*the upper floors rumble.* Sensui: we have to last one week of this crap! *everything settled down. Sensui is still messing with his metals. The...
Sensui: nice, now don't get hurt. *I put my feet down and stop in mid-air.* Dreams, wonderful things they are. *i look up.* I see, so the tree...
*Sensui starts to laugh.* Sensui: that does look like fun. *grins* *i walk into the forest and fall through space.*
*Sensui just smiles and sits on the table.* *I keep walking in the vast area. Soon I reach a forest.* Interesting
*the metals take the form of a bomb,* Sensui: hey just let her go.
Sensui: that's ok, I'll watch you. *All around me is nothing be fields of green. I start to walk pushing the grass down.* Hello?!?!
Sensui: just watching you is fun. *i look around. I am in a dream.* What?
*sits on the chase lounge in the living room and then works on some metals*
Sensui: yes. *There is now multiple items falling in the continuous cycle.* *my body and clothes are frayed and burned. I stand still about to...
*Sensui gets back down stairs hands in his pockets.*
*Sensui sits around swinging his feet.* Sensui: Oh! I just thought of something. *Opens two portals one on the ceiling one on the floor. He then...
*Sensui sits on the counter drinking his soda.* *i scoop up some fire and roll it into a ball. Then I punch the ball it shatters and flies...
*Sensui gives a thumbs up* Sensui: who knows what she would do if she found out that SH is going to work himself to the bone on the sun.
Sensui: he is going to train somewhere until the fight. *Walks to the fridge and pulls out some soda.* *i teleport to a firey planet and practice...
Sensui; you sleep now. You got a big day ahead of you. *puts Amy in her bed. Goes back downstairs.*
*i lay in the grass staring at the sky.* The world is black and white. *Sensui splits apart from me.* Sensui: Are you going back SH? Nah, I don't...
* does a face palm.* Man I screwed up there didn't I...
Sensui: I'll take that one to here bed. *gets up and picks Amy up.* Sensui: Come one little one. *Carries her to her room.*
Seems so complicated and yet so simple at the same time. *i plop myself on the grass.* Maybe we should start heading back.
Sensui: we'll see only time will tell.