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  1. Graxe
    Seeing how everyone was so into whatever they were doing that they were ignoring him, Yoshimitsu quickly ran out of the room after seeing nothing of interest...that is, until everyone else came. "Where have you all been?" he mildly scolded them as he came over, "I realize that this situation is dire, but priorities must be made. Have any of you even taken a look at the skies as of now? A fleet is coming to burn this city into the Earth. If we are to all stay here to drive out these intruders, which, I must say..." He then turned his katana directly at Scar. "...are some of the most dishonorable opponents I've ever met in my entire life. In comparison to Heihachi Mishima, who once beat his own son to near death and threw him into a volcano afterwards, you are below even him, stray. If we were to all remain here, there would be little any of us could do to prevent or even fight off a second invasion that may be global." Once he saw Yoda rise from the ground, he was somewhat relieved. "Do not overexert yourself, old sage. Remember: 'Flight', too, has its place in battle." Though he said that last sentence without any strange emphasis on "flight" to send a different meaning to the enemy, he was sure that Yoda would understand what he really meant.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Graxe
    Omega and Shinryu were sent to the top of a tall hill overlooking a grand city. As he looked on below, a small tinge of remorse struck his heart (or something close to a heart). Without a word, he moved on.

    Shinryu stared in awe at the sight of the city below. It was marvelous beyond words. He couldn't wait to see how it was like inside. But when he followed Omega in, it was yet another desolate and empty place devoid of life. Unlike Phantom Oerba in the Void, however, this city was very well preserved. The many buildings and houses that appeared to be tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands of years old were built in styles that an archaeologist, architectural enthusiast, or historical scholar would only dream of ever seeing. Even the colors, though clearly aged, were still present on the walls and put some life back into them. It was exactly like walking into the past. But with the way Omega was going, there wasn't going to be any time for sightseeing. The giant crystal palace in the center of the city stood out like a sore thumb and that was obviously where they were headed.

    Far ahead at the steps of the citadel, Omega sat down waited for Shinryu to catch up. "Welcome to the First Ark, Shin. You're the first visitor we've had in over 8,000 years," he noted to himself. "...My god, I'm so old."
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Graxe
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Graxe
    The first thing that came to mind from Droid's post was a Yami flood.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 24, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Graxe
    Just as Yoshimitsu entered the window, he did a 360 and returned outside for a moment. Was that a fleet of warships he saw incoming? Where was everyone else and just what were they doing? Wherever they were, he was probably too far out to reach them in time so he continued on inside to sneak around. Perhaps there was something that he could use to signal them? But as soon as took his first step on the floor, his invisibility wore off. So much for being a ninja...

    Davros did his best to ignore the...noise. The Supreme Dalek, however, already knew what, when, and where Bushy was going to sing and temporarily cut off its sound receivers until the performance had ended. "It is actions such as these which remind me why I decided that all realities must die..." Davros irritatingly commented afterwards.

    Omega, being in a completely different universe, had no idea what was going on in the skies of the other universe and was completely unaffected by it. He sighed heavily and decided to take a nap for the time being. A soft recliner appeared directly behind him the moment he thought of this.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Graxe
    Should I list what I have planned for Davros, the Supreme Dalek, and Omega?

    Honestly, I thought someone else had noticed them and I would've left it to them. On it now.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Graxe
    Davros just has...a lot on his mind...

    Yoshimitsu was supposed to get into a fight with Sebastian at the Jedi Temple. Don't know what else to do with him otherwise.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Graxe


    Soul-Reaping Death God
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Graxe
    Davros noticed the tension in the room. "By the way, do you still remember out little deal?" he spoke to Omega. "How could I forget? In trade of a newly created Hand of Omega, you will free me from my confines in this universe. A rift in time, a black hole, a stray TARDIS, anything would do." "Could you not simply will a TARDIS of your own to escape?" Davros continued to ask upon mention of a TARDIS. "And detonate myself upon materialization?! It is out the question! I seek new life not death! Not to mention a new body will be needed to accompany my-" "Yes, yes, we have gone over this before. I will assure you your freedom along with a new body. There is a man who may possibly aid you in doing so, but whether or not he is able to is yet to be seen. Until then, Time Lord."

    The communications device shut off. Davros and the Supreme Dalek left the warehouse and were on their way back to the hospital. "What should our next move be, Supreme One?" "THE NEWLY CREATED FLEET WILL ARRIVE SHORTLY. UNTIL THEN WE WILL INFORM THE MAN OF THE WHEREABOUTS OF HIS ENEMY AND WHAT HE HAS ACQUIRED. THE INFORMATION WILL BE OF DIRECT IMPORTANCE TO HIM." The Dalek stopped abruptly. It moved its eyestalk towards the skies, staring directly at the Millennium Earl even though he was far out of its sight.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Graxe
    It hurts at first, but as the going gets rough on the pain just melts away.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 22, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Graxe
    The Supreme Dalek had been out of it for several minutes now. "Admit it, Davros. Your creations have failed," Omega said as he grew tired of waiting for the thing.


    "Impossible...!" Davros turned himself to face static filled screen containing Omega. "Well? Is that all a Time Lord has to say about my creations?" Davros remarked back before returning to the Dalek. "What have you seen?"


    "And with this newfound knowledge, what will you do with it?" Davros questioned. The Dalek took a moment to think about it. With nearly all of time flowing in its mind, there was so much that could be done. But then again, it was a Dalek. There's only one thing that it wants and one thing that it needs. "HISTORY WILL BE A PLAYTHING OF THE DALEKS. WE WILL BEND IT INTO A COURSE THAT WILL SOLELY BE IN DALEK FAVOR. A NEW EMPIRE SHALL RISE TO PURGE ALL REALITIES OF THE WEAK, BEGINNING WITH THE DEATH OF OUR GREATEST ENEMY." It then stared at the screen. "DO YOU SEE NOW, OMEGA, THE STRENGTH OF THE DALEK MIND?"


    Yoshimitsu noticed what was happening inside the temple and briefly turned invisible for a moment. Carefully and silently, he sliced through the air like a thrown shuriken through the window and towards Sebastian, hoping to at least get between him and L.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Graxe

    Felt this was relevant.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Graxe
    Somewhere in Japan
    Time revealed itself in its rawest, most complete form to the Supreme Dalek. Everything that ever was or ever will be flooded into the mutant creature's mind. Every incarnation of every Time Lord that existed and every lifeform in the universe was shown to it. Every star and every planet along with how they began and how they will end, there were no limits to what was seen. The many clashes between Soul Edge and Soul Calibur and those involved in the conflicts, the Battle of Canary Wharf and every other alien invasion in the universe, the Keyblade War and the more recent battles for Kingdom Hearts, even to what lies beyond the walls of reality (walls such as the fourth wall and the like). The Supreme Dalek was given a chance to literally see everything and everyone at once.

    And all of this happened in the first second. The Supreme Dalek continued to look into time. It began to shake from the constant flow of information, yet it was determined to obtain it all and keep its mind intact in the process. After thirty seconds, the Dalek was nearing the end of the process. It started to see its own timeline and the ensuing conflict and began to connect everything together. Exactly on the fourty-five second mark, Omega cut off the power to the Schism, dissipating the vortex from the large ring. The Dalek just stood there, motionless and in shock of what it had witnessed. The blue light in its eyestalk had shrunk down to a mere dot. Omega and Davros patiently waited for the Supreme Dalek to recover in order to see if this experiment was a success.

    In the Skies of the Sky City
    After some time had passed, Yoshimitsu saw the Gundams take off in the distance. Something must be coming again, but why so soon? Then he noticed a nearly undisturbed structure in the Sky City that he had passed over many times now and descended towards it. Surely Yoda and L must be there, yes?
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Graxe
    Done and done.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Graxe
    The Supreme Dalek
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Graxe
    Large amounts of static appeared on screen. Every once in a while, the outline of someone flickered through. "What is it, Davros? Why have you called upon me?" the disembodied voice demanded. The Supreme Dalek stared at the being on the screen. "TRACE AMOUNTS OF ANTIMATTER PARTICLES DETECTED FROM THE MACHINE. YOU WILL IDENTIFY." There was a slight pause. "You dare give me orders? I, the one who made the Time Lords what they are today?!"

    "Calm yourselves, both of you. The Doctor is coming and we have little time. Supreme Dalek, this is the Time Lord, Omega." "YOU HAVE ALLIED YOURSELF WITH OUR GREATEST ENEMIES? THE TIME LORDS MUST BE EXTERMINATED!" "Silence! Even if you could reach him, you would not survive for he is antimatter. The universe he is trapped in is of antimatter. You know exactly what coming in contact would do to you." Omega interrupted the small quarrel. "The Doctor...He is still alive after all this time?" Davros directed himself back to the static-filled screen. "Unfortunately so. He has since regenerated several times since you have last seen him, so you may not recognize him." Omega chuckled. "Time Lords will always recognize other Time Lords, regardless of appearance. A different regeneration is no worry for me. Davros, surely there was more than just idle talk that you brought me here for?"

    "Open the Untempered Schism. The Supreme Dalek will look into it and see every event throughout time." "Are you certain that its mind can handle such information?" Before Davros could answer, the Dalek answered for itself. "ACTIVATE THE DEVICE AND I SHALL PROVE TO YOU THE SUPERIORITY OF THE DALEK MIND."

    "...Very well."
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Graxe
    Does this explain the frog that was loose in my house?
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 14, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Graxe
    Updated characters.

    Username: Graxe
    Name: Omega Weapon: Model XIII-1, but just Omega is fine
    Age: Looks around 27, actually ageless
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Medium build, medium-length black hair in a style similar to Raines, fair skin, deep blue-green eyes. Wears something similar to Rosch, but instead of Rosch's coat, Omega wears a slick, black, leather trenchcoat instead. A burned-out Pulse l'Cie brand is clearly shown covering the right side of his face, his eye in place of the brand's eye.
    Personality: Apathetic and serious around strangers, yet very calm even in the most dire situations; Omega only loosens up when around his siblings, his closest friends, or alone. He respects the fal'Cie and takes his Focus very seriously as he places it only second to his family, hence he may change alliances. Easily bored, he finds enjoyment in a good fight, usually against an Eidolon. Avoids talking about his past or his Focus, unless has a certain level of comfortability around the person. Each model of Omega Weapon has a different personality, though some have none at all.
    Weapon: Originally the Masamune, which recently broke, and the Blood Sword, but will soon replace them with his personalized Omega Weapon gunblade.
    Magic Type: High Level Non-Elemental, Spacial/Temporal, Drain
    Special Abilities: A combined Sentinel and Commando, but mainly the latter. His mere presence makes Eidolons hesitate to attack and throw off their accuracy. His brand acts like a power limiter; the more intense it glows, the more power he has access to. Can change his model type, but only has access to Models V, VI, VII, VIII, X, XI, XII, XIII-1, and XIII-2 (replace Shinra's body with Omega's) and can only re-transform again after 24 hours. May only heal through items, the magic of others, draining a person's life, or transforming.
    Other: One of the Pulsian Trinity, the name given to the three personal l'Cie of Pulse, he is known as both “Bringer of the End†and “The Ark to Infinityâ€. Omega has two siblings: Ultima, his younger sister, and Alpha, his older brother. Though it slightly varied, their Focus was the same: eliminate any and all threats to the planet and maintain natural order and balance in the world until the Day of Reckoning. Omega's version of the Focus also showed him the key role he would play on that day. Joined with Jenova to infiltrate and discover their motives to decide if they are a threat to the planet. Considers himself to be a third party in the conflict and only follows his original Focus, which is impossible to complete and will never end. Learned much in his travels across dimensions.

    Username: Graxe
    Name: Has been renamed "Shinryu" by Lindzei, sometimes shortened to Shin
    Age: Looks 15, roughly around 14,400-18,000
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Nearly identical to Hope, with slight differences such as golden eyes, whiter hair, numerous scars on his body from previous battles with Omega in his dragon form, and has a bit more muscle. He starts off wearing an old, torn up t-shirt and worn out shorts and later wears white slacks with a simple gray belt, gray sneakers, a khaki, unzipped hoodie over a long-sleeve, black shirt, and silver gloves.
    Personality: He's very expressionless most of the time mainly because he doesn't know how to show most of his emotions due to him taking dragon form at a very young age.
    Biography: Had his village destroyed by the Undying at age four. Lindzei found and took pity on the child, and took him with her to become her personal l'Cie that directly rivaled the Pulsian Trinity and Pulse himself. He was five when he took the form of the silver Crystal Dragon at the end of his first battle with Omega and was feared by the gods afterwards. He demonstrated his power at the Battle at the Sea of Eden, where he single-handedly annihilated all of the opposing forces there (the fal'Cie Leviathan, the Magus Sisters l'Cie, the entire city of Chronopolis, and the semi-complete supercomputer/artificial fal'Cie FATE), ultimately ending in the biggest time crash in the history of Gran Pulse, hurling the Sea of Eden 14,400 years into the future, and also the greatest loss in history. Effectively ruled the world with fear and destruction for another 10,000 years or so until he was finally defeated by Omega and sealed so deep within the planet that not even Atomos could reach him. Has recently awakened from stasis and freed from being a l'Cie. Travels with Omega unless told otherwise.
    Weapon: The legitimate Dragoon Lance of this world, not the replicas people can buy at weapon shops
    Location of Brand: -
    Magic Type: -
    Eidolon: -
    Other: Retains his skill from when he was a l'Cie. Was memory wiped by Lindzei before he could speak, but he's still able to understand others. Will speak if given time or emotionally driven to. The spirit and mind of the Divine Dragon lies dormant within him and may briefly take over if he finds that the child is lacking in the current situation.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Graxe
    To fill a gap.

    Username: Graxe
    Character of Choice: Omega
    Picture (optional):
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Doctor Who
    Additional Info: Co-founder of Time Lord society and childhood friend of Rassilon, he is a hero among the Time Lords. A great cosmic engineer, he created the Hand of Omega, a powerful stellar manipulator, and brought time travel to the Time Lords along with the power needed to do so. But from doing that, he became trapped inside an antimatter universe, which left him mad with revenge against the Time Lords for not saving him, even if he was revered as a hero. During his time in that universe, his body had corroded away and now only exists through his will alone. Since he's the only person who lives in the antimatter universe, and has a will powerful enough to keep himself alive, he can create almost anything in his universe by willing it into existence. Sending them through to the universe of matter, however, might take some work...and an area in space with a weak dimensional wall (such as the Arc of Infinity, a large black hole, or a major rift in time). Ultimately yearns to return to his native universe and regain his body by any means. He is not knowledgeable about Gallifrey's destruction or any of the events in the Last Great Time War and thus has no real idea who Davros is.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Graxe