Hey, what's up?
Updating, kind of. Just to let you know I'm still in it, but I need to get access to a computer that will run the emulator. I AM STILL HERE, THOUGH.
I'm a huge Riley/Sir Aaron fan. XD My OC, Anna, is a Guardian-in-Training, as opposed to the two of them, as they're both Guardians. Anna'll have a Lucario later in the game, hopefully.
Good to hear. (My comp is so SLOW.) I will complete it, though. Guardians don't give up! XD LOL.
All righty, I'm having some issues with speed and stuff. It may be a day or two before I really get started. This isn't a race, right?
Oh my gosh, I hate you. I'm not even out of Twinleaf Town yet. /jealous
My computer is a piece of crap. This is going to take forever. Is there a penalty for being slow?
Crap, which file do I click on to start it? <- has never used an emulator before.
All righty, thanks. :)
All right then, I'm gonna start momentarily. *I feel like I'm starting soooooo late.* Man, this is slow. I wonder if putting it on a flash drive would make it faster.
Thanks for the link to the emulator- but the second file says Pearl, not Platinum.
Thanks for the links, Cat. I'll be starting it as soon as possible. And it is okay if we post screenshots and not videos, right? I have no recording software.
Yes, I can see it now, much thanks for both that and the last bit of advice. :)
Can someone link me to an emulator?
Crap! Yeah, it is. Lemme fix that.
All right, thanks for clarifying. :) And is the sprite okay?
I'd like to join, if I may. (And as there are no Steel-type starters, I will make my starter my HM Slave.) Anna Guardian-in-Training! Currently in: Twinleaf Town Platinum Roster: And yes, I sprited my sprite myself. If that's not allowed, lemme know and I'll change it.
Me too, although we won't be on at the same times.
May I join your new group?
Yes, I do. And since we're in extremely different time zones, I just don't know how this will work. Even though it extends for several days.