Jeffrey could see grass growing on the outskirts of the town. "Well, it looks like more than just the town has gotten better..." Kairi looked around at the world. Almost as beautiful as it used to be... she thought. She put one of her hands on the side of her head. Wait... I remember...?
"I'm here," Jeffrey replied. He had just entered the hallway near the hospital when Valerie had yelled his name. Seeing Kisa, he smiled. "She's adorable."
"Well," Kairi began, "he's... well..." She didn't know how to say it casually. "Feeding her." "Better head over there, I guess," Jeffrey said to himself, leaving Sora's home.
"She left on her own, huh?" Jeffrey muttered to himself. He had just woken up a few moments before to find that Valerie had gone to the hospital.
Happy birthday! c:
"Hn..." Jeffrey replied, sleepily opening his eyes slightly. "What is it?" --- Kairi sat outside the room. Though she came with Sora and Riku, she wanted them to decide when she should see the baby.
Leon nodded. He winced as he felt the cut on his arm stinging. --- "Do you think she's coming?" Kairi asked Riku, leaving the circle of dancers.
The Keyblade cut Leon's arm as it flew past him. His gunblade back in its normal state, he stabbed it into the blue stone ground. He rubbed his fingers over the cut and saw blood on his finger tips. Giving an exasperated sigh, he turned towards Eden. "That'll do. I'll admit, you're a much better fighter than Sora was when we first fought." --- "Uh, alright," Kairi said uncertainly. As she and Sora joined the circle, she gave a worried look towards Riku. "I'll stick here," Jeffrey said. "Dancing's not really my thing."
Let's see how she reacts if her opponent's attack range increases. Leon put the palm of his hand onto the side of the blade and closed his eyes. A blue aura surrounded the gunblade, increasing its size as well. Quickly opening his eyes, he swung the now gigantic weapon at Eden in a horizontal slash.
Leon smirked and rushed towards the Keyblade Wielder again, this time slashing at her. --- Jeffrey joined in with Sora and Valerie, glad to finally have a good meal. "You know you like it, Ri," Kairi replied, giggling.
Leon squinted at the bright flames that surrounded the Keyblade Wielder. After Eden had side-stepped too early for her elbow meet his ribs, he swung his gunblade at her Keyblade. I wonder how she'll responded - defensively or offensively? --- "I'm gonna go get some food first," Jeffrey said, putting his hand over his stomach. "I'm starving!"
Leon shot the a small fireball at Eden's feet, hoping to make her flinch rather than hurt her. As soon as the spell left his hand, he gripped the gunblade in both hands and rushed towards her. --- "A festival?" Jeffrey asked. "Cool."
You're back! o: Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife.
Making me make the first move, huh? Leon thought to himself. Holding the gunblade in one hand, he began to charge a Fire spell in the other. --- "No, we were just tired and angry," Jeffrey replied. "Especially tired," he added, noticing bags under Valerie's eyes.
"Alright then." Leon drew his Gunblade and slashed the air, preparing for the match. The Lionheart keychain jingled as the weapon moved. --- "Well, it's better than trying to use a Dark Portal," Jeffrey said. "Who knows what affect that would have on Riku."
"Judging from that fire you just made, you have some magic skill already," Leon told Eden. "And I'm assuming you already have combat experience. We should probably spar to start off. Would you rather start with physical training or magical?" --- "Well, we'll be out of here in a few days, once the baby's born," Jeffrey said, putting his hands behind his head. "The only question is... how?"
"Who knows..." Leon trailed off, seeing the flames in the distance. "What's that?" --- "Have you caught a cold?" Jeffrey asked. Funny, considering we were just talking about swimming... he thought.
"A world inside a computer," Leon told Eden, not knowing that she already knew about it. "The software was copied from a company called ENCOM in some other world." --- "Well, then you should practice more," Jeffrey replied, laughing slightly.
Leon pushed a strand of hair out of his face. "Well, I doubt she'll say no for an answer." He paused. "So we might as well." --- "You know, you really should learn to swim," Jeffrey told Valerie. "One of us can't really help you if you end up in deep water during a fight."