Source All I can say is that I'm impressed. Cook is proving to innovative, so whether you eat the Apple or not, it's good for the market. (Also, I'm a sucker for physical postcards, but I hate the trouble they take. This one's a win-win.)
Aww hell naw!
Where is that gunslinging girl in your signature from? I see modifications of her everywhere. She appears in my wallpaper folder countless times.
My curiosity is piqued. Unfortunately, my timezone is rather troublesome. Hurm.
Kubo. Laziness. Adding again.
Workin' A-OK! Now readd me, you friendship-breaker. ;_;
paradise lost News: ↪ It is time for the monthly inactive member removal. Anyone who does not post in this thread within a week will be removed from the group. ↪ Addendum to the previous point: The monthly removal is under revision. Currently, we can continue as always, stop it entirely, or only do it every two months. Vote for your choice here. (If you have other views and ideas, post them as a reply.)
Is it a chain? The name sounds familiar.
I logged out and checked. I can't see your VMs if I'm logged out. De-friend and de-contact me, and we'll see if I can still see. (IIRC, you...
Ohai .
Hey, you recall that thingy I mentioned on the other site? Yeah, turns out it's an inbuilt feature of vBulletin, and we already have it. (Or it...
Played By: P Name: Faust Age: 86 Gender: Male Appearance: Spoiler Bio: It matters not how much money a man has. To be considered rich, a man must merely be wealthier than everyone else. Faust applies this philosophy to all aspects of live, including happiness and success. He has given up on self-improvement, and realised that it is impossible to escape the weakness of the human condition. Instead, he seeks success through the degradation and destruction of others. To these ends, he is steadfast and single-minded. Played By: P Name: KHV-tan Age: 7 Gender: Female Appearance: Spoiler Bio: KHV-tan is 14cm tall, but she does not consider it an inconvenience. After all, it means the world's an even bigger place, with even more to discover and explore. KHV-tan is insatiably curious and inquires about everything, even the sort of things ordinary people think of as mundane. This is coupled with a naïve innocence which thinks the best of everybody. As with most 'tan's, she speaks in a childish manner.
If you make a contract with me and join Voxli, you can hear my voice for real. /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
What's Applebees? /livesinNewZealand
Old sig>New sig. Avatars are equal.
Oh gog. The Nomura laugh. I can sense the tantalisingly unanswered questions already.
Where do you work?
Story of my life. And I just spent an hour writing on a DVD for a Spamzone thread. I feel fulfilment.
Looking for something interesting and potentially long-winded to write out.