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  1. P

    The original Wii could lie horizontally too. -_-'

    Oh, and I understand why they're doing this. They're attempting to phase out Gamecube games so that they can sell them on the virtual console.
    Post by: P, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  2. P
    Hussie is doomed to lose. We just learned about Aradiacestor's life. She serves Scratch, doing his bidding, ultimately dying at the Condesce's hands. That kid is Aradiacestor. She has to be raised by Scratch and sent out to do the Aradiacestor stuff. So Hussie is doomed to lose right now. Such a shame, as he was quickly becoming my favourite character.
    Post by: P, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Literature
  3. P
    Personally, I found it to be a weird feature, and never used it. It was kinda cool that I could rename attacks, but the practicality of it wasn't particularly large, and the entertainment value of a different name wasn't too great for me.

    Then again, I'm a bit of a completionist, so it wouldn't feel right to rename them. (Also, I was afraid that it'd be stuck at the new name.)
    Post by: P, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. P
  5. P
    Profile Post

    She shot first.

    She shot first.
    Profile Post by P for Plums, Aug 18, 2011
  6. P
    As others have mentioned, he probably needs time to cool off. What he's currently doing isn't normal behaviour for him, so it's reasonable to suspect that he's under different or stressful circumstances at present. These may be to do with the university, or they may be because of something else. There's the possibility that what you said was so bad, it drove him to do this, but I don't get that impression from your post. You seem to believe that it's external circumstances as well.

    If he's not ready now, it's reasonable to wait a while longer before trying to contact him. He may be more receptive when the pressures he's currently under are removed. I don't know your friend at all, but most people would be hesitant to throw away a three year friendship over a single incident.

    If he does not allow you to reconcile, you can place the blame for the end of the friendship on him, and move on that way. While not a nice outcome, blaming him is far better than breeding self-loathing by blaming yourself, especially if you're prone to depression and the like. Also, he is the one being unreceptive and cold, not you.
    Post by: P, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  7. P
    Imma just leave this here.

    Seriously, read it. It's a really good fan adventure. (Sans a well-characterised Sollux, but hey, can't have everything.)
    Post by: P, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Literature
  8. P
    Added .
    Post by: P, Aug 17, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. P

    In other words, it is to starve.

    Starve while demanding the fair, and die.​

    Erika ran after Jensen and Delilah. It was all she could do, she thought, as she ran one last check through her calculations while dashing down the hallway. The two were the only ones free. While it was unlikely that Jensen was the culprit if he were inebriated, it was possible that it was an act. In any case, if either he or Delilah were the culprit, Erika suspected that the other would now be killed. With everyone else locked up, murdering them would be far too difficult. Furthermore, if they were still locked and sealed, they'd be exonerated.

    Erika arrived at the destination. A bedroom leading out onto a veranda with a balcony. Standing there was Delilah. More importantly, lying on his side in a pool of his own blood, was Jensen. A shot of pure ecstasy ran through Erika. Delight at a clue. Delight at a murder. Signalling Delilah to stand back, she made a hurried walk to the side of the corpse and began her investigation. Knife size and type were noted down mentally, again being careful not to touch the knife itself. The heart appeared to have stopped, but the body was still extremely warm, as was to be expected.

    Time to get a move on, Erika decided, after spending a minute on the body. As with Angela, out came her own knife, and despite the large knife in his stomach, she slipped it across Jensen's neck. Leaving too many potential culprits free to play possum was a recipe for disaster, after all.

    Job done, she turned from the corpse and ran. A full sprint, from Jensen's dead room to the other hall where she left the rest of the cast. The first thing she did was inspect the tape for blemishes. In both cases, the tape was 100%...


    "Pffft. Ha. Haha. HAHAHAHA!!!" Erika couldn't believe it. It was intact. The killer had really, truly, 100% left the tape intact. She couldn't help it. She'd won this easily. She openly laughed. Her scornful voice filled the corridors, as she announced her triumph to the others. "It's okay; you can come out now. I'm ready to make my declaration. I can pinpoint the culprit. Jensen's death makes it all too clear."

    Erika was ready. All she needed now was her audience, and they were behind the doors, going to come out any moment now. Then she'll explain her reasoning to them, they'll be forced to accept her logic, the culprit will be unmasked and the gameboard will crumble. She is, after all, the Detective. All mysteries end in such a way. Were you honestly expecting a different result?

    Post by: P, Aug 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. P
  11. P
    'P's Version' is the one on the first post, no?
    Post by: P, Aug 14, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. P
    My omniscience is one layered in many layers of ironic irony.

    You forgot DF. He'd eviscerate you.

    For those who are wondering, the debate was here.
    Post by: P, Aug 14, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. P
    Oh, that's run-of-the-mill now. Check out some of suggestions, or the Voxli stuff. So many arguments there.
    Post by: P, Aug 14, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. P
    Easier, yeah. But not everyone uses subscriptions, and people almost always reply to VMs. Alternatively, I could record myself saying, "Check the Death Note thread", upload it to YouTube and stick it on autoplay in their rep.
    Post by: P, Aug 14, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. P
    I put a whole bunch of quotes in my signature. Keyblade Spirit (A.K.A. Pillows) decided to counter me, and he never changes his signature.

    My quotes were:

    Post by: P, Aug 14, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. P
    That does tend to be a problem, even for me, when I'm a detective.

    How about we send everyone a VM every day as a reminder? It could be an interesting chance to be creative with our reminder messages.
    Post by: P, Aug 14, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. P
    I have been a very bad player. I do apologise.

    On the upside. I have watched Puella Magi Madoka Magica, so expect references.
    Post by: P, Aug 14, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. P
    If 'O' T-Stances you, are you able to jump?

    That said, I'm not a Coder, so I probably don't appreciate this as much as I should. That said, I've been told doing it requires an incredible amount of effort, so good job.
    Post by: P, Aug 13, 2011 in forum: Video Showcase
  19. P
    Thread by: P, Aug 13, 2011, 22 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  20. P
    I talked to the creator of the plugin and asked him a few questions that will probably help people decide on whether we want to trial now or later.

    Key points
    • New release out in the next week.
    • Will contain 'very intuitive' reporting system.
    • Will contain the option to limit the main chat by Usergroup.
    • The Usergroup settings will allow for the main chat to be turned off entirely.
    • The Usergroup settings will definitely be in the Lite version, but the reporting feature is undecided.
    • There is no direct log viewer currently.

    While I was for trialling immediately, seeing as we're on the cusp of a new release, which will have features that are vital, I now believe that we would be better off waiting and instead revisiting it in a couple of weeks time.
    Post by: P, Aug 11, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance