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  1. khmage1918
    Kenna grabbed the wheel, frantically trying to keep the ship on a steady path. "Ohh...." she bit her lip, scared that she would crash them into a world.
    The heart kept whispering though, the words of the dark garbled and confused. Some words sounded like pleas of help, others sounded like attempts to threaten murder.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. khmage1918
    Kenna bit her lip, unsure quite herself. "I... I don't know. I really don't know. She knew how to fly it." Staring at the heart upon the shelf, she frowned. "Whose is that anyway?"
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. khmage1918
    Assuming he had meant the now her, Kenna oblidged and tried to keep all smoke to a minimum. "Yes. Gexln." she looked at all the controls, wondering which one did what.
    Equius stared at the heart, staying by the shelf and resting under it. It was hard though, as it kept whispering.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. khmage1918
    Equius had been waiting at the door, jumping at the sight of Gexln. With a frantic sqwuak, he ran to what was Ashir. A thick smoke hung about the air, heavily laced with numerous scents that would burn the senses. A woman laid in the bed, a large woman that had upon her a crown of five burning sticks that never seemed to burn anything else. With airy clothes and a smokey gray skin, she arose. Ascending with four see through wings, that, along with the pointed ears, signified her as a fairy. Purple eyes of confusion greeted Gexln, no longer brown from the boy. "I... Gexln... You are Gexln. And I am.... Am..." clicking her tongue, the fairy wasn't sure how to understand a new voice. "I am... her Kenna. I... oh... I remembered." she weakly tried a smile, but seemed nervous at that.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. khmage1918
    Xehanort gagged in weakness, being kicked in the stomach made him retreat a bit. This allowed Gexln to escape, though the illusions manifested from hearts' attacked the Nobody of Darkness, many retreating back as their conjurer was injured. Few illusions( the Eden one included) attacked still.
    "You little piece of--!" The parasite winced, another kick hit in the highly sensitive female chest and he fell.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. khmage1918
    Xehanort licked his new lips in slight excitement. A body so young and vibrant... She would surely make the best of hosts! "Why? Because you couldn't bring her back?" He sneered. "Remember, 'Gex'... Kill me, and she will never have a body again." Quickly gripping with the pink hands pumping of disease, he tried to hold the neck of the Nobody of the Pure Dark, in an attempt to choke him.
    The wails became louder, the hearts screamed further, everyone tried to claw at Gexln with all their might. Few tried to hesitate, but failed horribly. The illusion manifested out of Eden's heart held back the most, but lashed out the most scratches and screams.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. khmage1918
    With a little sneer, Xehanort sped towards Gexln, giving a powerful punch aimed for the face. "Think you can overpower ME!?" With multiple attacks from the familiar ally's body, and the multiple tendrils of diseased darkness. Impossible to dodge, only good to fight back. Summoning the illusions of the dead, another was added to the pile.
    "Please... Help me! Gex! Please! Help me!" It was, of course, the person he saw "die" in front of his eyes. Eden.
    The illusions of whispy forms held hearts, as the Master of Diseased Darkness could not recreate the voices of the dead without their hearts. So within each illusion was a black burning heart, screaming in diseased pain.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. khmage1918
    A crystalline heart escaped the helpless Earthling, put into storage for analysis later. The false boy emptied, lingering black smoke consumed it's new Vessel. The vessel's body shifted, emanating a dark smoke. The smoke acted as a barrier to keep itself safe while submerging the Master of the Disease the Universe had given only one name to. Darkness. With an orange tan and aged hair turning into a powdery silver, this new body stared with yellow visual receptors at the scene before itself. "Hmph, a child of the true Dark... How pitiful." Raising a hand in a controlled and hard gesture, waving to his own children of the Diseased Darkness, It's Master had every tendril that dared listen to him attack. "Run while you can little tick..." which a pearly grin of slightly sharpened teeth, he watched his new body handle the control of his darkness. "Your Master Xehanort is going to cleanse this universe of your stench."
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. khmage1918
    Eden screamed, trying to lash outvoted the tight grip. "I didn't kill you! I swear that I'm not a murderer!"
    "But you left us... you left us all. You let us DIE!" The figure grew a gruffed voice, its illusion comrades started to take a grip on Gexln,piercing him with the memories of his somebody and their combined murders and responsible deaths. "You left us and came back too late."
    With whatever darkness creeping up to consume the Master, it was already proving to be too late in any attempts to escape. But the Master to Earth would not stand down. Lighting herself on fire, it only minorly helped. "Gex! Run while you still can! Get to the Gummi and tell the others to STAY AWAY FROM HERE!" with her few screams of warning given, and an inferno of self defense, Eden fought herself enough freedom to give her keyblade's charm to Gexln, and pushing him out of there. Happy to see him escape, and her weaponless (her Keyblade didn't come as she tried to summon it.), she only could take it the talkie once more. "I give up my Title. Sora, you are Master of th----"
    And the Wielder of Earth was cut into static, consumed by the dark illusions of her past.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. khmage1918
    Eden weakly hovered down to the ground formed by tendrils of darkness, frozen in fear. "I... I didn't... No, I didn't kill anyone! Sean... Andrew... they were killed by heartless!"
    "You left me..." One mangled voice hissed, hovering next to the still Master. Holding her hands, which were turning into a shade of black as she was mesmerized by fear, it spoke again. "You left us all to die...."
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. khmage1918
    With a heavy bound of flames, and a tight grip, The Master of the Key headed to the heart of the Darkness, where a figure laid in wait. The figure kept up a false form of a burly young man, silver hair and tanned skin that would make girls swoon. He seemed to be sleeping.
    "Well! Here goes everything!" Eden shot forward quicker than ever, tossing Gexln into the heart, and herself into the chaos.
    The boys eyes opened to reveal their piercing yellow orbs of human visual receptors... Raising an almost graceful hand, the false human put up a wall. But this was no ordinary wall, it was a wall of human outlines and their hearts. All the humans murdered by Eden's heartless and Gexln's attempts for power... All the humans they had lost due to the heartless invasion Xehanort was no doubt involved with. This put the master at a stop, hearing screams of agony, pain, and the blood-filled throats screaming out their last breaths of life.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. khmage1918
    Eden hovered closer to Gexln, holding out her hand. "C'mon Gex! We have to get to Xehanort before this darkness gets to us!" she yelled, burning a tendril that had the sound of a little hyper girl emanating from it. "I want our job to be done as soon as possible."
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. khmage1918
    Eden hovered high above the tendrils of darkness. The whispers started to claw at her ears, familiar voices of her family and loved ones... people she remembered dying in front of her... "Gex! C'mon! Let's get going!" she cut through the dark tendrils easily with her fiery light.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. khmage1918
    Eden watched as Gexln hurtled towards the ground, deemed nervous by the stunt. Firing up her rocket fire, she edged down, but quickly went to the hypothisized "heart" of this infestation. The darkness eagerly stretched to consume it's falling meal. "Gex! Watch yourself!" she yelled, a bit worried.
    The tendrils started its attempt to curl around the Nobody, whispering sweet words to allow him to allow his being to be given up to them.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. khmage1918
    "Collision in 3...2...1...Darkness hit." The Gummi chirped, allowing Eden to send the doors wide open and watching the gruesome figures of the dark slip by.
    "Equius! Watch Ashir!" The Master yelled, jumping right out and gaining a new idea. Shifting the Keyblade to look like she was floating on it, and jetting out white hot flames, it acted like a hoverboard. Thank God I could occupy myself! Now to ease the fall and get moving!
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. khmage1918
    Eden sadly laughed. "Aye, I believe so. Too many memories. He'll need to sleep things off a while.
    "Imminent collision with the World of Darkness." a robotic voice chirped.
    "Ah, that's our cue..." she sighed, hauling food, potions from a storage unit next to the door, and the red walkie-talkie. "There... Gex, you ready?" She summoned her fiery red Keyblade, ready to fight.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. khmage1918
    Eden sighed, Gexln looked baffled as to how to help Ashir. "Gex, let me take care of him." She sat in front of the creation nobody, holding his hands gently. "Ashir... honey.... Can you tell me if you know these names? Karl, Arma, Parma... Sean, Blooms, Teloka, Kitsu..." She named off a flurry of names, unsure what else.
    With a few twitches, Ashir did register names. "Karl... Arma... Bloom. Sean..." he slowly allowed the names to become familiar with his tongue, but paused a moment at a name that he did not know. "Nexas?"
    The Master stiffened, breathing becoming quickly quiet. But with a long draw of Breath she calmed her nerves. "Yes..." she hung her head sadly.
    "I... know them... I know you... I... agh!" With the surges of memories and blank emotions, the Nobody's head was filled to the point it was going to overflow. Writhing in some pain, his Somebody quickly led him to bed, and getting a soothing ice pack for the burning forehead.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. khmage1918
    "I don't fear the dark. I enjoy my time away from the light, in the waking world at least." Eden chuckled lightly. "I believe that we are born in darkness and live within it for a majority of our lives, and it shall always end that way. It is a part of our existence." she sighed. "My goal if I ever return to this job is to enlighten everyone on how Darkness itself isn't bad, just misunderstood by those who abuse it."
    Ashir stared back into Gexln's eyes, blinking a bit.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. khmage1918
    "No offense, better you than me. I don't understand the darkness and the effects it'll have on a heart like mine." Eden sighed. Ashir stared at Gexln, tilting his head in minor curiosity.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. khmage1918
    "You could always try. You know more about it than I do." Eden smirked, believing Gexln could do things the Master of the Key to Light could not. "If it fails, then we'll figure something out."
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home