Calling all game staff! We are brain storming for ideas about the name of our game! All staff is asked to contribute a name and reasoning why...
I myself think that the Kingdom Hearts series still has a firm stance in the gaming world. The system hopping is a small problem, but really its one I myself can deal with. Besides, it allows you to branch off and become more well rounded with the gaming world. The fillers are nice, they do the obvious job of filling. However Kingdom Hearts Re coded was a bit of a waste in my opinion. Its really just KH1 on a different platform. Nothing was really filled in the story line, it seemed more like a procrastination to me. The game was good, but had very little point in the series. I would think it would make more sense if released after KH3, because it took place when things were safe and bla. I myslef am a loyal fan and will be till the day they close up shop.
Hmm.... I would like something catchy, but nothing good comes to mind. If we just go with The Keyblade War, it would peak intrest seeing as how...
So, here is a question: What are we going to name this game? Your story outs us before the keyblade war, leading up to if I recall correctly...
Ah, yes. Sorry, I am not good with names lol. Sure, I just need to create it as a 3D model :D
Well, I myself don't know what to think of it. If all there is in an evolution (or new form, new form would make more sence) in the new games, then I wouldn't wast my money on it. I guess if there is alot of all new, "OH MY GOD MUST HAVE!!!" game content, I probably wont get it for awhile. Would I take the game if it was sitting right in fromt of me? Hellz yea. However for just little things here and there, I will probably get it a few months after it is dead and avalible used at gamestop. I am glad its on the old system however :D
Terrak is the one who steals the one dude's eye and has light and darkness, correct? (I would just check the pm, but I would have to dig throught...
I also have Nights working on a loading GIF for the obvious loading screens, and yea, not much done, alot in progress lol
Well, the menu screen is this, I havent done anything but resize a picture lol: [IMG] And here is an animatio in the process. The center line...
I am pretty good :D I am workin on making menus and animations :D (I anticipate fail lol)
Uuummm.. Okay? XD Hey, how are you?
lol later man :D
Well...... To do it the... "polite" way, yes, that is necicary. You can do it from the command prompt no passwords...
-Well, I see what you mean, buts its an RP, and I just gave R2 a force emulator..... So I see the problem, but its not really a problem lol. RP on!- R2: Beep! BEEP! (He's awake! HE'S AWAKE!) *zooms off to Obi-Wan* Beep beep! Beep beep! (Master! Master!)
haha! Sopa sucks that way. I am glad they are dead. I still hate them for taking down mega upload though :C lol Sneaky parents. Try 1234...
YAAAAAY!!!!!!!! :D Congrats man! Oh god.... About a year maybe? lol I HAVE IT BACK!!!! :D Did you know photoshop costs several hundread dollers?...
Sweet :D I have no idea why, but I have the random urge to do well on this poster... For three points extra credit on a quiz.... lol I guess its...
I guess you left lol. For when you return, I has question: How does this look? [spoiler] I had do make a poster for french class :/
For the Am\erican release or the Japanese release? I would assume the American camercials wont be for another few months. The Japanese ones will probably be airing soon however, thats my guess anyways.
I have to make a poster for french class. Watcha think? [IMG]