The worst is called "A Flame War". Don't even wanna see a bigger one. The internet is full of trolls. They hunger for rage. Anyway, I suggest you just leave them. Oh. Well, if that's the case, never mind. Didn't know this was just a mod enforcing da rules. So the final curtain is revealed. Que- Spoiler
Well, you could improve your spelling in short term by running literally everything you write through Microsoft word. It would slow you down, but help. But then, that's no supplement for learning how to spell correctly. If they're not good friends, leave. There's certainly an almost endless supply of nice people on here, it seems.
Well, better friends would let you leave. I've gotten into situations like this before, sort of. I made an entire RP site, and the admin(It's a long story, but he made the site, and I made the RP, the site was centered around) was never there. He even yelled at me, and insulted me a couple times. Eventually he booted me from the site, and installed this girl I really hated as the new head mod, who said she didn't care about the RP. But, my friends stayed by me, risking getting banned to bring me back. In the end, I became the new admin, along with two others. Perhaps you should get better friends? Not an insult to you or them, however.
Hey, I may join a few others. And I'm sure it'll be fun to RP with you also.
I'm so glad to have joined a forum with a nice, active community. I run a few RP sites of my own, so don't worry about me being this guy- Spoiler [video=youtube;woySeSNBL3o][/video] Anyway, I'll take a look at the rules section, and after look at most of the RP's before I sleep.
Fox is right, people like this will be in RL(In a diffrent way) and in the virtual world. At least in the virtual world there's a mute button.
Spoiler [video=youtube;hWTFG3J1CP8][/video] That^ Somehow reminds me of MineCraft. And that Endermen mob is going to be just another thing that'll scare me every time I peak into the night. After hearing all the stories about the Slender Man. Paranoia Fuel.
Well, I vote PE. I prefer the first, as it has a nice story, and great music. PE2 was fun, but the RE style wasn't my style(Though I love RE). The Third Birthday was fun, but the Story was a little confusing at first. They also didn't touch on the previous games much, but that was something to do with rights. I think. Also, the Twisted remind me of the Ceph from Crysis 2 for some reason. Maybe it's the setting, I dunno.
That's fine, Dark. Thanks for all the help, you've made this alot easier on me.
Hello, I'm Hell-Sing! I'm a fan of KH, and one of my favorite series is Hellsing. I saw some really nice RPs here, and I thought I may join a few. Happy to be here, guys!
Ah. So. I'll contact tC about my app, then it should be A okay?
Thank you for posting! Your post will not be visible until a moderator has approved it for posting. - That's the current message I get for when I...
Ah yes, I plan to have either Aya Brea or Alexander Anderson as my next CCs, if I chose to have another. I think I'll be sticking to one for now,...
You're very welcome. And my messages need to be approved by a mod first, correct?
*Palm to the face* Well, I PM'd it also, just to make sure. I'm new to this kind of site layout. And of course I look forward to RPing with you,...
(OOC: PM'd, thanks for the help. When you respond, I'll post the app in this message, and delete the OOC.)
Well, I'd like to introduce Alucard. While powerful, his personality certainly.... degrades it. He's not exactly a good friend to anyone, though...
(OOC: Sorry about this, I'd like to join the RP, but could I have a few updates on status? A PM would be okay, it would lessen OOC, which can be annoying, I know.)