If we discovered alien life... Let's see, first, we would probably panic. I believe it'd change for the worst. We would definitely panic at first, if it was released to the general public first, there would be mass hysteria and mobbing, I believe. If it was only for the government's eyes, I believe we may handle it differently. The government may just try to have contact with them via various satellites and such. Alternately, if released to the public, we would just go "Oh, that's cool. As long as they don't get here, it's pretty cool." and continue with our normal lives.
I say that the Nobodies are more dangerous. Their movement, and general speed and power are a dangerous combination. They also have the power of individuality, as seen by the Organization, which can leave them for a strange enemy.
I am a group of doctors. Oh happy day.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kayatepe,_Adıyaman Close enough.
Who would've guessed that Ienzo would be on Zexion?
Yesterday - The Beatles
A teen rating in Kingdom Hearts III... Maybe more blood, would be involved. On-screen deaths, people with cigarettes, nothing too serious. This is Disney, after all. Possibly a bit stronger language, but no curse words, it would ruin Disney's image.
Only three days. That really urks me. Just because a person is different, and loves someone whom you don't, you beat him into submission? My sister and step-brother are both homosexual, I've grown up around it most of my life, and homosexual people are no different than those that are straight. The assaulter should've been expelled, in my opinion.
I love the Skateboard. I liked fighting enemies with it...And pulling insane tricks.
I want to jump in here before it's moved.
Shut yer trap.
I dub thee... Shitzu
95% of the time, I'm on my laptop, 5%, I'm using my mom's phone...
Oh, man. Seriously. Seriously. That's my favorite line in the whole song... Good job catching it re-opening.
No I didn't. I don't know what you're talking about.
I don't think you should.
Stop being adorable.
Voted for Sora.
So adorable
I've heard about this before. I find it alright - We've all got...Quirks. Although a bit strange, as long as they aren't hurting anyone, it's all cool.