Search Results

  1. Shinichi Izumi
    will ever be as epic as this cAT

    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Sep 12, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Shinichi Izumi
    go to my page go to "friends" and look at youre name
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Sep 10, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Shinichi Izumi
    Yes,yes she did (>人<)

    I gues ( most ) old people dont know how to use computers (♯`∧´) ,

    well anyway untill its fixed im barely going to log on here... (~_~)

    I hope to return soon my minions ( ; _ ; )/~~
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Sep 6, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  4. Shinichi Izumi

    its so sad ,read it if you dare ⊙.☉
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Sep 4, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Shinichi Izumi
    post scene,trailer,opening or ending of your favorite anime here:


    1)please remember this site is PG-13, no inappropriate animes, please

    2)DO NOT, AND I MEAN DO NOT post a full episode of an anime,KHV could get in trouble for that,
    and you will

    3)please dont spam the thread with videos, lets keep a maximum of 3 videos(not necessarily all at once)

    4)please encourage yourself to watch the other videos, or else the thread isn't really fun

    5)there is a reason some of this stuff is big,red and underlined

    just a side-note: dont post anything with spoilers for the anime


    here are mine, my favorite is SOUL EATER



    happy posting! :china:
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Sep 3, 2011, 13 replies, in forum: Discussion
  6. Shinichi Izumi

    PC Ddtank?

    very fun and cool,anyone else play it?
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 28, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  7. Shinichi Izumi
    ive been in voxli all the time and there is no one there (EVER!)...

    should mark a weekly talk time or something?
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 26, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  8. Shinichi Izumi

    Video new AMV

    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 26, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  9. Shinichi Izumi

    Help Wtf?


    i could see my name just minutes ago,why is it messed up?
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 23, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  10. Shinichi Izumi


    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 20, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Shinichi Izumi


    i was reading something online and i accidentaily pessed ctrl and f4 at the same time and itc closed!
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 20, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Shinichi Izumi
    i honestly though this was a boring book ,until i was forced to read it for a school report, and its preety good , the story actually folds out very well ,has anyone else read it or is still reading it?

    EDIT: getting further on the book guys, its realy good might actualy buy them, just to read em
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 16, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Literature
  13. Shinichi Izumi


    if pi is an even number post on this thread.
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 15, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Shinichi Izumi

    whachal think?
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 14, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Shinichi Izumi
    ive got my 300 now any ideas for my new name?
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 13, 2011, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Shinichi Izumi
    ... to xigbar in a cutscene were we see aquas armor right how is that possible if he is dead?
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 13, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Shinichi Izumi
    a HD remake of the series could be in the works! They said the following regarding the latest interview with series creator Tetsuya Nomura from the Dengeki Playstation magazine:

    okay, maybe itl be a "sepicial edition FM"...
    ,and it might be for all games...
    , the games could be in new platforms...

    what do you all think?
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 13, 2011, 18 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. Shinichi Izumi

    anti-form is one of my favorite forms but there 2 (acording to me) "problems" I whenever sora leaves a room anti-form is disabled and we dont get see cutscenes with sora in anti-form like in other forms (eexept card and dice form, but thats understandable since these are not humanoid forms) shoulden´t we be able to leave rooms with anti or see cutscenes with anti?!?!?!?
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 13, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Shinichi Izumi
    k guys im almost at 300 and what should i change my name? its a verry hard choice since i ill only change it in like 700 posts so any sugestions
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 13, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Shinichi Izumi
    arent the organization members nobodys who keep their momories, so shouldent axel and saix remember and notice that roxas looks exactly like ventus??
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 13, 2011, 18 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX