well at least I got a fan ^^ happy dragon
why don't you get her back on?
relly? I got a fan ^^ yay go me!! wait is that the sister who made an account on here some time ago? why doesn't she come on any more?
she does what to your poor head?
I'm being yiffy with drayke on a furry site called Britfur so I'm happy
yep it can ^^ in so many ways
hello friend, a fan of TWEWY? Me to!
yeah..... but we find space his tail is so soft and huggable and his claws make for a great back scratcher ^^
hat does he do? or is he the guy who makes shows online about things he has seen online himself?
lol I have claws..... three on each hand though one is a thumb so I can sill use human tools ^^
are you online man?
have I? lol well I am a Dragon.... shouldn't even be using a compu te he ^^
please do cos I would love to know where the info came from.... where did you hear it?
where did you get the info of Neku looking for Shiki?
But the "sleep" is meant to be a keyblade you can only get in the relms of sleep so it must be a new one maybe a keyblade with simmiler abilities as the X-blade, I would of thought if it was that one they would of done the whole sleep thing in BBS
in what cutscene? I wantched the subbed one on here yesterday and I don't remember that....
How bout we also note imaginary friends? Chrildren have them as a way of playing with "someone" and learning interaction skills without having to interact with another human.... It's another way play is important in children
no I didn't..... how do you know she will?
which ones do you have?
already started lol though I just hope I can catch up ^^