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  1. Slycrg
    I know I didn't CREATE them that's why I said made/found because I edited existing codes
    Also the last two codes arnt in the threads or at the front of this page. I put them here because of that and because I thought people would want to know like I did.
    But I do understand your need to point out possible plagiarism and trust me I had no intention of claiming the codes as my own
    Post by: Slycrg, Jul 3, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Slycrg
    Here are some room warp codes I found/made
    Room of Sleep
    E002FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 00001b04

    These ones I made by editing the values of pre-existing codes
    Garden Of Assemblage
    Edit- found code that does warp you directly
    E002FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 00001A04
    (Warning! Do not attempt to enter Hollow Bastion from here as you will fall through a world hole)

    This code is for cavern of remembrance corridors
    E002FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 00001904

    All Jokered to R2
    Post by: Slycrg, Jul 2, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Slycrg
    Is there a way to fuse wisdom forms swaying animation with another form because I want to have a form that "dances" but wisdom form T-stances when attacking with another moveset

    Edit- does someone know the warp code for the room of awakening?

    Second edit- and a room warp code for the garden of assemblage
    Post by: Slycrg, Jul 1, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Slycrg
    Yeh iv been using the joint mod but it dosn't work for both hands. And I'll see if I can work out the other problems. Possibly have too many codes running at the same time.
    (Lol Iv just been watching your videos too. Can I get the codes for some of them?)
    Post by: Slycrg, Jun 30, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Slycrg
    Does someone know a music mod that works on the ps2? The one in the attachments freezes the game. Also DW Roxas dosn't work either and I don't know if I'm doing something wrong. Oh and is there a code for backwards dual wielding? I've seen vids of it but can't find a code.
    Post by: Slycrg, Jun 30, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Slycrg
  7. Slycrg
  8. Slycrg
  9. Slycrg
  10. Slycrg
  11. Slycrg
  12. Slycrg
  13. Slycrg
  14. Slycrg
  15. Slycrg
  16. Slycrg
  17. Slycrg
  18. Slycrg
  19. Slycrg
    I agree that all the fillers are important.
    Without days there would be a giant story hole with Roxas since Kh 2 only gave short flash backs on him leaving the organization.

    COM was definitely needed because about HALF of the organization was eliminated in the game.

    Birth by Sleep isn't really a filler and ties in well with the kh storyline while still providing a very stand alone adventure.

    Coded is the only game that I think wasn't needed but still explains why the King wrote the letter and ends the Namine loop quite well.

    As for Dream Drop Distance we will just have to wait and see although I'm positive that this is the final game before Kh 3. They can't seriously make another filler unless it's about Terra, Aqua and Ven again.
    Post by: Slycrg, Apr 5, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  20. Slycrg