I relate to this thread so much. Except, it's the entire world that doesn't love me and not just one forum.
Do you want me to die?!
I think I would die.
We'd have fun together! Maybe. I don't know you well enough to determine that. But you're Norwegian. You would be amazing to hang out with.
I hope I wouldn't make you feel uncomfortable.
I honestly would approach you.
dominos by the big pink
Well yes, but all you've seen of me is pictures as well. So who's to say I'm really not gorgeous? Maybe people run away from me in absolute disgust.
I wouldn't directly introduce myself to you randomly. But I'd be walking down the street, and I'd think to myself "wow, that is an attractive...
I am decent at faking confidence on the internet, but in real life most people see through it. So maybe I should just spend my entire life on the...
I miss you, even though I have you on facebook. It seems that the minute I wanted to come back to this website, most people I enjoyed seeing left.
I think I could handle it if I actually had friends, lol. I am like..the shyest person. When I was in New York, I didn't make a single friend. So...
I am going to be nineteen in a little over a month.
Well you are just the sweetest guy ever. <3 Oh, my town has about that same number of people, possibly a few more, but not many. The only thing...
my rogue is laeda jenkins |:
Aw, I suggested this like forever ago, and someone had made one of a keyblade. I don't know if that thread was on this username or my old one, so I have no idea if it's even here still. But I really do like this idea. I'm not a genius at this stuff, but I don't think it'd take much to implement.
Well I don't know what the last thing you wrote me says, so, hello. B| And I've always wanted to study abroad. But since I'm very limited in...
"i am the most happy" "i don't care, I AM THE KING OF ENGLAND, OFF WITH YOUR HEAD"
one and only by adele
people say that to me a lot B| oh god. i am in everyone's friend zone.