I'm sorry guys. This IS still alive. Things are being sorted! I promise, it's NOT DEAD! ily <3
So good! 8D I read this before I went to work (you know that!) and it's all I thought about during my shift. <3 The formatting used to bug me (when I first RPed with you lol) but I like it now. I mean, it's different and it keeps my attention; plus, it's not like it's official writing or anything. You've got your own style and that's a good thing. (: I can't wait to see how you put Garxena into it! :woohoo:
I missed you!!! 8D
Did I? Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I meant to say that we used Windows Live Movie Maker. In that, you simply hit the "caption" button and that will bring up a text box wherever you are paused in your slideshow/video. You can edit the text, font, color, size, and animation from there. I'm pretty sure every Window OS has that program on it. I didn't need to download it or buy it.
You don't really have to choose! XD I was bein' silly. LAWL Our randomness is always enjoyed. <3
Haha! mrsbaggins (my sister) and I went out for the day to make a vlog for Bushy Brow! <3 LINK! We had a little too much fun. >> All we used was our Coby Snapp camera, some songs off my itunes, and Windows' Media Player to edit the stuff. We had about 3 hours of footage that we cut down to 10 minutes. XD Anyway, tell us what you think!
"Once upon a time, there lived a small girl in a town just as small. She was a sweet and shy girl, and she loved chocobos. Her family and the rest of the town loved her very much. She was kind to everyone and would always help out when she was asked to. Her life was peaceful. Then a stranger came to her town one day. The tall, shrouded man demanded that the townsfolk give him their food and money. They could not afford to do it. When no one came forth with what he demanded, the man announced that he was a god with many powers and declared that he would curse their town to be a barren place for all of time. The young girl stepped forward from the crowd and told the man, 'Please, take it back. We're too poor to give you what you ask.' The townsfolk cringed with worry and the girl's mother rushed forward to protect her. But the man didn't move to strike the girl. He changed his proposition. 'I will remove the curse on this town if this girl comes with me and promises to never return here.' His new demand had all the townsfolk muttering among themselves. No one could make up their mind. 'I'll go with you,' the girl stepped away from her parents and everyone who loved her. Some people protested, especially her family, saying that they would find some other way. But the girl denied all their ideas, saying that if they tried to get around the god's curse some other way, it would only end badly for them all. The shrouded man extended his hand and the girl took it. The two vanished in a cloud of smoke. The girl's family wept for days; and the townsfolk mourned silently. After much time, the girl's parents found a bottle with a rolled pieced of paper inside it on their doorstep. It was a message from their daughter. She wrote that she was well, and happy. She explained that the god who took her in lieu of cursing her home had only been very upset that day. He had lost his own daughter to sickness, and she reminded him of her. Her life with the god was pleasant, but she still missed them. She asked her family to look for purple flowers in their town, something that never grew there before, and to know that they were a gift from her. Every spring the townsfolk admire the purple flowers that now grow in the girl's home. Her story is told through every generation of the town." Caleigh smiled at Rae. There wasn't much expression to read on her face but Caleigh could tell that Rae appreciated the story. "G'night," She ruffled Rae's hair and left the room. Maybe in the morning, Rae would be in better shape.
But it's fun to play dumb! 8D You're very welcome! <3
Whatever did I do?? ^^
"Flying is fun," Ben said, noticing that Layla didn't seem to fond of the class. "If you're doing what I did, you'll enjoy it." He remembered flying on the Quidditch pitch and his smile widened. He couldn't wait to be a part of Gryffindor's team. ------- Al sighed and rolled her eyes. "Trying to figure out what I keep doing wrong with Wolfsbane. It's the only potion that's ever given me trouble. And I want to get it right before I leave Hogwarts." She took another bite of her salad.
"Hey wait!" Kid Flash slowed down until he stopped next to Jesse. He saw where she was coming from and felt a pang in his chest. Maybe he should have left her alone. But his curiosity got the better of him. "I saw you earlier today. Were you there for Batman... or Bruce?" ------- A fair, blonde girl watched the events inside Gotham's bank unfold from the safety of the sidewalk outside. Her hair curtained her heart shaped face, but she tucked the hair on the left side of her face behind her ear. The girl's wandering had taken her to Gotham City, where she'd learned of something horrible and tragic. And she had been ready to leave the city when she heard sirens and saw Red X. She didn't get a chance to even think of jumping in to help because someone in black and red had zoomed by, followed by a streak of yellow and red that she recognized as Kid Flash. He turned around rather quickly though, and passed her without a second glance. Did someone tell him to leave? She wondered. But her attention was more rapt on the one in bright red and black who rushed in to confront Red X. After watching the two for a while longer, she finally picked up that she was looking at Red Robin. What happened to Robin then?
The mention of Deadpool got Logan's full attention. "Yeah," he muttered, now trying to figure out what Deadpool was doing with Magneto's little lackies. He walked away from Professor X, hands in the pockets of his jeans. At the gates to the X Mansion was Scott's motorcycle, and as Logan knew, the was with it. He got on the bike, lit off the engine, and sped away from the X Mansion. He gunned the motorcycle up the hill where Cyclops and Hellion had taken the kids for training. Scott could thank him later.
Caleigh opened the door to her home and stepped inside. It was so quite that she thought Rae had got up and left. But she heard the rustle of bed sheets and knew that the girl was still where she'd left her. "Hey! You feeling any better?" She called to Rae, taking off her jacket and tossing it on the table. "Baby doll?" She didn't really expect an answer but it still bothered her that she got none. Rae could either be sleeping or just her usual silent self. Caleigh crossed the kitchen and living room to the bedroom where Rae was. "You are up," Caleigh smiled at Rae. "Can't sleep?" She only got Rae's eyes focusing on her as an answer. "Hm... Alright. I'll tell you a story then."
Ben smiled at Jacob; they shared the same view on what was happening. After classes, they had more time to search than they did now. And they could come back after they finished eating dinner too. "Yeah; we should do that. I have History of Magic next so I could try to ask some questions there." ------- Jack placed his glass on the table and looked at Taralynn. He wasn't in the mood for her games, but he did want to hear what she had to say. "Tell me then." ------- Al grinned at Jay. "What happened to watching those kids in the library?" She didn't really care too much; she was more worried about getting through the rest of her classes and finding Becca.
Sorry everyone! I've been pretty busy. And I'm really exhausted right now. But I'm going to post anyway because you all have been waiting so long. Thanks so much for being patient! <3 RECAPS Unfortunately, because I'm so tired, I won't be doing one of my famed goofy recaps. Next time for sure, guys! First recap <-- linky Second recap <-- linky #2 Third recap: Not too much else has happened. The first three classes are done with and it's lunch right now. The first years are in the library, each trying to find some information on Harry and/or the Chamber. No luck so far. Some have gotten the idea to get into the restricted section; others are even thinking about the Headmaster's personal library in his office. Taralynn found a spell that will banish ghosts from Hogwarts (so that Jack can have as little interference in his devious plan as possible). Ben has gotten the idea to learn more about Mandrakes because he knows they were involved the last time the Chamber was opened but he doesn't remember how. Jay and Al, and Jack and Taralynn, are in the Great Hall eating some lunch. Classes will begin again shortly! NEW CHARACTERS Jay is fairly new. He's a sixth year Hufflepuff who just loves to mess with the first years' brains. And he's a friend of Al. The Quints -- Lelouch, Lucian, Iris, and Elysia. They are what has been keeping me from posting (along with my actual life of course). Their character layouts can be found at the end of the "accepted character" spoiler on the first post of either thread. They are going to be very plot-relevant. For those of you who want to go into the Headmaster's office to access his personal library, PM me. I will explain to you what's gonna happen with that.
Kid Flash hopped up and grabbed a branch, swung his legs upwards and hooked them around a higher branch, and then pulled himself up to that one. The hiss of a scared and angry cat made him look up and to the left. "Ugh... you're one ugly kitty." He muttered; and it was true -- the cat looked as though someone had slammed it's face against a wall too many times. It's little black nose looked like it was painted on to it's snow-white fur, and it's tail was so fluffy it could have been it's own animal. Kid Flash climbed up another two branches before reaching out to the cat. "C'mere, you." The cat didn't move. "Uh, here kitty, kitty?" It stayed put. "I wish I had tuna." The cat's ears perked toward Kid Flash, its eyes bright and attentive. "Oh you know the word 'tuna?'" He got a meow in response. The cat nimbly walked along the branch back to the trunk of the tree. "Gotcha!" Kid Flash grabbed the cat and climbed back down the tree, jumping to the sidewalk. "Thank you so much!" The girl took her cat from Kid Flash and kissed its squished face. "It was really sweet of you." "You're sweeter, sugar." Kid Flash winked behind the red tint of his goggles. But before the girl could respond to his flirting, he sped off after Jesse. Time to find out what she's doing.
Round 2 already? lol I sense a trend... XD
Nah it's cool. lol I've been called lame like that anyway. XD I'm more of a tactition than a charge-in-and-fight type most of the time.
Wooden Sword? Ouch... >>
I'm bored. Might as well do this. 8D