Really, guys? We'll have other times we can get closer to Snow. We've just met her. Let's give her the impression that we're a fearless b*stard, and not a coward.
[X] Save. Equip your knife or crow bar (please specify which) and charge after the monster. LEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENKIIIIIIIIIIIINS!
Yeah, I get the studying thing. That's kinda why I'm not dueling for a while. No worries, man. =)
Well, my dad is a drunk, so, anything could happen, really. IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE IT'S CANON
Wait, what? When did this happen? D:
Totally chill, bro.
^^ This
If it were able to send text messages to the past, then we would have already received said texts, so, therefore, we would have to send the exact same text, or else there would be a hole in the space-time continuum. Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff.
^ This
The result of 3 semesters of Latin for me.
You've all probably heard this. Just posting it here. Also: MY BODY WILL NEVER BE READY.
Then what does that make you?
Are you calling registered members pathetic? Also, East Coast for the win.
I think the problem with the duel arena being slow is that school's starting up. I mean, I don't even have time to be on here, let alone duel and RP.
Nothing in Tennessee. I was disappoint.
Kayate is Maki. It's posted in red.
[X] Kill Yourself [X] Equip clothes and search the room.