Search Results

  1. Styx
    That Observer guy is kinda cool. It was a tough decision though.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 17, 2011 in forum: 2011
  2. Styx
    LARiA (with her bizarre prying) is the only one who annoyed me at all.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 17, 2011 in forum: 2011
  3. Styx
    My vote goes to Zter. He tries too hard to be the witty snarker that he isn't.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 17, 2011 in forum: 2011
  4. Styx
    DPWolf as far as I know, but Misty's probably a close second.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 9, 2011 in forum: 2011
  5. Styx
    By choice or by "ZOMG forgot my pill but let's not use a condom because it's less intense that way"?
    I have to know before I congratulate her.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 3, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Styx
    Erase Errata --- Beacon
    Post by: Styx, Aug 3, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  7. Styx
    Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga. I love the game, it just has its extremely hard parts.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 3, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Styx
    It's Atlus...These guys are responsible for the hardest RPG boss ever.
    Heck, that same game features a boss that spams insta-kill spells, debuffs you, buffs himself and does shitloads of damage. And there's another boss right after that one. Of and did I mention that the game considers this as one of its easier fights, and that it did not deem it necessary to provide a save point before the fight?
    Yeah, that's Atlus. An evil, evil corporation.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 1, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Styx
    The arcades I used to play at don't even have video games any more.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 1, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Styx
    Indeed. Animals such as deer and many species of bird don't pair up or mate without a successful FAP first.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 1, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Styx
    Because round trips make you end up in the same place. You go from A to B, and then back from B to A again. Why would they charge people more for a trip that cancels itself out? That doesn't make any sense.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 1, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Styx
    Reminds me of Catherine. The game was so insanely hard that Atlus itself announced a patch to make the game easier.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 1, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Styx
    Pray tell, which game release got delayed?
    Post by: Styx, Aug 1, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Styx
    I assume you have been stuck at the Seymour Flux fight, which is generally considered one of the hardest in the game. You can poison him to make the battle somewhat easier (he's not immune to it). And have all your aeons at the ready with an Overdrive.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 1, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Styx
    Ouch, murdering competition. My vote goes to Dalk (TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees). His first piece was creative and clever, and definitely impressed me. Honourable mention goes to Catch the Rain, who can write high-level poetry without the need to rhyme. When you're up against the likes of those two, you know you don't stand a ghost of a chance... XD
    Post by: Styx, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: 2011
  16. Styx
    Honestly? I don't think they're too special. The red blots don't work well in the first one and it doesn't look "altered" enough, and what the hell is that yellow orb thing randomly doing there in the second piece? Can't say I'm a big fan.

    Wolfie proves her versatility once again. I like the signature, wouldn't mind having something like that myself. Not too sure about the second one. Still, she's among the better graphic artists on KHV. There's no denying that.

    Much like Wolfie, נαуn is one of our most artistically flexible members. Her second piece is brilliant. Beautiful and elegant, exposing just enough of the girl before the smart dots and curls kick in. Lovely.

    I like how Jade can make images colourful but not screamingly so. The first one is vivid yet subtle, and the second one is bold without being an assault to the eyes. Jade knows all the ins and outs of lighting and colour. It shows.

    These are two solid signatures. I can almost copy the comments I made to Jade in regards to his first piece, but I'm not keen on the blur in the bottom right corner.
    The second one looks pretty good, but the words could be more legible. It could use more light/dark contrasts. The whiteness is too dominating. It has an enchanting vibe to it though, and I do like it.

    I am going to quote Fayt here.
    The first piece is quite clever, but the second piece looks more like a nifty experiment than an actual work of art. If he could implement it into something greater and more varied, that would be awesome. He's definitely creative, and never seems to run out of ideas.

    I like them both for a number of reasons, but they're too similar. He shouldn't have entered both in the same contest. I can't say much more about them.

    More variable (or is that chaotic?) than Dalk's second piece but I don't know what to make of it anyway. The second piece is a decent signature, but I dislike the font of YANG. He's a good artist, but not the best of the lot.

    More creative than Laplace's set of signatures, but perhaps less so than Chevalier's. I like the first one better. The purple and green work surprisingly well. The second one is by no means bad, but too basic to hold a candle to some of the other pieces here.

    Tough choice, especially between Jayn and Jade. I tihnk I was more impressed with Jade though.
    Post by: Styx, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: 2011
  17. Styx
    Yeah, I didn't know that. It's a risky piece to send in without the background information.
    Not saying it's bad though. It just feels unfinished.
    Post by: Styx, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: 2011
  18. Styx
    Catch the Rain. If she'd publish, I'd buy. I'm a big fan of her vivid but not exaggerated descriptions, and she has mastered putting atmosphere in her work (with a specialty for somber, sinister ones).
    Post by: Styx, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: 2011
  19. Styx
    This is tough. I have seen better pieces by CtR than the ones in front of me. Then again, I have based myself on the samples when I voted for the best traditional artist, so I have to be consistent here. Sorry, CtR... I know you have talent to spare, but I like Wolfie's samples better.
    Post by: Styx, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: 2011
  20. Styx
    Ploo-Hems is the best of the three, but he may not be the most improved. I think that honour goes to Night171.
    Post by: Styx, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: 2011