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  1. Brooklyn
    you can't summon two Malefic Cyber Ends...
    remember that Malefic monster's effects are active even in the hand, so you can't SS two even with Skill Drain up.
    you CAN summon Malefic Paradox Dragon with a Skill Drain up and already having a Malefic monster on the field because Malefic Parallel Gear doesn't state that only one Malefic can be on the field, so you can summon it.
    Malefic Parallel Gear's effect would not be negated by Skill Drain because it's a condition.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Brooklyn
    hmm? o.o
    I thought you were the one who told me something about him being the creator so shouldn't leave...
    maybe I miss-interpreted that.
    I don't really care if Jaden leaves but I did recommend him to take a small break from the arena I think in the last thread?
    but now it seems as if Jaden is really in a tough position...
    lets just hope he has everything resolves with his gf first.

    Also, keep in mind that me stating Jaden is the heart of the arena does not mean that I want him to stay.
    I had no intention of getting him to come back to the arena.

    I wasn't really standing up for him...
    but you can call it that xD
    I just saw this as a huge miss-understanding from what I heard from you about Jaden.
    you seemed to despise him more than anyone on here due to him treating his friends like crap?
    I don't think its in those exact words but im pretty sure you didn't like him. or had negative feelings toward him.
    you also stated this:
    You also said this to me.
    again, not in those exact words, but almost exactly the same as what you said to me.
    The thing is, Jaden never said he hated anyone.
    I say you were just assuming that Jaden hated mostly everyone in the arena because of how poorly they were treated.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. Brooklyn
    Axel is already on DN right now.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. Brooklyn
    I always thought that continuous spell effects were spell speed 1...
    so, if a continuous spell said "once per turn" can i use it on opponent's turn then?
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Brooklyn
    Call of The Sacred Beast is spell speed 1...
    it can't be activated on opponent's turn.

    and also, DN didn't log you out after you went afk on it lol..
    I think its kind of trolling you...

    Edit: I mean, it DID time you out, but it didn't just disconnect you for no reason.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. Brooklyn
    Your card is confusing.
    and also, whats the point of making the fiend type monster unable to be tributed if Raviel CLEARLY needs to tribute them in order to be special summoned?
    that effect just seems kind of...I don't want to be rude or anything just seems kind of stupid on a card that is made for Sacred Beast.
    and even if it was made for Yubel, her effect would be negated.
    so you're technically just killing yourself if you ever use that card.

    Also, if the monster has its effects negated, and has 0 atk, and can't be Xyz'd, Synchro'd, Fused, Nor be tributed.
    I don't see how it'll help you at all.
    not unless you wan't to stall...that card just doesn't make sense.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. Brooklyn
    You can check every post from arena 1 to 8.
    nowhere does Jaden say he "hates" anyone.
    you can also do the same thing and check if i said im standing by his side.
    I was just pointing out how Nickname was being offensive.
    he also takes decks from somewhere else, not even modifying it, and calls it his own.
    and says it with a smile. "^^" hes proud of it.
    of course, I had to point out why Jaden net decks to avoid people telling me that Jaden net deck'd too.

    It is true, what you say.
    Jaden shouldn't leave what he owns.
    it is true that he is the creator of this arena and so he shouldn't leave his belongings like hes disowning it.
    BUT, you have to see that there's really no way of stopping people.
    he can't ban people if they disrespect him.
    he can't kick people off the thread.
    what can he do to take care of this place if there wasn't even a physical way that he could?
    I do know that he could get angry or upset pretty easily...
    but you don't have to despise him because of it.
    he even said it himself, hes depressed.
    and all of us have different forms of depression, in some cases you might not understand.
    who are you to talk about other people not understanding how they feel in the first place?
    just saying my opinion about this.
    im pretty neutral in these situations.
    and I think I've said enough...*looks at how long this post is*
    yeah...I've said enough.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. Brooklyn
    Ok, seriously...
    you just seem offensive to me...
    showing off decks that aren't even yours to begin with, disrespecting Jaden in his own arena in that manner, and actually kind of hiding the fact that it isn't even your work.
    and ontop of that, saying it with a smile "^^".
    unless that was you who went to the OCG tournament or if that was you who was in the video you posted on that Anti-Meta burn deck...
    it just seems like plagiarism.

    In Jaden's case though, he actually said that he isn't good at building decks and so that was why he net deck'd.

    Plagiarism is not a thing to be proud of. Just keep that in mind.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 18, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. Brooklyn
    That deck is beyond inconsistant.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 18, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. Brooklyn
    now the question is, will this start tomorrow or the day after?
    /said weekend but didn't say what day :P...
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 18, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  11. Brooklyn
    it doesn't seem like someone's going to suggest a time so...
    how about 12:00 AM PST?
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. Brooklyn
    My reason is because I like building decks and its just more challenging doing it in random than just making any old deck in non-random.
    and also partly because its been boring just picking what you use instead of making do with what you have in random duels.
    which is also why random is more challenging.

    We should probably figure out a time for this Tag duel.
    so that all participants can get on DN and start the tag duel.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  13. Brooklyn
    The idea of using custom cards in random is just...
    it wont work...
    some custom cards may have effects exactly/similar to the ones on the banned cards in random.
    some customs may even be made just for non-randomand have broken effects.
    and like Rienzel's case, it may not even work right in random.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  14. Brooklyn
    How is it that you can use customs on DN? o_O
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. Brooklyn
    Did you not see the "Random" in my post? o_O
    or the DN...
    @ smurf too. (unless he wasn't aiming that at my post.)

    If you were aiming that at the new rule we're going to start using, thats no different from the old rule. :P

    Note: This is NOT a non-random pick what you draw duel!
    This is a RANDOM Tag Duel. using DN for the deck so its easier to share a field with your partner if you see the actual cards on it.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. Brooklyn
    I have a very interesting idea..
    what if we held a random tag duel here in the arena.
    all we have to do is get in a duel with our partners and share the same field on DN!
    then post our moves here.
    Not only will this be interesting and entertaining but also will help the arena!
    Lets see who has the best teamwork!
    *grabs Fred*
    You'll be my partner >:D!

    Also, this wont happen until the weekend as we probably have more time during the weekend.
    and because theres a higher chance that both teams are on at the same time during the weekend.
    Although this Tag Duel might fail, as people don't actually come here anymore except for a few >.>
    I'll explain the rules again when the Tag Duel starts. (if it even starts...)
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Brooklyn
    As Fred said before...
    "If you're going to lie, theres no point in playing >.>"
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 14, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. Brooklyn
    but what do you mean by "real decks"?
    its technically just the same thing we've always been doing except we pick our starting hand and draws and cannot change what we decide to have.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 13, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. Brooklyn
    Fred's idea ~V
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 13, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. Brooklyn
    @ Jaden
    Also, if you haven't already...
    you should look at Fred's idea.
    I sure think picking what you draw instead of picking what you use is a good idea.
    This can potentialy stop cheap moves.
    And also makes it so that it isn't the one who wants to win who always wins >.>
    Like...seriously, if you actually wanted to win you would just spam cheap combos at someone like the extremely long moves Some of You do.
    Or the fact that the stronger players here tend to spam the same starting move every single time and it gets annoying/boring.
    Its just so predictable.
    But with Fred's idea, we can end all this cheapness!
    Post by: Brooklyn, Feb 13, 2012 in forum: The Playground