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  1. AnimeGirl104
    "Oh look, we got a reaction."Sora noticed Ashirs reaction to Edens name. "Too bad Eden and Gexln are off....probably at Yen Sids tower as we speak..."Riku said. Valerie sighed in defeat, nodding. Roxas and Kurix looked at eachother, as if not sure what to do anymore.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. AnimeGirl104
    "So who exactly is this, Valerie? You seem to know him."Riku saw Ashir looking at him. "He looks like Ashir but.... it can't be. Otherwise he'd be calling me aunty."Valerie explained. "Why...."Sora was confused. "Its...hard to explain without Eden."Valerie shrugged. "Who?"Roxas and Kurix asked.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. AnimeGirl104
    "Whats the matter...?"Roxas asked, looking at Ashir. Sora and Riku were looking at Jeffrey, wondering if he might be able to explain anything. Valerie looked deep in thought, wondering if it was really Ashir....
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. AnimeGirl104
    OOC:I will be suprised if Yen Sid even LETS you guys take the exam......who's playign Yen Sid?XD
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. AnimeGirl104
    OOC:Eden said it was okay, it's her fault for not telling you...and...well, you'll see in time, I swear!
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. AnimeGirl104
    "Oh, the kids upset that ice cream fell?"Hayner huffed. "Hayner, be nice. don't pick on him just because he's younger."Olette scolded. Kurix couldn't help but notice little Kisa in Rikus arms, watching her start to stirr awake. "Uh...guys...the...uh..."He wasn't sure what to tell them. Roxas was watching the group, smiling that they hadn't changed a bit....
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. AnimeGirl104
    "hey, it's okay... she's friendly."Olette was a bit confused at 'Ashir's behavior. Valerie was confused. Whats wrong with my Ashir baby....?
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. AnimeGirl104
    "Ashir, don't you recognize your aunty?"Valerie had her hands on her hips. "Uh...aunty?"Sora asked. "I don't think I want to know..."Riku said. Kurix and Roxas looked at eachother as if the other would give them a hint of whats going on.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. AnimeGirl104
    Valerie finnaly recognized the kid, bursting out into a wide grin. "Ashir! Oh, my adorable little nephew! Oh, I don't know how you're around-but yay!"she started to cuddle the Ashir look-alike. "Ashir...."Riku knew he had heard the name before from Eden. "Ashir...?"Sora titled his head in a cute way. "wh-whats up with her?"Kurix asked, seeing Valerie in her cuddles. "I have no idea..."Roxas shook his head.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. AnimeGirl104
    "Huh? whats wrong?"Olette asked. " guys just found him?"Valerie asked. another nobody...? "Spooookyyyy~"Sora couldn't help but giggle. "Idiot...."Riku and Roxas said at once. Roxas gave Riku a small glare. "So, uh.... what's your name, kid?"Kurix asked the boy.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. AnimeGirl104
    "Well, it's nice to meet you all."Olette smiled. " look...awfully familiar."Pence looked at Roxas. "Now that you mention it, he does..."Hayner said, a hand on his chin. "M-Maybe it's de javu."Roxas said, giving a small smile. "So what's his name?"Kurix asked, pointing to the boy. "We don't know. We found him in the underground tunnels."Olette explained. "How...mysterious."Riku frowned. "So uh...who's the kid?"Hayner noticed Kisa. ""Sora turned a light shade of red.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. AnimeGirl104
    OOC: Dramatic pause....
    BIC: "Huh?"Hayner saw where the 'kid' was pointing. "Sora, Kairi!"he waved to the two. "Heya! we brought some friends!"Sora smiled. "Its great to see you again!"Pence smiled. "Hiiii."Valerie waved to the Twilight Town group. "So who are they?"He gestured to their friends. "Riku..."Riku was holding Kisa for Sora. "Roxas."Roxas said, a sad smile on the nobodies face. Kurix was silent for a few seconds. "Oh! I'm Kurix."he said.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. AnimeGirl104
    "That'd be kinda weird."Valerie giggled. "Well come on!"Roxas rushed out of the building. "Wha-hey!!"Kurix rushed after Roxas. "wow. He looked happy all of a sudden."Sora chuckled. "Yeah..."Riku muttered.
    -Time skiiiiip-
    The group had made it to the Usual Spot just in time. The Clock Tower could be heard in the distance, a signal that Midnight had arrived. "Alright!" "The new years!" "Ice cream for everyone!"The trio could be heard, obviously celebrating. "Oh I love parties. Drinks all aorund!"Valerie joked. Riku and Sora just gave her odd looks. Kurix was alittle confused, not sure what everyone was celebrating about....
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. AnimeGirl104
    "So Roxas, do you want to see the Twilight Town gang again?"Valerie asked. Roxas just nodded. "Thought soooo~"Sora chuckled. Riku couldn't help but frown. Kurix, not really knowing what they were talking about, just went outside to wait.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. AnimeGirl104
    "Kurix! Since he's so much like Riku and all."Valerie said. Riku looked at the mystery guy, not really seeing the resemblence. "It'll have to do for now..."he sighed. "Alright, Kurix it is."Sora smiled. Roxas rolled his eyes. Kurix looked over to Roxas, wondering why he seemed so annoyed.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. AnimeGirl104
    "But I toooold, you, he's" "I-I guess you guys could give me a name if I can't remmeber mine..."The guy said. "Hmm.... whats a good name for you..."Riku said. "he's like, a nicer, sweeter version of you, Riku!"Sora joked. Roxas gave a small chuckle.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. AnimeGirl104
    "I think Roxas might want to stay here.."The guy said, seeing the expression on Roxas' face. Fore a nobody he looked....sad for real. "I guess we might as well stay here. No use getting on the wrong train."Riku said, giving a defeated sigh. "Oh, sorry Riku..."Sora smiled, giving Riku a small hug. "So what are we gonna do with him?"Valerie pointed to the mystery guy. "Might as well bring him with us if he is a nobody. He doesn't know where to go."Roxas muttered.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Dec 31, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. AnimeGirl104
    Roxas looked off to the town outside the station. "I guess...the Terrace wouldn't be bad either..."he muttered. "Hey, are you okay...uh.... heh, I guess I was so busy following you I forgot to ask for all of your names..."The guy gave a nervous laugh. "I'm Sora. The guy that paid for our train tickets is Riku." "They weren't the right ones..."Riku muttered, dissapointed. "I'm Roxas. Thats Kairi, Naminé and...."Roxas looked over to Valerie and Jeffrey. "I'm Valerie, and thats Jeffrey."Valerie smiled. "Nice to meet you all, I'm...."The young man paused, frowning slightly. "You don't even remember your name...?"Riku asked. "Well duh, he's a nobody. He doesn't even have one yet."Sora explained. "Um...the train?"Valerie could hear the train whistle, signaling those to get on board before it left.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Dec 31, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. AnimeGirl104
    "There is a perfect reason to jump to conclusions!"Valerie huffed. "I-I'm sorry, but who are you talking about? I-I don't even remember getting here, let alone-" " don't remember how you got to Twilight Town...?"Roxas asked. The young man shook his head, frowning. "Thats strange..."Riku said. "M-Maybe he's a nobody! That would explain it!"Sora said. "Are you sure, Sora? He could just have amnesia..."Riku said. "I'm...kinda sure..."Sora said. Roxas shook his head, groaning at his somebody's stupidity.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Dec 31, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. AnimeGirl104
    "Yes, actually. Thats why the king gave us the bag of munny from..." "My Twilight Town."Roxas interupted, putting emphasis on the 'my'. " your friend okay...?"The mystery man got closer towards Kairi to ask her the question. "Perveeeerrrt! Stay away from them!"Valerie pushed him away. "Val! What's wrong with you?!"Riku bopped Valerie on the head. "How could you call someone that when you don't even know them?"Sora huffed. "Ouch. Harsh."Roxas said. The accused 'pervert' looked confused beyond belief. "B-But he...he..."Valerie was confused.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Dec 31, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home