Yes, under the current system, eventually another 1-5% will arise. Even if we change the system, we'll probably get a new 1%. The important thing is that period in between, when everyone starts from the same playing field. Look at Misty's graph; back in '79, it was relatively even. Classes existed, but not to the same extent. Even if it's inevitable, we can still strive to improve, because while the end point is unreachable, we can certainly get closer and closer to it.
This statement is fundamentally flawed. Yes, it addressed the issue, but only on the level of an individual. Following that advice will raise up an individual, but it will not support a country. You see, the divide between the classes is still there. A single person can move from class to class, but by definition, the 1% is only 1% of the population. Even if everyone spends their waking life in labour, only 1% of them will get to be part of that 1%. That is the flaw of the current system, and what the Occupy movement is attempting to tear down.
Reminder: this member removal didn't stop being a thing or anything. I'll do it in a couple of days.
Whatever do you mean? /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>See deleted message The curiosity. It BUUUUURNS.
Whelp, that settles that. I'll take Space and you can find something else. AHEM. I mean, I'll find something else and you can take Space.
Contract ?
I'd like to take Scholar, but I'm impartial on Space. I mean, the side quest could be interesting, but there are downsides too. It depends what Britishism wants.
Yes, that would be good. Note to self: Be more explicit when expressing interest in an RP.
When do we need sprites in by? I've kinda got exams for the next week or so, so I could be pushed for time to make one.
I am on Mac OS X 10.6 using Opera 11.52. There is a certain site that should not be displaying aliased text, but it is. The text on that page should appear to be this, but instead it is this. I want it to appear as it should.
Agreed. I was referring to those who wanted it, not the staff.
I love Jake. That is all. Also, are we going to bother doing the spoilery thing or not? I'm leaning towards a 'not'.
Keep looking; I'm pretty sure I saw a mod that does exactly this. I may be thinking of something else, but I think I recall seeing this. Check the mods forum.
Spoiler: redundant and 6033 If we're going into the consequences of the bunny further down the line, I'd like to point out that giving semi-immortality to some kids is not an equal payoff to creating a demon that threatens reality itself. That was the tradeoff for the kids' god tiering. I think my qualm with the bunny is that it was intended as something helpful (presumably), but it did far more harm than good, implying that the maker was either a fool or malicious.
Names are to be given to describe, to label. Lisa is the name of a woman, and a woman you are not. You are given the name of a child because your...
This is what my headcanon Sforzato looks like.
I commented on them a while ago, here. I don't really see the point in them unless we explicitly state where we are in the story each time. After all, we're just going to end up with a thread full of spoiler tags. It'd be easier to read and easier to type if we were to just stick a spoiler warning in the title and be done with it. That also gets around the question of what a spoiler is. Stating a character's god-tiering, such as Rose, is undoubtedly a spoiler, yet I've seen such images in signatures and the like. It's pointlessly pedantic to bother with it for one aspect, but not another. If it's decided that spoilers are necessary, then I will spoiler mine with the page number that I am up to when I make the spoiler. Spoiler: 6033 The teammate thing I'll grant you, considering how she killed off the meteor in the hypothetical timeline. The lack of effort though, I won't. She'll often cheat, as gamers are apt to do, but she also puts in the hard yards. Remember, level grinding takes effort, and she has all of the levels. All of them. Spoiler: 6033 Its biggest achievement was saving John from the menace it created. It's not even zero-sum, because Jack's ascension caused a whole lot of other crap to happen.
In this case, I think their charging of a fee is acceptable. Admittedly, it may be too high, but that is merely difference in economic opinion, as opposed to a disagreement on entitlement. I do not believe Sony has an obligation to provide free digital copies. They still have to provide the service of hosting the games and allowing the user to download. There are costs associated with it. It is well within their moral rights and their duty to the customer to demand payment. For anyone particularly upset about it, I'm sure one option is simply to wait until the PSV is cracked. Once that happens, I have no doubt that a bootloader will be made that can run ripped UMDs. In this scenario, you can do what Sony offers to do, for free. As far as I am aware, it will not violate any laws, possibly aside from the ones associated with the files of the cracked firmware. If I get a PSV, that is the approach I will take, because I do not fancy paying for the same game twice.
If ears could come, I'd have ruined my headphones.