Gamestop isnt the only place mostly any game store has it
If you think about it, there is actually another trio, Axel, Roxas, and Xion, they are another trio that might be possible, so that would be 12 active fighters.
You need to have a seperate game, i.e. Codebreaker, AR Max, Gameshark, something like that. Thats the code device you use to put the codes in then you have to put in KH2 after, you can find these games at most any GameStop
I dont think that I have a favorite, Coded was eh, Chain of Memories was the best, 358/2 days was different but very enjoyable, ad Birth By Sleep was just down-right sick.
I want to play as Mickey more, and maybe play as Dark Riku, that would be way awesome, Kairi wouldnt really be that good of a character in my eyes
I reconnected with you, my wifey(; oh cool(:
silly willy(: why??? nope(:
I noticed why is that? I am fantastic(:
(: :3 not much, you?(:
haha(; haha your silly thanks(:
i can tell :3 haha silly(:
;DD Great, how are you ma'am?
suree(: haha cool?
(: lets see, sister volleyball game, then gettung our trailer ready for camping how about you cutie? :3
I might(: haha okay(;
hahaha okay(: never heard of it you sure?(;
so?(: I know :/ nice! what song? drugs are bad :3
thats good(: wanna talk about any of it haha babysitting, again :/ you?
:D I am great!(: how are you?
is the world gonna end on Saturday? No, some stupid church wanted publicity and made this up. Is the world gonna end in 2012? No, the Mayans ran out of rock to put a freakin calender