happy bday ^.=.^
this woman seemed to know him, it was the woman he was trying to help so he answered "How did you get here? And where is here?"
your welcome and duely noted ^^
MAN WITH A MISSION, why you like the music?
lol I see your point, sorry I'm taking so long with your comission, stuff keeps happening at home to distract me
sounds cool ^^
thanks mate
ummmm maybe you should add me only one person under the name Kaidron Hunter
Welcome to the world of furries! Now to include Kingdom Hearts! Storyline: A fight for the light plain and slimple, who said the keyblade war was over? Keyblades of light and darkness are still fighting for a fabled prize, controle of Kingdom Hearts! Not to mention distruction of the opposite side... Rules: All characters must be ether a furry (anfromorphic animal that has fur) a silky (anfromorphic aquotic animal) a scaley (Anfromorphic reptile) an avian (Anfromorphic bird) or an imagafro (anfromorphic mythical creature) You must choose a side to fight for, the light or the darkness or even neither. Regardless of your side heartless probably will play a part of the story so the light kill them and the dark side can control them or kill them too. Nobodies may also pop up in your rps. Join the fight: Name: (whats your furry name) Side: (light Dark, neither) Creature: (whats your animal?) Keyblade: (name and what it looks like post or post a pic if you have one) power: (what power you weild) Appearance: (what you look like discribe or post a pic) Bio: (info on yourself) me: Name: Kaidron Dragon Side: Light Creature: Part westen and part easten Dragon Keyblade: The winds of the heart keyblade: Power: light and wind Appearance: (sorry it isn't a better pic, I do have wings and a tail and my whole body follows the same colour patten) Bio: As a dragon I have great sence of right and wrong, The darkness has no right over kingdom Hearts. The keyblade has been passed down my whole family line so I'm quite good with it. It's been my families job to fight for the light, so naturally it's my job too:
thats exacly what I think.... and up to now all the symbols have been very unique.....
docyx was lost at what he was meant to do here... through walking around he still couldn't excape the fimiliarity of the place as if he had been here before...... "Is that woman here to?" docyx thought out loud
they are kingdom hearts scenes with my fav band doing backing to it
ok but I am here ^.=.^
lol doesn't really help hun gonna need a little more help
shame.... at least you have something to do during the day
lol I basicly mean I don't know many sayings cos I don't do much stuff
*te he*doesn't matter
lol can't be bothered to do it
Not knowing what else to do Docyx nods and reaches out for the figures outstretched hand..... "It was dull here anyway" As soon ans his fingers touch the figure Docyx was consumed in light, when he came to he was in a village.... he had never been here before but somehow it felt like he had, once.... and not in a good way
yeah I can't be asked to do it