If you've seen Smashtasm, then if the roleplay comes, then it'll be pretty similar to Smashtasm. No title yet, but I know that the roleplay will be funny, action-ish, serious....Any ideas?
Okay, this is strange, but umm...I want to make Sonic Riders rp, but with help. Help?
[video=youtube;c6KScFGXiJk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6KScFGXiJk&feature=related[/video] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH !
Probably not the best forum to put this topic in, but what can you do? What do you think 'Sonic Youth' is going to be about? The only lyrics confirmed for that is 'I've opened my heart I've live and learned' It references the SA series, that's for sure. What do you guys think?
In my opinion, Crush 40 is the best rock band ever. It's my favorite, and they know how to make awesome songs. They're already making 3 new ones. What are your opinions on Crush 40?
Basically, choose either of these 3 as a response to the upper dudes statement. 1. YOU FOOL!(Gilbert goddfried ftw XD) 2. Don't yell it out loud, stupid. 3. I don't know, make up whatever you want ._. Go! fudgepaaaste
[video=youtube;cDBDFbvPrUk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDBDFbvPrUk[/video] P.S:If anyone's willing to make a cover, then I'd really love to see that. Not mine.
Which game does Sonic turn Super Sonic when he's getting shot at by tons of surrounding robots? Or, in this case, 2:43 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNoUPyP5-aw
Just like the title says. GOt it from this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EQsjGclmVQ XD
This is my testing ground for my avatars/signatures/etc. hmm Edit:Just realized that I can't double post so that I can see the new settings ._. someone post, help please! XDD
I dunno, made this outta boredom XD Make up your own out take in any game you want. I'll start. Sonic and the Black Knight - Sonic tries to catch his chili dogs in beginning cutscenes Sonic attemped to slide and grab his second chili dog before it landed on the ground. He missed, and it landed in front of him. Sonic: Someone make the land slippier, this is the third time this happened! Crew laughs. (Not very...playful, I know <.<)
Any ba-dum psh moment you experienced, list it here, or make one up! One I've experienced is this: ---:You shouldn't of done that. Ketchup goes bad with beans! -----: You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? Me: More like, you've met with a terrible plate, haven't you? BA-DUM PSH! Edit:AW SNAP, THIS BELONGS IN THE SPAM ZONE, DOESN'T IT? xDDD Epic fail!
Not the best title, but I decided to make a no-plot rping family, which I got the idea off of 2 specific families...<w< Anyway, the point is that you guys get to be any pokemon you want, and you get to "roleplay" in an absolutely no-plot random anything-can-happen pokemon rescue team roleplay. To make this more fun, there will be points. Each member will get points based on how they did in roleplay. I fail at that, so I need judges XD. Just ask to be a judge, but prove to me that you'll be worth being one. Points are given out at the end of a mission scaled from 1 - 10. Points are distributed based on: How helpful you were. How creative you were in making the mission as creative and calmly insane. And....Well, that's it. Contests end at the end of a month. So who ever gets the most points wins! And what they win is absolutely nothing!!! Entry form: Username: Name: Species: Gender: Personality: Appearance: Age(Optional: Height: Weight: Bio(Optional): Rules 1. Yes, you can still be which ever gender you want if the pokemon you want to choose doesn't have a gender. 2. When acting IC, make it obvious. Same for OOC. (Don't overthink this rule. Making it obvious that you're ooc means that you can chat as your own character when you're not seriously roleplaying...That sentence gets me confused, too. XD) 3. Conflict is allowed, but don't take it overboard. Overboard means, severely hurting someone, like making them bleed. Anything below that is accepted...Or I can just read it over and decide myself. 4. Keep language, romance, and actions to PG-13 5. Have fun! 6. (Probably will edit in more rules) I'll start posting missions when I get atleast 3 people to join in. Regular Members Edit: Forgot to put in my character. Username:jackdaniel0 Name:Roty Species:Rotom Gender:M Personality:Roty is rather mischievous, for a team leader. He likes his pranks, and at some points, his anger slips away in random fast-passing sleep. He has a childish attitude, and can be annoying. Appearance:He is as a normal rotom appears to be. Age(Optional): Height:1'0' Weight:0.7 Bio(Optional):
I want a kung fu panda, or sonic the hedgehog signature. To get more specific, for the kung fu panda one, I'd like Po showing up in a pose with anything else in it. As for the Sonic the Hedgehog, I want him to be....er...I guess, looking at the screen in an epic pose LOL with a backround that matches his color.
Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 100 by 100 pixels or 146.5 KB (whichever is smaller). What does that mean? I know this is a serious dumb question, but I'm ignorant o.o Does it mean if the picture is smaller than either one of those two, then it can be used as an avatar? Like a 200x200px and 33kb pic is allowed?
Just so you know, I never talked about this before...That much. But every single day in school, I get put down. I'm not even lying. Like, literally every school day, probably after 4th grade, I get put down because of me being annoying. And I'll be honest, I probably am annoying, but I think it's how I'm 'original' and that I can't change myself from being annoying. So they have to put up with it, or could at the very least stop making me mad/sad. I usually shrug it off, but it's becoming more of a burden. Few people are my friends/don't intentionally make me sad/mad, but that doesn't mean I'm satisfied. Can anyone help me? I can't shrug it off or tell them to stop, because they'll just ignore me and keep on making me mad/sad about every time I talk to them without even beginning a convo. Some even hate me to the point where they want me gone/dead.
There was a problem verifying the account ID What does that mean? I put in the right account id and pass. But I can't get in because that message keeps appearing.
I know this is really weird, but...What do you guys think of having "outtakes" in roleplay? I always liked outtakes so....yeah XD
Yeah, basically, you have a conversation by using lyrics of songs. I know this is like a ripoff to a certain thread but...I wanted to see how this would turn out o-o Let's start! "I SCREEEAM YOUR NAAAAME!"
Yes, the first game of truth or dare on this site! Besides the other one that's dead =/ but anyway, although the 'truth' part would be easy, dare wouldn't....So the dares must be something that inflicts someone else that already posted in the thread rp-ishly!! An example would be: Mr. Red:Truth or dare Mr. Slap:Dare Mr. Red:I dare you to slap Mr. Boots Mr. Slap:*Slaps Mr. Boots* Mr. Boots:OW! Truth or dare? And so on so on. XD Well, let's get started! Oh yeah, the rules are: No dares that are 'over the top'. And have fun!