van- k (beats the sh#t out mchammer) mc- ah (dies)
some one explain to me what the heck is going on
vanitas- wtf you guys all have kids now at the age of what 18, must find hot girl to bang
vanitas- (back from his trip to mexico and has a mustash on his helmet) hola i mean sup beotchs
whos gold..........................
vanitas- so do i (smashes through wall) that hurt
vanitas- eating pizza with luxord and dr phil dr phil- this is unhealthy im a doctor i know vanitas- well im a sycopath so eat your dam pizza (pulls out knife) luxord- PLAY YOUR GOD DAM CARDS RIGHT (TRADE MARK LINE)
vanitas- whats up beotchs for my new years resolutioon im going to try more harder to take over the world and get a girlfriend
general sheperd- huh another guy with a s in his name i must kill him gangbags seithoroth with his pistal
vanitas- tera ima coming for you and make you eveil agian with the power of th xblade and my swxynes
van- oh shlt didnt see that one comeing spinns around in circle until rimu gets dissy from looking at him and he passes out van- quickly grab and put him in the sac everyone puts riku in sac and they frive off in there white prius
van- brong it dancer boy or should i say the tax colector
luxord- ah and he played the game quite well xigbar- wtf when did you sleep with me vanitas-riku you cant beat me with my nardle moves dance to then barny theme song
vanitas-(stops danceing that bullshlt im only shown once in the trailer as a memory luxord- you gay (to riku)
vanitas- IN SONG ( does the mocerano
van- then we shall battle it out
anyone on yyyyyyyyyy
hey aqua meooooooooooooow
to bad aqua left i cant make van sexual harrases her any more
we should all recap on are memeories here. i thinck i made this group two years ago so much has happened