also, in addition to being captain obvious her information is just useless. At one point she actually says "Since you're playing on hero mode, you already know this, but I will tell you anyway."
Without Navi Ocarina of Time wouldn't be the same. She annoys me mildly, but I like her. I actually think Midna is really cool, she's not as annoying as the other two, plus it's funny how she's condescending all the time. Fi is by far the worst, not only does it piss me off beyond anything that she's autotuned and a really boring character, but her information is 90% of the time downright useless and annoying. Like how she informs you that you're running low on hearts, it's like "oh really? the super annoying beeping sound didn't make it obvious enough", plus how she tells you that "your batteries are nearly depleted" when you can still play with them for HOURS.
^ this. Fi is an autotuned nightmare.
So you can have all the perverted stuff for your own pleasure? oh you pig! D;
Coldest night of my life, as SOMEONE's icy feet stole all my body heat >| hmmmm, annnd I cry like a little girl when watching superhero movies, and I mean bawling my eyes out. Superhero movies make me cry worse than any romance movie.
lol, whatever you say.
Haha, if that makes things more pleasing for you, then I guess so (;
lawl, nitpicking now are we? But I guess you could call it artistic freedom.
Oh actually it is Luffy from One Piece.
Lol, accidental tripple post. urgh, that's too bad, would've been interesting to see more of the art.
What series/anime/manga is the guy in your sig from? (:
whaaa? D: but he is FABULOUS demon lord Ghirahim!
yaaay :3 I'll have to sleep before it even starts, however I will be back! hopefully with Kittay ;3
Haha, you bet, I'm just glad I'm not the only one who speaks her mind ;)
yay, artists unite! ~ I really like the expression in the sketch of the mannequin, it's very captivating. What kind of arts class do you attend? tradtional art, visual arts? or? :3
Just because you haven't been through bad stuff, which we quite frankly don't know about Mike as he hasn't said anything himself on the matter, doesn't mean you don't get to express yourself in the way you desire. Also, just because you have been through bad stuff, it doesn't mean you have to rain someone else's parade. Go write something yourself that expresses what you feel and the stuff you been through if you really feel like bringing it up.
Mike wanted to expxress himself, based on his experiences, and he did. I don't see why you're bothering with saying wheter or not he's been through major struggles, as if it makes what he's saying less valid. Mike, I think that was a neat way of trying to say what's on your mind. +1 for it reminding everyone of KH.
Lol, you might want to stay off the Zelda related parts of the internet until you finish it, especially tumblr. Spoilers, spoilers everywhere!
lol, finally someone said it. My first thought upon reading this thread was "yuck".
Why are we not using IRC? We used to go there all the time before, and as far as I can recall that worked quite well.