, and KH2FM takes up about three. Do you a turrent program? :D