No, but a few of my friends did. I've been pretty busy lately so most of my stuff has been reblogs. I dunno, I understand why it was done but the amount of limitations on the system now is kind of dumb.
Welcome to the site, and yeah, your English is pretty good, haha. Before exploring the rest of the forum please read the rules (including the rules stickied in each section), but other than that have fun! And if you have any questions about anything or just want to chat, feel free to message me or another staff member and we'd be glad to help you out. We have red, purple, blue, and green names. See you around. :]
Ah, no worries. I'll be unlocking it within a day or so once I finish pairing people up so everyone can edit theirs if need be. :]
As of a few days ago, 250 posts per day. Still not sure if it counts reblogs or not.
Started pouring as soon as I left my dorm to go to class, pretty sure both streets next to my building are semi-flooded right now. Which will suck tomorrow.
Which thread?
I named my Tepig Boarbecue. He grew into the name once he evolved into an Emboar.
Hey, I'm doing alright. Just really busy lately because of college projects. What about you? And sorry to hear about group projects not working...
this isn't two weeks late N O P E Yeah, those were some good days. Not without drama, but we had fun. And YES. Jazz is still doing well too, at...
And the mass is now effusing Bodies pressed and tangled Yes, we revel in confusion Our inhibitions thrown into the fire Chapter V. Resolute Strength Several weeks passed since Luxord’s betrayal. The news shocked the entire community and whispers of instability in Staff blew through the main Forum. Now equipped with the new armor, Staff worked around the clock in shifts with hardly any breaks, despite it being eerily calm. Chevalier and Stardust were the main patrolling Supermods, while Wolfie stayed on base with Fayt nearby. She had recovered somewhat and was itching for a fight but all of Staff thought she wasn’t fit for combat – not at the moment at least. Even so, she was able to teach, and that’s what she had been doing. The newer Sec Mods remained at the main headquarters, none of them were permitted to leave until they completed their advanced training. The small group of Sec Mods had gathered outside the living quarters. Forsaken and Sabby were gearing up to leave, but saw that the younger Sec Mods were acting skittish. The pair walked over to the others, and as Forsaken threw his arms around Plums’s and Clawtooth’s shoulders, he said, “Yikes, what’s got you guys all freaked out?” Of course, he knew why they were nervous, and he couldn’t blame them. But it was still fun to shake them up. “W-We start our second to last advanced training class today,” Clawtooth said, trying to shrug out of Forsaken’s semi-bro hug, “But Wolfie’s the instructor.” “And?” “Well…she’s kind of terrifying,” Jayn said, glancing over to Sabby. Forsaken laughed. “She sure is, I’ve known her since both of us were new to KHV. She’d have no problem ripping anyone’s throat ou-“ A well placed smack to the back of the head by Sabby cut Forsaken off. She sighed, then looked up at the younger mods and smiled. “Wolfie’s really not that bad. She might seem tough on the outside, but really, she won’t try to hurt any of you. These courses are supposed to help you fight bots so you can get back out there, and Wolfie is the best hand-to-hand combat instructor we have. You might get some bruises, but it’s she’s nothing to be afraid of.” “Yeah,” Forsaken added, “and if you do get the shit kicked out of you, at least your next course will be taught by the medic!” “Fork,” Sabby glared at the boy. “Though he is right, if you do get a bit more beat up, Chev will help you out next class. Good luck guys!” The two older Sec Mods began to leave, helmets under their arms, reminiscing about when they had to go through advanced training. The exchange did relieve the younger ones though, and calming themselves as best as they could, went off to the training area of the headquarters. “Hm. Not bad, verd’ika. You’ve all made excellent progress within such a short amount of time, but keep practicing. As with all the other courses, you’ll be required to take a test in two weeks’ time to prove your stuff. Dismissed.” Four exhausted Sec Mods dragged themselves out of the training area. It hadn’t been nearly as bad as they thought in terms of being mauled, but it had been physically exhausting – they had spent the entire day there, and as night fell they all began heading back towards their living quarters. “Verd’ika? What does that mean?” Ienzo asked the rest of the group. Jayn and Clawtooth shrugged, but Plums said, “It’s ‘little soldier’ in Mandalorian. It’s a term of endearment, apparently.” The other three gave him a strange look. “Why would you know that?” Jayn asked. “Er…” Plums looked down shyly. “Well, uh, I’m kind of writing a story. Based on us. But it’s written differently, I’m trying to write it in second person…it’s going well so far, but I’ve had to do some background research on us. To make it accurate and all.” Clawtooth laughed and shook his head. “How you could ever have time to do all this is beyond me. I’ve barely got time to sleep these days, what with all these courses.” “It’s our jobs though,” Jayn said, “I guess giving up free time and having fun is the exchange for being a soldier.” “Everything’s equivalent exchange in this world…” Mixt said as he walked by the four of them. “What?” “Oh, nothing, sorry. Just remembered a quote from something,” Mixt said, adjusting the collar of his armor. Ienzo gave him a quizzical look. “What are you doing down here though? I thought all veteran Staff was supposed to be on patrol.” “Yep, we were, but Star and Chev found something on the night watch. RvR called me and the others back to HQ to review something. Catch you kids later,” he said, turning and continuing on his way. “That was strange,” Clawtooth said, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in such a hurry before.” “Yeah, but you know we won’t find out about it until later,” Plums said, “As it stands we’re still at the bottom of the food chain.” Ienzo chuckled and said, “C’mon guys, don’t get so down. All that means is that we’ll have to ace our course exams and work our way up the food chain!” The others grinned and nodded in agreement, then went their separate ways to their rooms. Each showered, changed, and were out cold in their bunks within the hour. We are bringing you an official message. We control what you call the “Lost Section” now. We have no fear of the bots. Any members left behind are ours. Do not expect us to be civil. Do not expect us to be quiet. If we do not like something you do, you will hear from us. In time, you will respect us. And then…you will fear us. Our mission is clear. Our voices will be heard. We are Voxli. RvR slammed his fist against his desk. “Just what the hell is this?” he shouted at the holographic image of Chevalier and Stardust on his desk as they reported the results of their night patrol. “We don’t know, sir,” Chevalier said, “Stardust intercepted the transmission because it was coming from Gaming, but it looks like that’s exactly what they wanted us to do.” Misty stood at RvR’s side. “Are you absolutely sure it came from there?” she asked. “For all we know it could be upstarts in here using a proxy signal.” Stardust nodded. “I checked and rechecked, it’s definitely coming from Gaming.” “I called in the Reporters and Evilman…just to confirm on our end as well,” RvR said. They should be here very soon.” “Alright sir, I’ll send you the rest of the signal data now,” Stardust said. TRANSMISSION RECEIVED “It’s without a doubt from Gaming, sir,” Evilman said. “The Reporters and I have reviewed it and every security camera and system we have in the main Forum, there’s absolutely no way it came from in here.” “There’s also something else we found, sir,” Mike said, nodding at Evilman. “Yes…within the frequency of the signal was a signature, so to speak. It’s Luxord’s, sir. I’d recognize it anywhere.” “Dammit!” RvR roared, “First he abandons us, kills two of our men, and now puts together some kind of rouge gang to threaten us?” He turned to Misty. “Give me one good reason why we shouldn’t just decimate them now.” “Because of this, sir,” Mixt said, taking out a holodisk and placing it in front of the Admins. He flicked it on, and images of members not fortunate enough to escape capture were shown being dragged along the ground. “He wasn’t lying about the captive members. And I don’t think, at this point, he’s afraid to kill them or use them to bargain for what he wants. We don’t know how many people agree with him, but it’s enough to take over a small Section.” RvR and Misty were silent for a few moments. Misty exhaled, then said quietly, “Compile a list of options for us, please. If you can get back to us before the end of the night, that’s all the better. Dismissed for now.” The Coder and Reporters saluted briefly then disappeared back down the corridor from which they came. Darkness. She’d awoken from yet another nightmare, only to be greeted by darkness. But then she felt the warmth next to her, subtly reminding her that she was not alone anymore. She wanted to curl closer to it, but the thoughts in her head were racing far too fast now to let sleep take her again. She quietly got up from the bed and tried walking around the room, willing her thoughts to leave her alone. A voice jarred her from her concentration. “What are you doing?” “I can’t do this anymore.” “What do you mean?” “Staying still. Staying…inactive.” “We’ve all got to sleep, stop pacing and come back to bed. It’s not good for your leg.” “You know that’s not what I mean, Fayt!” The man sat up, scratching the back of his head. “Yeah, I know. Sorry. But at least sit down, will you? I’m serious about your leg.” Wolfie sighed but listened to him and sat on the edge of their bed. She looked down at the black undersuit of her armor she wore even to sleep, aching to once again be out on the field. “I don’t mind training and helping out the Sec Mods. But I can’t just be idle the rest of the day. I’ve been recovering for weeks, I had no trouble teaching them today and you saw that. Even when Ienzo somehow managed to sweep me my leg held up to hitting the floor.” “That was quite impressive,” Fayt remarked. “Yeah. But I need to be back out there, fighting with them. Them and the others.” Wolfie looked back at him and gave a halfhearted smile. “You know how I am.” “Indeed I do, but you’re not going to go back out alone. I’m not leaving you behind this time,” Fayt said, taking her hand. Her smile turned into a real one. “I know. Wouldn’t have it any other way.” “So do you want to go talk to the Admins in the morning?” he asked. “No, I’m going right now,” she said, pulling on her armored boots. She wouldn’t bother with the rest of the armor for now, and with that done she began going out the door. “H-hey!” Fayt swore as he untangled himself from the sheets and struggled to find the shirt of his undersuit. He caught up with Wolfie a few minutes later, and watching her walk, had to admit that she barely was limping at all now. “RvR. Misty. I’m requesting to be put back on full duty. I do believe I am fit for combat and am willing to prove it if necessary.” “Won’t be necessary, Wolfie,” Misty said. “After tomorrow, you and the Supermods will be deployed on a black ops mission. Pack your gear and be ready, you’ll be briefed and will leave after the Sec Mods finish their last training course tomorrow.” She and Fayt nodded. “We’ll be standing by on base then,” Fayt said. “Excellent,” RvR said. “And Wolfie?” “Yes, sir?” “It’s good to have you back.” She nodded with a grin, then went back with Fayt to their room to get their armor ready. She had not yet had a chance to test out the new armor, and she was more than ready to trash bots to test the capabilities. The stakes were getting higher by the day, but so was the Staff’s morale. They certainly would not go down without a fight.
In part of the original game Cloud does take on sort of Zack's personality and partial memory (like being a 1st class Soldier), so that might be it. But in any case, they are two different people. If you really want to know the full story, ygorvaz, play/read a summary of Crisis Core.
This. I mean yeah it's possible they'll drag the Cloud/Sephiroth fight out all across the games but after a while it gets a bit jaded. It's not like we don't know how that ends either, as much disregard as KH has for the source game's canon the series is about light conquering darkness. If they switched it up a little, like Cloud and Tifa are off searching for light or whatever, and Zack is the one that comes back and fights Sephiroth, that might be interesting. I don't recall what color the feather that fell was in the credits, but if it was black that means either Genesis or Sephiroth (and I hope to god they don't include Genesis) and if it was white that would be Angeal (again I hope they don't include him). To me Sephiroth would be the most likely of the three possibilities. But seriously, even though VII is my favorite of the series, I really would like to see characters from the NES/SNES era showing up. IV, V, and VI are all great games but S-E has had this horrible habit of shoving those away and forgetting about them while trying to promote the new games. Which I guess I'd be more okay with if the newer games were of the same caliber of the older ones. Honestly if we see some kind of flashback to the Keyblade Wars that would be an excellent opportunity to include the more knight-like characters, like Warrior of Light, Firion, Cecil, etc. I'm actually surprised Cecil hasn't shown up with given the entire focus of his story is him shedding his darkness and becoming a warrior of light. >>
But I have to choose between Skyward Sword, a PS3, and The Old Republic. All of which I have been waiting for since...a very long time. Help. :c
Just posting as a last minute reminder, today is the last day you can sign up to participate in this. The thread will remain open until 12am EST. Edit: Sign ups are officially closed, you'll be getting your assignments within the next day or so. :] Please let me know if you have any questions.
Please don't necrobump threads, read the rules of the section before posting. Let me know if you have any questions. +\LOCKED/+
Nomination thread, that's what it's there for. :]
My internet seems to have decided to be an ass and not post the poll, I'll have that up in a moment. :| And there we go.
Vote on .
Pretty sure they've got the backing of Creative Commons too, which is a huge thing for artists. IIRC anything that could involve copyright infringement or something to that effect. Which...might as well be the entire internet.
Very doubtful it'll pass, it's pretty much a violation of the first amendment.