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  1. program
    "Ever since we found out Sora was...You know, sickish, he's been kinda serious. Once we seal these keyholes he'll probably loosen up a bit." Ellen followed; her thumbs in her pockets.She understood Riku, that was on of her pros, understanding things, but still there wasn't much to worry about.

    ((I wonder what'll you do on why Riku cut his hair AG XDD OH! And we'll need someone to probably Rp as Neku...Cause really.....Neku is boss.))
    Post by: program, Oct 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. program
    "Thats totally not fair! We should be like Team buttkickers! And I meant the whole freaking party!" Ellen put her hands on her hips and smiled. Why was the hero so dorky? Why did he have gravity defying hair?....Oh yeah, all great heroes do. "Your so dorky Sora!"
    Post by: program, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. program
    "I feel like we need a name now for our party. Its like being in a squad...." Ellen quirked her bottom lip. They seemed to have only on purpose, and that was to save the worlds, like a military almost. Of course her opinion was just as good as any other teens....She shook her head slightly. Then she turned to Andrew. "We haven't really met, I'm Ellen."
    Post by: program, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. program
    Ellen released her blade, its enormous weight becoming quite familiar to her now. She slammed it's sharp edges down on three heartless at once, and pushed it forward to throw some a safe distance away. The brunette slashed her weapon,with both hands, in front of her and then brought it down on more of her enemies."Okay, I gotta work on some Combo moves." she thought.
    "Training would be helpful, I've given you sufficient amount of strength and help to wield me better."
    "I'm busy! We'll talk later!"
    Post by: program, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. program
    I approve of this color.
    Post by: program, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  6. program
    Ellen listened to Eden's words,until the heartless appeared. She quickly put her hand to her Blade's hilt. "Is it just me, or do these heartless look savage?" She chuckled nervously. Nothing like a battle to waken the senses for adventure.
    Post by: program, Oct 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. program
    Not even Tea will solve this, huh?
    Post by: program, Oct 8, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. program
    Ellen gave one more glance around the place and followed suit. "My guess from our expeirences, the keyholes are usually where famous places are or important. Something where the true spirit of the place is." Ellen suggested with hope. She knew little to nothing of this place, she had grown up far from here. China was okay, she knew a lot on china... but here.
    Post by: program, Oct 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. program
    Ellen stared at Eden and thought of what she said. It was ture, not all darkness was evil. The younger brunette nodded. Taking a deep breath she planned on coming up with a new theory why all this chaos happened. "Right. Thanks Eden,." She gave a smile. "Now for our keyhole."
    Post by: program, Oct 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. program
    Why am I Foreveralone?
    Thread by: program, Oct 8, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. program
    "I seriously despise heartless. I dont even care how cute they are, I hate their entire dark entitys" Ellen growled out. It was all the heartless fault that her life was turned upside down for the woest. Her parents were most likely dead and her best friends trying to suvive or dead as well. It made her eyes sting and anger boil in her chest, but she pushed those harsh emotions away. Thats what the darkness wants.
    Post by: program, Oct 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. program
    Ellen nodded and gave out a yawn. "Final Keyhole. I think this one will be the most dangerous." The young brunette smiled.
    "The more dangerous, the more fun. yah?" she cracked her arm bones by pulling one at a time over her head.
    Post by: program, Oct 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. program
    Ellen gave an extremely confused look. "Where in this world is Bolivia?" she frowned slightly. Her body and mind were slightly slow from her small hibernation; she cracked a few of her bones.
    Post by: program, Oct 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. program
    People could do that? I was once banned from another site and they didn't even tell this, and when my friend tried talking to an admin they told no I couldn't go back. Well this just helps prove the Admins here are great and considerate!
    Post by: program, Oct 2, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  15. program
    ((OOC: I wanna thank AnimeGirl for that wonderful summary at the begging; Notice how Eden is mostly talked about in it? XD And I guess we're on the ship toward our final keyhole, then perhaps this whole RP is over or star a new plot about traveling worlds? I hope this a good comeback! You can blame Tumblr for my absence.))

    Ellen couldn't beleive how much had happened so far. Life seemed to be more packed with action,full of magic and completely adventurous. She was currently barely getting up; sleeping felt so good, especially after how long she had just done. Mostly she was lying down, blanking out or in her dream world where she and her sword communicated; her blade wasn't so social though. But the scenery was amazing, full of lush greens. She fixed her hair into a high pony-tail, shoved her beany into her pocket, slid her glasses on and went on her way out the door.
    Post by: program, Oct 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. program
    Especially when it pulls you in and keeps you from your other sites
    Thread by: program, Oct 2, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. program
    Ellen's jaw dropped the light the pool emitted. She walked slowly toward Riku and Valerie in awe. " Please tell Eden was not in that fudgin' pool of light...." she was able to say in a high pitched voice of shock; pointing at the pool with a limp finger. Her blade tugged to the pool, as if wanting her to jump in,but the young brunette did not want to do that at all.
    Post by: program, Sep 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. program


    DeRp •^• HeRp
    Post by: program, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. program
  20. program