but that's back when Riku wasn't a fully playable character, his weapon was given the same description as all the other NPC's weapons
I draw furry pics for people on facebook and wanted to see what people thought of my latest comission. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...87953031.47247.100002196744138&type=3&theater (I know this links to my fb but I don't mind who knows where I am on fb) Whats peoples views on my bunny?
BHK? what do you mean
*The moment the heartless start attacking the towns folk again Docyx notices a lone shadow heartless walking the cavern and decides to follow it thinking* If there is a second way into the worlds heart that would explain why the darkness still has a grip on this world.
That would be good, also another point I wonder what the defolt ability for Riku will be, Sora's is Defender... I wonder what Way to the Dawn does
I'm gonna try everything I can to get that 3DS!!!!
*Docyx feels the change in the balance and collapses*
I kinda meant his OWN weapon, yeah he used Oblivion but only coz Roxas threw it at him yeah I know that but if you look the design for Way to the Dawn is simply a keyblade version of Soul Eater, showing his power over darkness but his companionship to the light
*Docyx still in the cavern can still sences a presence of darkness and searches the walls*
Any KH lover knows you complete one world in the games you get a new look for a keyblade most of the time it's stronger to, if this tradition continues will we see Riku as well as Sora sporting some new keys? If so it will be the first time we see Riku with out a Soul Eater like weapon!
well if the ending is nearly as shocking as what happened to Xion heaven knows I'll be crying
*docyx being left behind begins to explore the cavern trying to see where the darkness entered the world*
what is left to do
*the bright light covers the whole world removing the darkness from the world* It is done...
*My keyblade fires a shot of energy at the keyhole and a locking sound could be heard from the now locked keyholde a blinding light started to shine out* CLOSE YOUR EYES!!!
I have seen quite a few compelling arguments on the subject ^.=.^ which I'm happy for. Though one point I will raise in my relationship I do truly love my boyfriend, he asked to make it open, after a month we tryed it, I think in all honesty our relationship CAN work like this
I'm glad to see that the normal battle system hasn't changed ^.=.^ I do enjoy the original battle style
*Docyx seeming unaware of the battle going on thrusts his keyblade forward*
awwwww thats sweet