Are you so lazy that you can't swing your arm around for a bit?
It's just spam mail. Don't flatter yourself.
Minus 90 points for being so easily angered.
Minus 80 points for asking such a stupid question.
This thread gets 0 points.
Wow, what a pointless article. I don't even remember any red they used for the PS3.
Bunch of whining in this thread. It's pathetic how people can't remember a few things for a simple test.
It looks interesting I suppose. I never played a MGS title before so I don't have anything to compare it to, but it looks good for what it is.
Tell that to the aliens crossing our borders.
Who's the poor sap wearing the Xion theme?
Eh, I have no idea what you're talking about so I'm just going to assume that it's something only weeaboos and losers understand and go on with my day.
You still remember that? I said that two years ago. I must have really damaged your ego.
I'll buy it when it's in the bargain bin.
Goddamnit Akaz, why do you always have to start a debate in my threads?
From now on, don't post in my threads.
Is this fun for them? Are we being monitored or something?
Wow, a bunch of unknown bands only a couple of people like.
Having sex and a girlfriend is so overrated. To any virgins or losers in this thread, take your time. You're aren't missing much.
I don't get it but I'm guessing only ******s will.