Saix: What?! No strip poker! Luxord: Come on Saix! You've gotta let loose every once in while! Otherwise people will think you're a prat.
Saix: I just come in at all the wrong times. Luxord: You can play too!
Luxord: Larxene, you can play strip poker with me!
Saix: You do know that we have to do missions if we want to complete kingdom hearts and become whole right? Luxord: No, Roxas and Xion have to because they have keyblades and we dont. Saix: Shut up Luxord.
Saix: Im still here you know.
Saix: Have any of you done your missions? Luxord: Wouldnt it be funny if marluxias sister looked like a man?
Luxord: Is your sister hot? Saix: Im back. Youre all still here. Why?
Luxord: can I see the pictures?
I bought my psp for bbs. I just asked for money for my b-day and i had enough money to buy the psp and the game.
Saix: Im second in charge, you all have missions, if you have a problem talk 2 the superior, but if you dont do your missions i will tell xemnas and he will make u do them.
Luxord: sounds fun, but what for?
I think it would b better than disney world
Saix: I dont get missions. Im second in charge and you should do what i tell u, unless u want 2 b turned into dusks. Luxord: Hello Everyone.
can I b Luxord 2?
Saix: you all should be doing your missions.
Saix: Vexen! What did you do?
Country Bears, Dinosaur, Zorro, Petes Dragon. These would all fail.
I want 2 b saix :<3: