Peeta from the Hunger games.
Lol. Your like Peeta. Only Peeta is hot. And your not. :p
If you have a headache go to sleep or take a pill then. I'm good you?
Back what cha doin?
Back whats up?
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
Lol brb for at least 30 mins,
Thanks Brb for at least 30 mins or so. Tell Skk3 I said ttyl!
okay so if i work really really hard i could get 2 parts and post them! I just gotta keep working! :)
Oh... Suck to be you. :p Your welcome. But don't forget. I have no hope in your life. I'm sure you gonna fail all your classes. But cooking...
Why? Did you fail all your classes? Don't forget.. I have no faith in you. XDXDXD
she/he said he can't wait for the next part yesssss
trying to write a good story. Not going well so far. You?
**** **** **** I GOT A COMMENT ON MY STORY AH Should I read it??????!!!
Lol. I know lol. How ya been?
YOU LIED TO ME? DIEEEEEeE!!!!!!!! XDXD I'm way to random. XD
Good, You? And how Japan? XD
I know right? whats up?
Lol it a joke. Lol