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  1. Blader
  2. Blader
    So......................................................... Maybe it's just my fan-crazed mind or something, but I would've thought somebody(besides the moderator) would have AT least tried to do this. Again, probably just me, freaking out over something not that important to some people. Okay,okay... Well I've good and bad news. Good News: I've probably selected one of the names. Maybe. But! having one and only one result to be based off of, there's very little for me to use. So, people and readers out there, I'm almost ready to beg to you to try and do this. Tell ya what. Let's cut a deal. 9 reply for said contest, and I'll upload chapter UNO! (I know someone here is excited! I just-uh- can't see you yet!) So, there you have it! Now, my question is: Deal? Or No Deal?
    Post by: Blader, Jul 22, 2011 in forum: Archives
  3. Blader
    Profile Post

    can ya see it now?

    can ya see it now?
    Profile Post by Blader for Beucefilous, Jul 20, 2011
  4. Blader
    Profile Post

    one sec...

    one sec...
    Profile Post by Blader for Beucefilous, Jul 20, 2011
  5. Blader
  6. Blader
  7. Blader
  8. Blader
    demyx. I made Sora eat his words twice... then got beat twice... Xemnas? only the riku part. i died 3 times. oddly, i never ever used Mickey. weird.
    Post by: Blader, Jul 20, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Blader
    Update report!

    So, it's been a while... Yeah..., (shrugs) sorry. Sorta hit a writer's block realizing I'm outta canon, when I'm supposed to be in canon. HOO-boy. So, who's up for a contest?
    Okay, so I need two names for my characters.
    The first a combination of Xion and Xigbar. The second, a combination of Xion and Demyx.
    1) keep a X. (orgXIII)
    2) make it feminine(of course)
    3) be creative! Take out or switch letters, add Latin or Japanese! Show me, something unique.
    Two winners will be chosen from this chapter and the other arc. The final four will narrowed to two names, one for each character. The winners will recurve a kingdom hearts fan-fic or seris written by me(as per their direction)personally. So either reply, or PM me on these. Leave your name submission, and good luck!
    Post by: Blader, Jul 17, 2011 in forum: Archives
  10. Blader
    Update report!

    Sorry guys(and gals)... I've been a slacker... Just kidding. Chapter UNO has been uin the works, and I had to add a giant flashback (it takes up five Word pages. Yeah, it's big. But, it was needed..) Anyways, I've have contest for all you loyal or new readers. It's simple. There are two characters I need new names for. So, it's up to you people to make them. Alright? Ready? Here's the names and rules. First name: a combination of the names Xion and Xigbar. The second, a combination of the names Xion and Demyx. Rules:
    1) has to have a X in the name.(reference to orgXIII)
    2) must be feminine. (of course)
    3) be creative. Adding or removing letters is fine. Throw in some Latin or Japanese! The more creative, the better!

    Either reply or give a Pm. Leave your name, or names, and I'll decide.

    Finally, two winners from this arc and the original will be chosen as the final four. Two names will then be chosen. The winners will have a kingdom hearts fan-fic or series written by me, personally. I'll do pairings, but keep it straight people, no yaoi or yuri. Nuh-uh. Good luck!
    Post by: Blader, Jul 17, 2011 in forum: Archives
  11. Blader
    I see the validity of your point, but I'd disagree. Not I'm not saying fully playable, nor not playable at all. Leave the main campaign to Sora and Riku, yeah, but if you wanna just mess around some, throw Kairi in. Just for it. Not like tifa or Yuffie and have killer attacks at the beginning, there has to leveling of course. Let her grow as she needs to too. You could still play as Sora, and perhaps you need to use him for a particular fight, but you could still use Kairi for other pieces of the game. Here's an inconsistency: kh2 Kairi's all like, "you guys are NOT ditching me next time!" and, "wherever one goes, the other follows. Got it?" come 3-ds, she hands over the charm and is all," it's okay. I understand. You have to leave. So, bye!" okay, maybe it's me, or is THAT a complete 180 of her? Then again, she may show up, and if she does, I'll probaly be fist-pumping, saying boo-yah and loving every second of it.(yes, I'm a guy.) so, to all the anti-Kairi/Xion fans, cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it.
    Post by: Blader, Jul 17, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Blader
    Interested? Duh! Of course I am. Being a guy(I was rather surprised to find most kh fans are female... O_O) I wasn't gonna buy a 3-ds cause of money and I was going to have sell a system. Well, I'm now going to e-bay or donate my wii and get a 3-ds. Dang it! It's not that I didn't want to get this, it's the fact that it's on another system. Marketing and awesomeness. Curses upward-wall running ability... Was hoping for Riku and Kairi as partners, and nada. And the fact that the two names are edited out of the second article, I'm ticked off at that one. Mostly cause' I don't who they are. Here's too either Vincet, Irvine or Xion being partners...
    Post by: Blader, Jul 17, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Blader
    Either just Roxas and Xion (just friends nothing romantic) or the both of them taking on a heartless. Rather simple.
    Post by: Blader, Jul 13, 2011 in forum: Art Shop
  14. Blader
    I'm looking for a Xion and Roxas sig. Thanks!
    Thread by: Blader, Jul 12, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  15. Blader
    Well, that sucks. Shoulda been wi-fi! But, whatever.
    Post by: Blader, Jul 12, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Blader
    Really? Hello? Anyone out there? -runs into glass door- oh, there's a door there... So anyone out there?
    Thread by: Blader, Jul 12, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Blader
  18. Blader
    Profile Post

    What is up?

    What is up?
    Profile Post by Blader for Roxas&Sora4E, Jul 12, 2011
  19. Blader
  20. Blader
    Uh, yes! I still has a PS2 from 2001, I think. I play kh1, cause it's awesome, and cause Sora has the awesome attacks, kh2 cause almost everything is mapped to the triangle, still got the gba COM, re:COM, days, BBS, and that's it. Not getting re:coded. Ds highlight reel. Nor(even though I really want to) am I getting 3D. Not shelling for another station on which, i'll one fav game. Atleast, my ps2 has gran turismo4 and sly Cooper and star wars battlefront I and II. Okay, I know I'm cheap, but ps3's are expensive... Kh1 is awesome though. Personal fav. Never did like the card system in com. Everything else is good, but cards to me suck...
    Post by: Blader, Jul 8, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts