Come at me, bro!
If you read the riddle, it tells you where to go.
Back at ya, bro! Great to BE back, Jaden!
Guess who's back? Back again. Joey's back. Tell a friend.
Kitty isn't gonna like this. Here's my bleh singing.
This was from my school's production of Pippin. Spoiler See that badass in the back? Me.
Can I reserve these? I'm guessing someone already got some of these, but I'm too lazy to check. [Santa would write them back] His big red sack, Santa's got a huge sack! [Cookiie] 'Cause you know it must be Christmas- [DarkTraitor, Cookiie]
Paranoid |||||||||||||||| 66% 49% Schizoid |||||||||||||| 54% 53% Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||||| 82% 53% Antisocial |||||||||| 38% 47% Borderline |||||||||||||||| 70% 47% Histrionic |||||||||||| 42% 43% Narcissistic |||||||||| 34% 41% Avoidant |||||||||||| 42% 39% Dependent |||||||||||||||| 62% 37% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 54% 40% Seems accurate. Except the Antisocial one. That should be higher. Be warned. My ears nearly bled from my awful singing. Also, can I have this picture as my new one? Spoiler
Sorry. Misread the rules. ^^" Can you put me down for Santa won't you bring me the one I really need Won't you please bring my baby to me!?
Can I reserve... "[I don't care about the presents]" "[Underneath the Christmas tree]" "All I want for Christmas is you!" (the one with Nemesis) "{ ♥ }Holding on to me so tight."
*TARDIS materializes* Hey, everypony. What's going on in this thre- ... o_O *quickly rushes back inside*
Geronimo !
You're questioning why? How could IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII make a maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan OUT OF YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU?!
Oh, OK.
Really? Sweet!
What is it?
The password is NOT HIDDEN.
The password is not hidden. Just think about it for a bit.