Was that supposed to mean?? Nothin', on Pesterchum, listenin to "Let's Copy Pokerface!" (A Tik Tok parody) by The Midnight Beast. Is Hilarious, no?
*Waves* That's what sucks about timezones, but whatevs.
......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBMdTCdGHEQ OTAY. Sign up for Pesterchum. @ auricomusRebellion. :3 ^ That's me. ^ ^ So hurry and sign up for...
True True.... Especially the chubby ones. WHY CAN'T YOU CONFOM TO MINE? *Here, I'll be peace maker. I'll sign up for WLMessenger, and you...
OTAY~ :3 ...DARKY IS A PHEDOPHILE! Nah jk. .....ARE YOU? Because Pesterchum is AWESOME And Day already has one. DURRR.
Ooh I'm not trying to brag though... Hmmm. That would be awkward, BUT IT WILL WORK. IKR? Okay, so I'll fall asleep on a five year old, a three...
*Yawns* I'm sooooooo tired..... and my narcolepsy isn't kicking in.... I'm gonna fall asleep on the kids I'm going to be babysitting later, I...
Lalala, Going to vote~ *Pauses* Why does it say I voted?
No, I'm saying I've got a lot. I VIL. Once I figure out how to "Jokingly mention that I'd go out with him, since I like him." *Gasp* If the KHV...
I think this should be on the Christmas poll. It's such a lovely song~ [video=youtube;dYsIoU6mtv4] And for an after Christmas Poll, (Or before if you can somehow squeeze it in), this song: [video=youtube;1oyhjyI9lF0] (But the real lyrics are different, I'll edit my post once they show up on the website) [video=youtube;xVMRCW57LtQ]
.....Can you stuff a bra that much?! I KNOW I CAN. I CAN DO THIS. I CAN DO THIS.....TUESDAY. Which reminds me:...
You can't be the kind of friend I share Bras with. DEAL WIT DAT YO. Well, all I can say is that I recently found out that he's liked me since the...
Yes. And my rl best friend. And my rl best guy friend (Who's almost my Bf).
*grin* I can understand that. I hate singing at Christmas time, but this year, since Day is so cheery, I've decided to sing. Oh lordie what is...
Ehhh. I still wanna do it. Jingle Bell Rock Confirmed. Any X-mas songs you know?
Okay! Okay, so AIWOC confirmed. So is Silent Night and White Christmas.
You have. Probably. Yahoo Messenger or MSN? I've got Yahoo. Okay, what do you think of this list? I've picked ones that I know I can sing....
....:lolface: Hmmmm. Day has a feeling who this might be. And she knows it isn't her. Whoops, I meant Christmas songs. Hold on, making list.......
List updated. I can't believe I didn't put Plug In Stereo on my list....*Dork*
....Oh. You know, I probably did. I'm just so tired.... So Darky....I'm thinking of recording Christmas things. I just feel like I SHOULD.